Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Patience, My Dear.....

I keep telling myself that every day because in three weeks.... I'M GOING TO VEGAS!!!!! I'm so excited I can't even explain it. I had a best friend growing up and she is turning 40. She now lives in Vegas and invited me and a bunch of other people out there to visit and party with her. I really didn't think I was going to be able to go, and truly the financial part of it's probably more than I need to spend this year, but I'm going. It may take too long to pay off my credit card, but I'm going. I'll spend as little as possible when I'm there, but I'm going!!!!

The best part, even though seeing my friend and celebrating her birthday will be amazing... I have a cousin who lives there. The last time I saw this cousin was at her wedding 11 years ago. I've never met her gorgeous kids. I can't wait to see her and meet those beautiful kids!!! I have another cousin who lives in southern California.... she and her husband and her baby are coming to visit that weekend too!!!!!! I've never met her husband or son. I can't wait to get my hands on that kid!!!!

So basically, I'm more excited about this upcoming trip than I've ever been about a vacation in my life! I'm trying not to let it interrupt my life, but it's definitely at the forefront of my mind. I can't believe it. I'm going to VEGAS!!!!!! In the meantime... patience, my dear... patience....

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Yes, I'm That Kind Of Crazy....

I know this blog isn't about knitting anymore, and I'm ok with that, I just need an outlet to unleash some thoughts and maybe even put down some goals to hold myself accountable. Ok? Ok.

So as the new me becomes an athlete, I'm learning something... I need goals. I just don't function without a race to train for!!! I did SOOO great training for my half marathon and it turned out perfect. Then I said for the next two months or so I was still going to run but I was going to focus more on strength, right? Right. Well, let's see how that's going.... it's just a little unfocused. Not that I haven't been working out, I truly have, but I just feel like I'm floundering! This week I didn't get to workout on Tuesday which is a unusual, but it was a work meeting thing, so from Sunday to Thursday I hadn't exercised... and it was killing me! Today was rainy, 45 degrees, and windy and I ended up running 6 miles! I needed that SOOOO bad! I don't want to skip another workout for a while, that was brutal!!! Also, the week after my half, I was at my goal weight... now I'm 2.5 pounds heavier again!! I know it's not all about the scale, but I swear I do feel the difference and I don't want some of my old bad habits to start creeping back in, so I'm sticking with my eating and workout plan until I get back and under my goal!

So I'm making another plan. I don't have the date of the first race I'm planning next spring, but it will be another half marathon in April (again with my awesome college roomie). Then after that I'm planning the 25k (15.5 miles) in Grand Rapids (the Fifth Third Riverbank Run) which is May 12. After THAT.... I'm going to find a marathon to train for! Yup, I said it. Next fall, probably September or October, I will find and train and run a full marathon. 26.2 miles. I won't set a time goal, I will just train to finish as strong as I can. I'm that kind of crazy.

Ok, now that I've actually said it in "writing" I feel like the goal is set. I will achieve this just like I have in the last year! I started by just wanting to run a 5k.... two years later I'll be running a marathon. At age 40. Because I'm an athlete now. And I'm crazy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wow, I Really Need A Break....

I can't believe I keep forgetting to blog! Guess it's a good thing I don't get paid for it.... of course if I did I might remember to DO it!!! LOL!

Anyway, since my last post I did something I'm pretty freaking proud of... I ran a half marathon! And I finished in 2 hours 16 minutes, which is WAY faster than I thought I could run. Yup, I'm pretty proud of myself! So since then I've been cutting back on running and working on some cross training just to keep myself as fit as possible. I will pick back up the training for another race around the first of the year. I've got two races I want to do, another half marathon in April and a 25k in May. In case you don't get the conversion, a 25k is 15.5 miles and since the half marathon is 13.1, I know I can do it! Will it be hard? Absolutely, but that's what makes me want to do it. I need a challenge and this will work! I'm going to need to gear up for winter so I can run all season long, but that's just part of the training. I really can't run on a treadmill anymore, so getting in those winter/snowy/rainy/dark runs will just be part of the experience! I'm sure I'll have some stories for you soon!!!!

Last weekend I went down to WMU for Homecoming and it was so much fun! Met a few friends and some new people too and tailgated and played drinking games and enjoyed a Bronco win all while getting sunburned (yes, in October)(yes, I had sunscreen in the car) and totally loving every minute! Part of my new life is just being comfortable in my own skin and seeing people I hadn't seen in nearly 20 years was kind of surreal and made me feel just amazing. Seriously makes me wish my class reunion had been this year instead of last summer!! LOL!

Anyway, I'm 2 pounds away from what I'm calling my "goal" weight. I think I'm stopping here because I feel amazing, I'm technically a "healthy" weight, I'm wearing a size 4 and what else can an almost-40-year-old Mom ask for????? I really hope everyone I know and love can get to this place at somepoint in their life, because it feels terrific!!!! I might even be inspiring my Mom which would be amazing to me!!!! So get out there and start moving... you WON'T regret it!!!!!

Now I need a vacation...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm Busy, So Sue Me....

Yup, so there's been a lot going on in my life and I haven't updated this since before I went to the most amazing concert ever!!!! That weekend was AWESOME! I spent some much needed girl time with my awesome friend, saw not one but TWO cool concerts (total of 6 bands) and drank too much beer. I relaxed, I screamed, I ate, I enjoyed. That's what the good things in life are all about, in my opinion. Life is good.

So, the summer wrapped up like usual, running around trying to get everything together at the last possible second and panicking that the weather decided that my plan to not buy jeans for a few more weeks was not acceptable so I sent my son to school in shorts when it was 45 degrees out in the morning. Yup, I'm supermom. NOT!!!! Anyway, we got him a pair tonight so he can wear them to the big football game tomorrow night.

Speaking of football, I love this time of year. I only have one kid playing this year so it's much easier to keep track of, but that doesn't slow us down. We'll still see many of the varsity games because, let's face it, there's not much else to do as a family in a small town, and we all love football!!!! Tomorrow evening is the big East/West game here in our town where the two high schools play each other. We root for West, and both teams are really good. We get to be the home team this time. This is good so we don't have to face the sunset. I love football.

In two weeks I will be running my first half marathon. This both excites me and freaks me out! I know I can finish, I just hope I make a good time. I have a goal, and I think I can do it, but it still freaks me out a little. My college roomie is coming to run with me. She's not a newbie like me. I miss her! We haven't seen each other in just over two years. The before and after pics will be coming!!!! We've both lost weight and shaped up in the past two years!!!

Speaking of weight loss, I'm still losing. I want to lose a little more, but people are telling me I don't need to lose more. I'm having a hard time comprehending how they know what my ideal weight should be just based on looking at me fully clothed. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I'm still not quite satisfied at my current weight and would like to lose another 5-10 but don't want to look like a skeleton either. I still have quite a belly (thanks genetics!) which I know doesn't really show when I'm dressed, but I still see it. I hope this isn't just a body image thing, and I don't seriously think it is, but I just think a few more pounds would be perfect. Of course, if my body rebelled and said this is where I should stay, I would be fine with that. I think. I'm just confused, but I'm hoping I'll know when I should stop once I get there. There's no science to my choosing a goal weight, I just can't find an answer on this anywhere, but I'm finally into my "healthy" BMI range (which isn't exactly rocket science) and I'd like to be well into that range, I guess. See, no science, just a feeling.

My knee hurts from my run today. Crazy how that just popped into my head. I'm so random. If you've kept up with this post, I commend you. I scored two pair of nice jeans for myself at the new Goodwill store in my town this week. Today I put on one pair and found a dollar in the pocket. God is good!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Finally Almost Time!!!

A million and a half weeks ago, my best friend emailed and asked if I wanted to accompany her to the Kenny Chesney concert on August 20 and of course I said "HELL YES!!!!". I think that's a direct quote. Anyway, after weeks and months of waiting... the time is almost here!!!! I'm giddy with anticipation. Seriously, I have a major relationship with Kenny... in my mind, of course. We've never met, but I love him. Truly, madly, deeply. If I would have met him before I met my wonderful husband... let's just say I wouldn't be living in little old Michigan!!!! Anyway... the show is Saturday and tomorrow morning (after I get my long run in and out of the way) I'm driving over to spend the weekend with my bestie and we are going to have so much fun together!

Yes, this is the third time I'll have seen him in concert. Yes, all three will be with said friend. Yes, she is my hero for getting us tickets. And yes, I will be screaming at the top of my lungs for several hours on Saturday. I will probably not be able to talk much on Sunday. If you know me, you know how rare this is. Yes, I've been obsessing for two weeks about what I'm going to wear to this event. Yes, I'm aware that it really makes no difference as he won't actually see me. No, it doesn't matter... I'm still fretting as I pack!!!!

I'm a little nuts, but I just may be the lunatic he's looking for!!! Wait, that's another artist... drat! Kenny... I'm coming baby... hold on to your hat!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lazy Crazy Hazy Days of Summer...

Well, it's been a long hot summer, and that's alright with me!!! There's been nothing earth shattering to write about except a tragically bad decision my younger son made a couple days after I wrote my last post which has basically left me shocked and completely numb to be honest. I won't get into it here, but suffice it to say, he's in trouble. Big trouble. He's already been grounded for a month. He can't wait for school to start. He better have learned his lesson!!!!

Anyway, the rest of my life has been really boring since I work all day and run when I need to train and that's about it. I have managed a few walks along the boardwalk, a girls night out with my neighborhood girls and a couple of dinner dates with my husband. We even saw the last Harry Potter movie at the theater for our anniversary date! We celebrated our 17th anniversary a couple weeks ago which I'm pretty proud of. Other than that, it's been business as usual.

So this will be short and sweet, I just didn't realize it had been this long since I posted!!! This coming weekend is one I've been looking forward to for months. Going to my dear friend's house for the weekend and we have tickets for TWO different concerts!!! Friday night we'll see the J. Geiles band and Saturday is KENNY CHESNEY!!!! If you know me... you know how much I love that man... it's slightly bordering on obsessive, but it's all good. I even found out that Zac Brown Band is opening, which I also love, so it should be an amazing weekend for sure! I'll see if I can take some pics....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Not Much....

Not much new going on in la-la land. Oh, I'm still running.. haven't missed a training run, but really that's about it! I had a week of vacation in which I accomplished squat-nothing... I went back to work and it was the same old stuff-different day... just nothing new in my life! I guess that's ok, but I'm totally bored right now! I'm ready for some adventure... but it will have to wait. Reality can really suck sometimes.

But... on the other hand... in the past year, I've lost 40 pounds. I've become a runner. I've transformed by body from a chubby size 14/16 to a size 6. I've learned how to take care of this temple and gift from God called the human body. I've inspired others to take better care of themselves. I've used every opportunity available to raise my voice in song. I've maintained friendships with some of the best people on this earth. I've cheered for my children, cried for them, and enjoyed them often. I've danced in the rain. I've read a lot of books. I've watched some really bad tv. I've watched the first three Twilight movies about a million times each. Not much, but it's my life.

All in all... it's just fine. Someday I hope to be able to say I live the life of adventure I long for... and today is nowhere near that day. I'm ok with that for the most part. But sometimes, it feels like life is just passing by. Somedays it feels like there's just not much to say. Today is one of those days... Today not much happened.

Maybe tomorrow.....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Another One Bites The Dust....

That's how I felt after I ran the Zeeland Zoom 5k last night! Since I hadn't really been training for speed (that 1/2 marathon is my main focus right now) and I only ran my last 5k three and a half weeks ago, my goal was just to finish around 30 minutes. So I ran a couple of easy miles (training plan called for 5 total for the day) and walked around for a good hour before the race. The weather was perfect. It's was in my town so I was familiar with the streets. It's a super flat course, so I knew I could finish strong. I was feeling good! I'd gotten a free entry from my chiropractor's office so I didn't even have to pay!!! Woohoo!

So I found a couple friends from church at the starting line and we talked about how fast we were hoping to finish. I figured we'd be all pretty close together, so I wasn't worried even though we were pretty close to the front. Closer than I usually am. Then the gun went off. My friend Lori was off like a shot (this didn't surprise me, she's a speedy one!) and I just focused on my music and my breathing. My pace was good, quick, but good. I felt really good on that first mile and knew I was heading to beat my last best time. Just before mile 2 I realized I had to use the bathroom. Not a little bit... I had to PEE!!!! Oh my goodness... what the heck to do????

Yup, I kept going. And going... and by the time I was finished with the race, I still had to pee soooo bad.... it was not pretty!!! I finished a little quicker than my last race, but I seriously think if I'd have been running on an empty bladder I could have run even faster. Who knows, I finished and that's all that really matters! So now off to finish the rest of my training. I'm thinking about another 5k in a few more weeks.. if I do this one it will be on hills, so I'm not exactly sure if I'll do it, but the challenge might be worth it!!!

But next time... bathroom just before the starting gun... no matter what!!!!

Oh, and I got myself a new handy-dandy heart rate monitor. It's a cool little watch/chest strap combo that monitors your heart rate and tells you exactly how your training is going and how many calories you're burning. I've been wanting one for a while, but finally splurged. I'm hoping it gets me training in the right zones so I don't overdo it but continue to increase my fitness levels as time goes on. The last thing I need is to become another statistic of someone who looks like they are fit and has a heart attack on the sidewalk! No kidding, that happens a lot. I'm hoping this will stop that from happening. Although, I must admit, I was pushing really hard last night!!! Felt good... still feel good, so I'm ok.

I have a little date night planned with my sister tomorrow... I'm hoping we have a blast seeing a band that a friend of mine from college has that's playing a bunch of old 80's alternative music! We used to listen to just that type of music back in high school, so this should be insteresting! Plus, I don't get out much... we should have fun!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Heaven Help Us....

My son got his learner's permit yesterday. That means he can drive. With a parent (or designated adult over 21) and closely supervised, but he is on the road. With other cars. In traffic sometimes. On the highways. Yup, I'm nervous. Who wouldn't be??? But you know what? He's pretty good. For a beginner. And he's still just that, a beginner. So say a prayer and watch out for my little white minivan... he's probably behind the wheel!!! Heaven help us!!!!

On another note, heaven got another angel this week. A dear lady I have known for many, many years passed away. She was the nicest lady in our little neighborhood and ALWAYS had a smile for all of us. Her three kids are dear friends and we grew up doing all sorts of crazy things together... I won't get into all that here, but suffice to say I still love these three so much! Two of them stood up in my wedding!!!! Anyway, their Mom is now an angel watching us from heaven instead of the front door.. or the window... or the kitchen counter. I can honestly say she is the kind of Mom I hope to be. She was one of a kind, and we will all truly miss her. The only shining light on losing her now, is that she was really sick. She had dimentia and ALS. The last 2 years were hard for the entire family, and she is now at rest. This is good, but it doesn't mean the loss is less difficult. So we will celebrate her life, grieve with her family and friends, and thank God for the time we had with Sandy. Take care of her, Father... and use this new angel wisely!!!!

I hit a new weight loss goal today, I'm not sharing my actual numbers here just yet, but know that I'm smaller than my wedding weight. Actually, I'm smaller than I've been in so long I can't remember the last time I was this weight! Kind of amazing, but also a little sad. I'm shooting to continue at this point and see where my body settles in. I think I have another 10 pounds to lose, but we'll see. When I'm done, I'll try to post a before and after. I don't have a good before, but there's one that I think might work... I'll need to do some cropping, but it might give you an idea of where I've come from!!!!

I'm on vacation for the next nine days, so if something comes to me that I want to share, I'll have more freedom to write. Hoping to pick up my guitar again this week.. and get a pedicure... and clean my house... and hit the pool or waterpark... yes, I have big goals! God bless you, and Sandy... say hi to my Dad if you see him up there!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lessons Learned????

This post is about something I'm not good at.... saying no. It's a lesson that I've tried to learn in the past couple of years and while I'm getting better at it, I still haven't mastered it. I think it's a girl thing. Or a mom thing. Maybe just a me thing. I like to be needed! I love to do things for other people. But sometimes I have to say no. I just can't do everything for everyone!!! Especially if I need to take care of myself and my family. They really should come first, after all!!!!

But this spring I got roped into something of which I'm pretty proud. I have a friend from my church who is an awesome single dad. He has two teenagers that he is raising alone. He's doing a great job! His kids are polite, smart, eager to help others, friendly, and involved in church. This fall, my friend (who is a youth group leader himself) was hurt, at youth group! His foot was toast. He's since been off work, had two surgeries and has now lost his job due to having to take so much time off. He's broke. His daughter graduated. There was no way he could do a graduation party. My Bible study group wanted to help. I was volunteered to lead the effort. I didn't say no. She really deserved a party!

So, I planned the party. I shopped for the party (thanks to the financial donations of the ladies of my Bible study group.) I rented the room for the party. I basically put on the party. Did I mention everyone was mysteriously out of town or busy with other engagements??? Yup. I had two ladies come and help decorate. One brought veggies. The rest was me. Well, the Dad did make food and his Mom did too (yum) but the rest was me. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm really not that great of a party planner, but rather to show that I'm a slow learner. I needed to say no. This was stress I didn't need!!! But I really like this family. They don't deserve all the things that are happening to them. It really wasn't hard to do. I didn't spend much of my own money, just some time. What's time and a little effort to help someone in need???? I'm glad I did it. So sometimes it's ok to say yes. Sometimes it's good to feel needed. Sometimes, you just need to do the right thing.

I don't know if I learned my lesson. Mainly because I don't know which lesson I was supposed to learn! Am I taking on too much? Sometimes. Is it good to help people in their time of need? Yes! Even if that means you don't get your laundry or grocery shopping done for the week? Sometimes, that's ok too.... I'll make up for the groceries tomorrow, and as for the laundry... good thing we all have extra clothes!!!!

So I'm looking forward to a weekend with nothing planned. Then I send one kid away for a youth group trip for a week and the other finishes driver's ed and starts a temporary part time job!!!! After that... I'm taking a week off. I need a break!!!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer's HERE!!!

Yup, it's finally summer in West Michigan! It's been a rainy and chilly spring, so this warm up is just what I needed to get in the mood to really get outside! For me, summer is about long walks, bike rides, ice cream and the water. We were hoping to get our boat out last weekend, but both of our cars broke down. Yup, both of them. At the same time. It was not fun at all. Got hubby's car fixed on Friday and mine will be picked up in the morning, but it's been a stressful couple of days. Oh well, it's only money.. right???

So today officially started the training for my first half marathon. The race will be September 24. I'm pumped about it, but nervous too. I really think I can do it and make a respectable time, but I have a ton of training to do. I have a plan, and I think I can stick to it, but it's more running than I've ever done, so let the adventure begin!!!! Tonight was a "2 miles easy" night, which meant my pace was around 12 minute miles. That's not as hard as it was a few months ago, so I'm happy about that, but with the heat and humidity I was literally dripping when I got home!!! Tomorrow is a "non-running" day, which I still hope to get in a workout at the gym with the weights. I found a great standing ab/core workout the other day in a magazine that I'm eager to use. I've done it twice, but with some regular sessions I am hoping to see some inches off my tummy and waist! Besides, a strong core really helps runners... and that's another great reason to do the workout!

I'm sure I'll post more about my training runs as they get harder, and longer, and faster... so if it bores you, I apologize. Truly I just want to be the best me I can be... and running is making me stronger inside and out. What more can I ask for???? Besides... there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a hot mama, right?

Gotta go get the hubby soon since I have his car and mine's still at the shop. Hope you have a great night!!! TTFN.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Well, I Did It!!!!

I ran a 5k yesterday to benefit Wings of Mercy. It was a really nice, flat course and a beautiful summer morning!!! My goal was to beat my last 5k time, which was 36:37 back in October. I knew I could do it, but wasn't exactly sure if I could be under 30 minutes. Well, I pushed really hard and I did it!!! I came in at 29:35 and I was so proud of myself! Came in 12th of 23 in my age group and realized that if I can knock off another 5 minutes I may just be at the top of my group at my next race!!!! Not sure if that will happen this summer, but what an incentive!!!!

Because I'd only ran the 5k yesterday, instead of a long run like I usually do, I kind of felt like I needed to run today. Usually on Sunday's I go to the gym and lift weights for a while, so today I ran up there (1.5 miles) and lifted and ran home. It was great! Just enough running to feel like I did it but not so much that I was over tired or stressed, and plenty of time to lift as well!!! I'm turning into a fitness person, and I wouldn't have guessed that was ever possible.

Time for laundry and dinner! I love weekends... but they are NEVER long enough!!!!

Oh, side note, my baby starts driver's ed tomorrow. I think I may feel older than ever before. He's totally excited, and I'm just his old lady now!!!!! Life is moving too fast....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What The?????

How have I not blogged in so long? I don't know, it's been a little crazy. Anyway... so what's new? Tom finished up his freshman year at Summit and has decided to go to Zeeland West next year. He has my blessing on this, but it still scares me. I know being at Summit was good for him this year and as much as I think another year wouldn't have hurt, this is his decision and he has valid reasons for going back to be at the "normal" school. Such big changes, but his maturity is starting to show and I'm so proud of the young man he's becoming. He also started driver's ed next week, and while I'm nervous, he's so excited and proud of himself for earning it. He needed to pass his classes before I'd pay for it... he did, so now I pay!

We had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Jim was home for most of it and David played with the band in his first parade! He looked so cute out there. They got really hot during, but it was good. Our town's parade isn't super long, so that's good, and we were able to park near enough that the walk back to the car wasn't horrible. After the parade I took my first of what I hope are many walks on the Grand Haven pier. It was busy but it was still a great walk. The weather is finally looking and feeling more like summer and I am so thankful for that!!! Being cold is just not fun for me at all!!!

So today we had a bit of a problem. On Monday Jim's muffler fell off. Not completely, but it's hanging on by a thread and needs desparately to be fixed. We took it in when he got back in town today, only to have my heater core go out. So instead of getting his muffler done tomorrow, my car is in the shop! Hopefully that won't cost a fortune and we can still get the muffler fixed. I don't think God wants me to have money. That's ok, I'd just like to have enough in the bank that when this stuff happens I don't panic. Like now. I'm panicking!!!! Well, not really, but we really just can't afford this right now... I'm trusting God will provide, but it's not easy.

Doing another 5k on Saturday, and this one is with my awesome sister!!! It will be her first, and I am so excited to be able to be there at the finish line cheering her on!!! I think we'll probably start together, but I'm sure my pace will be faster, and that's ok. My hope is to have somebody take our pic together when we're done (I know she doesn't like this idea, but maybe she'll change her mind then?) so I can brag her up!!!! Just finishing is such an accomplishment, and I know she will do great. I'm hoping to shave off a little time from my last one (back in October which was 36:37) so we'll see what kind of pace I can keep up! I don't know if I can yet, but I'm hoping to break 30!!!! We'll see, and I won't be upset if I don't.... at least not that upset!

Oh, and on another note... the new Chaco sandals I got with my birthday money are AMAZING!!!!!!! Highly recommend!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shoe Update...

Ok, this is going to be a boring post, but I just wanted to say that I'm officially in LOVE with my new shoes!!!! Seriously, it's sad, but that's how I roll!!!!

Thursday last week I was able to get my self some new walking sandals at Gazelle Sports. There were two styles I tried and while they were both nice, I ended up with Chacos. They are so cute and super comfy! I just know I'll be walking tons of miles in them for many many years!!! And with purply straps... what more could I ask for???? Awesome!

Then I also found some new work shoes... and I found a pair of Clark's at Shoe Carnival!!! Even on sale! They are just so comfy and look nice with my new pants, so I'm all set!

Ok, that's really it. My life is so boring right now... just working a lot and dealing with teenagers which is more stressful than I ever imagined, but I still love them. Might be taking in a movie tomorrow if I can fit it in. Then we need to go to graduation at my son's school. It's a whole honor's dinner and stuff, so it should be quite an experience! I'll let you know.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Better Week...

Yes, it's been a better week. Hubby was gone all weekend, so no big Mother's Day spoiling for me, but the boys and I spent the afternoon with my sis and her family and our Mom. That was really nice! The weather has been beautiful and my new clothes are making me feel skinny and I love it!

Tomorrow is going to be shoe shopping day. I need new summer sandals that I can really walk in this year. Last year I spent a lot of time in my flip-flops and my feet and legs did NOT like me. I plan on walking a ton again this summer, so it's off to the really good shoe store and spend some cash on a great pair of sandals that I can walk hundreds of miles in! One of my favorite things to do in the summer is walk, especially because I live so close to a couple of nice beaches and boardwalks. I also like wearing shorts or capri pants, so sandals are much cuter than socks and tennies (in my opinion) so I want to feel good about what's on my feet! So my plan is to find those tomorrow along with a new pair of work shoes in brown because I got a new pair of pants that look really bad with black shoes. Just sayin!!!!

Also tomorrow I think I'm going to take the boys to Holland to watch the Tulip Time parade. We'll probably also get some junk food while we're down there.. at least they will, we'll see if I can resist the temptations!!!! I wonder how long I'll have to run to work off an elephant ear???? Maybe I should look that up!

So I signed up for my next race. Another 5k in Muskegon on June 4! The best part about this one... my sister is going to do it with me!!!! Oh yes! I'm so excited, this will be her first!!!! What an honor and inspiration she is! So happy she decided to start running, I really know how hard it is, but I think it will be a great thing for her health, and that's super important to me!!!!

So overall... a much better week!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Freaking DID IT!!!!

I ran my first 10k this morning!!! I've been training for this since the beginning of February so I knew I could do it, but until you actually get there, it's nerve-wracking!!!

So this morning... I got up and had my breakfast, got dressed, did my thing... got downtown early to find a parking place. It's the first day of Tulip Time, so I knew I'd have to walk a bit, but it was good. I walked over to the start/finish line, and the 5k had already started. About 5 minutes later the first 5k finishers were crossing the line and the crowd was cheering, even me! I stood there and watched all kinds of people cross that line and I was so happy for all of them!

About 20 minutes before the 10k was supposed to start I dashed over to the potty for a final pit-stop. Then back to the line. We waited a few extra minutes for the last 5k racers to finish and then I lined up at the back of the pack and we were off!!! The whole group took off at a good pace and I stayed right with a bunch for a little bit. After the first mile I was still passing a few people, but my pace seemed to even out a bit. I was checking my gps for my pace every mile or two and it was what I wanted, so I kept going. I need to work on gulping water while running, I did really bad and only got about one swallow at each of the water stations, but I think it helped! Had to tie one of my shoes again at mile 2, but it didn't seem to slow me down much.

There were people that passed me and people I passed. I just kind of kept my head in the game and pushed really hard! There were some hills, but not too bad, and about a mile into a headwind which made me very thankful for all that windy training!!! I ended up 17th in my age category, which doesn't sound great, but I was happy with that because my official chip time was 1:04:27!!!! I was training to come in under 1:15, but I blew that out of the water!!!! I was so happy... I still am! Floating is about how I feel and I think I'll let that stick around a while longer.

So now what. I can say that this will not be my last race, not by a long shot. It really gives me something to work toward and I need that to keep going. To be honest, I really don't always like running, but I know I need to do it. I am going to keep running. As it's helped me lose weight and get in the best shape of my life... I really don't have a choice!

Besides... the feeling of crossing that line was amazing.. and I FREAKING DID IT!!! Woohoo!!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Butterflies Or Wrestling Armadillos????

One of those are in my tummy right now.... which one I'm not sure, but it's one of them!!!! I've picked up my race packet and gotten my clothes all ready for the race, but I'm nervous! Why, I'm not really sure. I know I can run this 10k. I've been training since February 1st... well, really I've been training for a year, but seriously on a training plan for 14 weeks. I can DO this! I'm just really nervous!!!!

This weekend is the first anniversary of my becoming a runner. Seriously! One year ago today I could barely run for 60 seconds without feeling like I was going to DIE!!!! Nine weeks later I ran my first 5k. It was a slow and painful race, and I finished in just over 41 minutes, but I didn't die. That was my goal! Three months after that I ran in my second 5k. I finished that one in 36:37. Shaved off five minutes, and I was thrilled! That was about five months into my new life as a runner, but I still didn't FEEL like a runner. Not that I knew what that was supposed to feel like, I just still didn't consider myself a runner.

So maybe it's the weight loss that has accompanied this journey, maybe it's the new shoes, or maybe something else... but today I honestly can say I feel like a runner!!!! Tonight after work I went to the place where we picked up our race packets so that you don't have to fight the crowd in the morning. There were a TON of runners there. You know what? I wasn't the oldest, I wasn't the fattest, I probably wasn't even the newest! I was just "one of the runners!"!!!! And that feels AMAZING!!!! Nobody looked at me like "what's SHE doing here???" Everyone was encouraging (which runner's are, by the way, we love everyone!), and I got so many smiles and words of "good luck tomorrow!" I was nearly in tears walking back to my car. I know I'm an emotional wreck... but it was really nice and completely unexpected, because I'm still somewhat "new" to this thing of thinking of myself as an athlete! And it's AWESOME!!!!

So, tomorrow morning I will wake up, eat my breakfast, put on my running clothes and drive to the parking place to walk to the starting line (after at least one last potty stop). I will line up toward the back of the pack (because I don't want to be trampled on, I'm not THAT fast!) and I will run. I will run as fast as I feel comfortable, or just a little faster than that. I will focus on my breathing and my pace. I will finish the race. And I will smile at all the volunteers along the way. Because I am a RUNNER! And we are happy people!!!!! My only wish is that someone would be there for me to take my picture when it's all over, but hubby is stuck on the road for the weekend and my kids just can't be counted on not to wander off at this point, let alone be awake and coherent at 8am on a Saturday!!!! So when I get home I'll post something on Facebook, because that's how I roll... and I'll feel even more like a runner.

But for tonight, it's either butterflies or wrestling armadillos in my tummy. Not sure which, but I hope they calm down soon so I can get my rest!!!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What A Week!!!!

It's been a pretty crazy week around la casa!!!! Saturday my youngest son did a really dumb thing and got himself grounded for life. Yup, that's what I said. For life. Well, at least until summer. Seriously, at least, a minimum, of five weeks. Wanna know what he did? Of course you do!!!!

Friday night he spent the night at a friend's house. No biggie, he spends the night there often. Told him to be home by noon on Saturday because the house needed some teamwork cleaning time. Well, I got up later than I planned to take my 9 mile run, but I left the house a little before noon and told hubby that kiddo should be home soon, but he may want to call and check to see he's on his way. Nearly 4 miles into my run I get a phone call from a number I didn't know but I answered it. It was the security officer at Walmart saying he had my son there with some friends and they were shoplifting. WHAT!!! He wasn't supposed to be out of the neighborhood??? I'm shocked, confused and horrified! And I'm running. I'm not even halfway done running. Crap!

So I ask the guy to call my husband and he would come because I really didn't know what to do. So I keep running. A little bit later I call my husband to make sure he got the call from the store. He did. He's ticked! He's on his way and will call me back. I keep running. I am off my route because I'm frazzled, but I keep running.

Hubby calls me again to ask how soon I'll be home because he's about to lose it. I tell him I already planned to cut it short, but I was still over two miles from the house. I'm shot, emotionally I'm a wreck, but I try to keep running. Then about one mile from home I totally lose it. I break down sobbing. I can't run anymore. My head is NOT in the game. Long runs are so much about the head over the legs. My head is home but my legs can't run anymore. I turn off the GPS which said I had done 7 miles somehow, and walk the mile home. Sobbing. I'm a mess.

So I get home and the only question I have is "what the HELL were you thinking???" He went, with three other little boys, on the BUS to the NEXT TOWN to the Walmart. Then they shopped a little bit. Then one (or more, I really don't get the whole story) decided to steal. He says he didn't steal. I don't know what to believe. He was supposed to be walking the couple blocks home. Instead he hops a freaking bus to the next town. Did I mention he's 12 years old? Yup, 12. Might not make 13 at this rate! What the heck??? I didn't even know he knew the bus routes? Shocked. Horrified. And now he's grounded.

So he gets to walk the few blocks from school to my office everyday after school and sit in my staff room doing his homework until I get out of work and take him home. It's the only way I know what he's really up to. I don't trust him right now. Don't think you can blame me for that. I've hated them being "latchkey" kids, but I thought that they got how important it was to be truthful and not do dumb things like this!

Anyway. Beyond that, I got spoiled last night. My SAI Big Sis was awesome to me last night and treated me to a pedicure and dinner in celebration of my losing 32 pounds! Yup, that was my total lost as of my last weigh in (I do weigh in again tomorrow... ) and I couldn't be happier! I still want to lose at least 10 more, but I'll see how my body handles it and see what happens. Sometimes I get to a point and can't lose any more, but because of all the exercise I am doing now I have no idea what will happen... and I like that!!!!

Hope you all have a great week and I hope for another loss on the scale in the morning!!!! What a week!!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Good Day....

Today was a good day. My husband was home. He let me sleep in and took over kid duty this morning. I ran 6 miles. Had lunch with my husband. Had dinner with all three of my men. But the best part of today???? My weigh in day... and I lost 3.2 pounds! Holy moly!!!!

I also have another NSV (non-scale victory) to share... I haven't had a single Cadbury Creme Egg this year. Nope! Not a single one purchased or consumed by this self-confessed egg addict!!! I think that has to be one reason I've been pretty steadily losing instead of stalling or gaining since the beginning of the year. Whatever it is, it's working... so I'm going to keep on keeping on...

And my race is in 9 days!!!! I'm so ready.. and praying it doesn't rain that morning!!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!

He is risen!!!! Alleluia!!!!! I already got my praise on during the two services this morning at church. I love singing and was able to take part in the choir this year again which is amazing! We even did a couple of hand clapping fun songs along with a couple of more "serious" choral pieces... just awesome!

Anyway, I wanted to say Happy Easter as well as brag a little bit... Yesterday I ran NINE miles!!! Yes, that's right, I said NINE!!!!! It wasn't easy, not all of it was even enjoyable (especially the first 2.5 into the wind and the last 2..) but I did it and I could not be prouder of myself. I am not a bragger most of the time, but I will brag about this because I FREAKING DID IT!!!! Yahoo!!!! My race is in two weeks and I'm so ready to rock that thing it's not even funny... I'm going to kill it!

So today I'm a little sore (not surprised there) but still need to get some exercise in, probably a little walk or bike ride and some weight lifting.. mainly because I want to eat some of this chocolate Easter bunny that's staring at me!!!! But also because I'm on a roll that I don't want to break.

On Valentine's Day I joined a fitness/weight loss challenge on My Fitness Pal with a group of ladies that are motivating and inspiring and just overall fun! Our challenges varied, but mainly they were walking/running 100 miles in 70 days which ends today. I am very proud to say that I not only went 100 miles, I ended up with 124.5!!!! I didn't count anything but running, so I could have been many more if I'd have counted all the elliptical and walking miles I did in the past 10 weeks. One of the challenges was to take a "before" and "after" pic. We didn't have to share, and I had no intention of sharing, but then I took the "after" one today... and I'm pretty shocked!!! I only lost 13 pounds (which is awesome) but on my short little self, it really shows!!! Let's see if this works...

Before (Feb 15, 2011)

and After (April 24, 2011)

Please excuse the mess in the back.. took these in my closet by my vanity which nobody ever sees... but whatever, the light was good and I had a mirror!!!! Anyway, I think you can tell I'm a little proud of myself, which isn't a bad thing when I've worked so hard!!! I'm not nearly done with this journey, I will be counting calories until I can't count anymore and exercising until they put me in home or something... it's just who I will need to be if I want to stay healthy and happy, and I'm ok with that!!! I have about 15 more pounds I'd like to lose, and I will get there, but by no means am I in a big hurry. This is life we're talking about, not a race! But I will race, because it's fun, and the training is so good for my body and my soul.

So goodbye chubby mama... look out world,.... Nikki's here to stay!!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!!!!

Yes, that's right.. I had a birthday! It was a great weekend celebrating, and here's a little recap...

Thursday I had an hour massage which was wonderful and relaxing until a few hours later when I was so sore and stiff I could barely stand up and walk!!! Note to self.. next time ask for her not to dig so deep into my muscles that I can still feel like I'm bruised two days later... just sayin...

Friday was my actual birthday. I brought in a treat for work (yes we do that and no I don't have to pay for it) which was angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream... one of my favorite things!!! After work we went to Wendy's for a quick supper and over to the in-laws to see them for the first time since Christmas since they just got back from Florida and we missed them and Great-Grandma! Very nice day.

Saturday after a short shift at work, two of my best friends came up to see me and took me out for the evening. We went to Grand Haven where there was a city-wide blues festival going on! The weather was yucky, cold and rainy, but we had an absolute blast!!! Started at happy hour at the Kirby Grille, headed over to the new brewery for a pint, then to Portobello's for dinner (YUM). After that we walked over to The Grand and listened to some really good blues and had a few more cocktails... I lost count, but I'm thinking it was around 8-9 for myself... everyone else was controlling themselves, but hey, it's my birthday!!!! I had a blast, even got a lei from some other dude who was having a birthday!!!! I laughed so hard I felt like I had done a hundred sit-ups!! The best part was just hanging out and letting loose... I need to do that more often! Well, not the drinking, but the fun!

Sunday was kind of a waste, I think you can guess why!! Except Mom came to visit and since we don't see each other much that was super nice! Went back to work today in the snow... not something I enjoy any time of year, but especially the week after my birthday! It's alright, it's all gone now, but the thought of snow in April is truly depressing... not to mention turning 39!!!!!

So now I have another busy week ahead... the kids are behind on homework and I'm behind on housework... nothing new there!!!! Hopefully we'll all have clean underwear for the week and I'll get some workouts in... I totally spaced on the running this weekend which might come back to get me in the end, but there was no way I could do that with how I felt yesterday!!! Ouch!

Hope you all have a great week... and if you have a chance to celebrate with friends, always say yes!!!!! Always!!!! TTFN!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Who Am I And Where's the Chubby Chick????

Ok, just had to share this crazy thing from tonight.

First, I had a crazy busy day again... work all day, two mile run, home and showered, choir practice... yup, I think that was about it. So I had a couple hundred calories left to eat when I saw the stash of Girl Scout cookies that are still in the same place I left them (I stashed them so we didn't all eat them right away.. still have 2.5 boxes left out of 4, so pretty good so far). I thought to myself "well, you could eat a couple cookies tonight. The boys would like that." See, our deal is, I can hide them, but only if we all eat them when I eat them so I don't eat them all. Again.. so far, so good!

But then I thought to myself, "no, that's not really what I want... I think I'll make popcorn." And then laughed at myself! See, a few months ago, I would have grabbed the box of cookies and eaten the whole thing by myself. No sharing, no counting, just devouring the delicious cookies! But now that I am counting, and keeping track, and measuring... it actually matters what I put in my mouth! Crazy, I know! So even though I ran two miles tonight, and went to choir rehearsal, and ate a Lean Cuisine dinner and still had 250 calories to eat... I didn't eat cookies.

It's the little victories... seriously, I laughed at myself! Who am I??? And since when am I NOT the chubby chick??? I like this new person... she's pretty cool!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Break Week....

Well, for me it was a pretty normal week, but the kids had spring break! With hubby being on the road and me working, it was no vacation for me at all, but that's ok. Little man went with Daddy in the big truck on Saturday until Monday. He's been wanting to do that for a while and the company was nice enough to give him just a quick two day run so he could have a guest. It was long enough to give the kid an idea of what Daddy does all the time, but short enough so they didn't drive each other crazy! Plus, then he got to spend the week playing with his friends and didn't miss all the fun parts of vacation!

This week for me was basically a boring, normal week. I didn't do anything special, worked out when I was supposed to, watched some movies when I had the time, worked my normal hours, called the kids a couple times a day to make sure they weren't getting into trouble! No biggie!

Thursday night we had band practice at church and I was excited to find out that my friend who is freshly back from a six month mission trip was going to join us!!! I haven't seen her or sang with her in six months so we had a BLAST! Can't wait to do it for real tomorrow morning... she's such a fun person and very talented and I really missed her smiling face! This was a highlight of my week!

Last night I was bored so I drove over to my sister's to check out her new hardwood floors... and they are gorgeous! Kinda jealous, but I know how long she saved for those, and she did a great job! Since I'm saving for braces for my kid, there will be no hardwood for me in any near future!!!!

This morning I hit another milestone in my training... I did an eight mile run! Yup, eight whole miles! Finished it strong, but still had to stop for the bathroom around mile six.... wonder if I'll ever stop having to do that????? It's annoying.. and this time I was actually in pain before I stopped. If I would have been racing I honestly don't know what I would have done, so I hope I can figure out a strategy to make it through the distance before the big day!

Tomorrow I have to sing in band, like I said. Then I'll probably work out and after that I have been asked to sing at an evening service for another church. I hope I make them happy!!! They want traditional hymns, so nothing too difficult, but should be pretty! They also have an accompanist for me, so I hope that goes well since we'll be kind of winging it on the fly!

I have a couple friends who have Dad's who are really sick right now and it's kind of got me down. I know they can pull through, and we're really hopeful for them both, but I don't want my friends to join the club I'm in with losing their fathers. It's not a club you'd want to join... I sure didn't. So if I sound a little down, that might be why... plus, I'm tired after such a long run today! Only a few more weeks until my big race!!!! I know I'll be ready....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

100th Post!

I didn't realize it was my 100th post until I logged in! But hey, good title I suppose.

I didn't blog yesterday because I was a little depressed. It was my Dad's birthday. He would have been 66 years old. He's been gone a long time and I still miss him so much! It's so not fair that he's missing out on so much great stuff! Being a Grandpa for one thing... he's got four grandchildren that never got to meet him, and two son-in-law's that would love to have known him as well. Every year when his birthday and anniversary of his death roll around I get a little down and wallow in a little self pity because I wish I still had my Dad. So yesterday my sister said "Let's go to Ikea, and of course we'll stop at Twelve Oaks so we can pick up some stuff at Lush on the way back"... and I was like YES!!! Let's go... so we went! We literally left my house at 2pm and got back at 11!!!! Talk about a whirlwind day trip, it's a two and a half hour drive for sure. Anyway, we brought my niece and basically had a great day of girlie retail therapy! Even though I still thought about him a lot, it wasn't as hard having them with me. I love my sister. And my niece. I still miss my Dad.

Ok, moving on... my younger son has been asking my husband to go driving with him in his big truck (he drives truck for a living) and hasn't been able to until now. So hubby got permission and a short two-day run and took him with! He's having fun, but I think he's a little bored and ready to come home. I know it's important to spend a little time with his Daddy and get an idea how hard he works when he's away from us all week. I'm really glad he went! He'll be back tomorrow... hubby will be going back out for the rest of the week... life goes back to normal!

I liked my shorter training week this week.. it was almost relaxing only running three or four miles!!!! Next week kicks it back in high gear as it's only a month before my race!!! AAAHHHH!!!! I know I'll finish, but I'm really hoping I can do well and not embarrass myself. Today was not a running day so I went to the gym to lift and spent 30 minutes on the elliptical.. that thing about kills me! I needed to work out though, because I went out for lunch with the teenager and pretty much ate all my calories for the day! If I wanted dinner, I needed to earn it!!! So I did.. and I ate!

Hope this week of Spring Break goes well.. hubs will be on the road, I'll be at work and the kids will be pretty much on their own!!! Scary, but they are good kids.. and I think I can trust them.. for the most part! I'm sure I'll be checking in with them several times a day. Thanks to cell phones we can stay in touch pretty well!

100 posts... crazy!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fool's Day!!!

I'm really not good at the whole practical joke thing... I am super gullable and not at all good at planning stuff on other people. Super sad situation, but it's who I am! So if you got pranked, I'm sorry, but it wasn't me! If you pranked someone else... good for you!

I had a pretty good, but crazy busy, week. I really just feel like I could sleep the whole weekend away, but I know that won't happen. Tomorrow is just a four mile run for me, this is what the call a "taper" week in my training plan. Three smaller runs. Next week kicks it in big time again and gets me all the way to my race five weeks! I know I'll be ready, I'm feeling really good.

On that note, I hit another milestone again yesterday at my weigh in. I made it to within 10 pounds of my first real goal. This was a goal I set for myself two years ago. It's the weight I was when I got married, and haven't managed to get back to since. Looking at all the resources and charts and tables that show what someone my height and build "should" weigh, I really should be five pounds less than what I was going for. I was going to wait and see once I got closer if it was possible for me to lose those extra five pounds, but after how I've been feeling and how my training is going, I figured... why not! So yesterday I changed my goal to that lower weight. I don't know if I'll really get there, or manage to stay there, but if it's possible I really want to try! The last time I was even close, I was 19. In two weeks, I'll be 39!!!! Wouldn't it be something to look better than I did 20 years ago???? Crazy.. but I wasn't the athlete back then than I am now, so I really say anything is possible!

For all of you out there struggling with your weight and fitness goals, I can honestly tell you that there is no magic pill or formula for looking and feeling great. It's all about hard work, tough decisions, and goal setting! Believing in yourself is something you have to learn and once you do you'll know that there is NOTHING you can't do! I'm starting to love myself more than I ever have before, and that's a side effect of my journey that I hadn't expected. Not to sound stuck up or anything.. but I freaking ROCK!!! I'm fun, I'm active, I'm outgoing and friendly, I'm competitive but not obnoxious, and I'm starting to actually think I'm cute!!! I've never really looked at myself that way before, but you know what? I like myself! Are there still things about myself I'd like to change, sure! The roadmap of silver highways on my stomach and upper thighs are not a thing of beauty, but I have a great smile and I'm starting to have one chin instead of two!!!! My upper arms are starting to giggle less and my legs are smokin! All this is to tell you that you are beautiful too!!! You are beautiful because you were created by a loving God who made you for a reason.. and loves you! Goodness, I wish I had known how this feels as a kid. Things could have been so much better back then. But then, those experiences made me who I am, so I'll take it all in stride and move on from here knowing that I'm awesome. God loves me. I love me. And I love SO many people!!! I love you for reading this, because it's got to be just about the most boring thing ever to read, but I love you for sticking with me.

On a lighter note, it's my birthday in two weeks. I'm hopeful I can have a couple friends to go out with for a girls night. Or at least a couple drinks with friends! Whatever, I need a night out!!!! If you're really my friend, and you're ready to celebrate with me, meet me on the 16th for a fun night out! Maybe even Karaoke if we can find it somewhere... who knows? I'd love to rock some socks off!!!!!

God bless!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Crazy Busy Day!!!

That's about the only way to describe it! Crazy. Busy. And now, it's done. Work was crazy, we had a new piece of equipment arrive, so there was installation and training. We had two sales reps come in (at the same time as the training) so we had to give them some attention. We had plenty of patients to keep us busy and other work that we do everyday. Crazy.

But what was crazier for me personally was the evening! I sing in the choir that we have for Easter (and Thanksgiving, but of course that's in November!) and generally we practice the three weeks before the big day and then the service. Usually those practices are on Thursday which works out so great for me with that being my day off. Tuesday's I usually don't get out until 5:30, then I generally come home and check in with the kids and have supper, then hit the gym and get home in time for Biggest Loser! This routine has been working and I was in no mind to change it, but this week the choir practice got moved to Tuesday. Mix it up! So, after work I ran. I had 4 miles planned and managed the whole thing!!! I live in a great city that is very friendly to runners. I was able to run in town since I had to be up at church and didn't have time to go home. I finished my four miles, stopped in to the gas station for a protein bar and bottle of water (forgot mine!) and walked the few blocks back to church.

Yes, I stunk up the place, but it was all good! The music we're doing is fun and meaningful and I'm sure will be a hit! Nothing quite caps off a busy day like an hour of singing for me. Oh, and I'm singing this week in band, and next week for special music, and the week after that at a different church. Not to mention last weekend when I sang and played guitar for my friend's church.. I guess I'm in demand!! LOL! Seriously, I'm so happy to be able to do this, it makes my heart happy!!!! Plus I feel like I'm finally using my talents and that's awesome!!!

Tomorrow is our final evening of Bible study for the year. Always bittersweet for me. I love those ladies, love studying with them and learning from them, but it's a lot of work and I like the break as well. At least I still have all my music stuff going on!!!!!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Back In The Saddle....

Yup, my back is better!! YEAH!!!! This is such a relief. I was able to run my full seven miles this morning, then proceeded to go shopping for a couple hours where I was able to not only fit in some size mediums, but I LOVED them!!!! Can't believe I used to be an XL, and I plan to get rid of those as soon as I can. I really need to clean out the closet again and donate several bags of clothes, but I may have to wait for summer so I can have a couple days to do it.

On another note... I have a friend who had her first baby this week and I was finally able to go meet Mara today! She's the perfect little angel baby! Perfect face, perfect skin, perfect lips... just the sweetest little thing!!! I was so happy to hold her and get my baby fix.. I needed that! I have another friend due the day before my birthday, so I should be able to get another fix in about three weeks!!!! YEAH!

Catching up on some tv tonight, enjoyed some time with my husband as well. I love that he gets a lot of weekends off with this job, makes it worth it for him to be gone during the week. Plus he does like what he's doing, so that also makes it worth it!

My older son is supposed to take driver's training soon but we have a deal about his grades. He's finally getting where he should be. This means I am going to have to pay for the lessons. Great. Braces and driver's ed all in one year!!! This kid is expensive!!!! And I love him so much...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Ups and Downs....

So the back is better... not completely better, but it's better. It was better enough this morning to go for a run. It was extremely bitter cold this morning and had been damp so there was ice on some of the sidewalks and so because of that and a couple other reasons I went to the gym. I jumped on the treadmill and started jogging. It wasn't bad, so after a mile I went up to a quicker pace. My plan for today was six miles. I made it three. I consider that a small victory, considering how I felt the past three days! Still, I am disappointed that I am just not going to get the miles in this week that I was supposed to for my training. I don't know what this means in the end, I mean I know I'll finish the race, I was just hoping to make a decent time. I suppose if this means I don't hit my goal time I will survive, but I may just surprise myself!

My boys both have birthdays this week. One was yesterday, the other today. I love that they are so close together, I never have to worry if I forget what I did for the other.. very easy to keep things even! Tonight my hubby was even home from his run and didn't have to leave until tomorrow morning so we went to Applebee's for supper! Yum! Of course, that means my sodium is way over for the day and that's alright. The boys were adamant that we not tell the server that it was they're birthday. I really wanted them to be sung to, but they wouldn't have any part of it!! Even after I told them they could have the free ice cream! Crazy boys...

This afternoon I had a quick hour between some things and stopped quick at Old Navy and Gap Outlet... tried on some pants and actually found that a size 10 fits nicely on my new shape!!! That was a great big surprise and yet it shouldn't be... I'm still getting used to the new me!!! The other surprise was when I tried on some tops, I can now wear a medium!!! That's just amazing!!! I'm loving all this hard work.. it's truly paying off!

This was a hodgepodge post, but it's all good... now if I can get in my seven miles on Saturday I'll be super happy!!! Oh, and I also need to get a baby fix this weekend since my co-worker had her baby on Tuesday night!!! Welcome to the world little Mara!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So Yup, That Stinks...

This back/hip pain is NOT fun. I didn't run tonight. Totally had to pass on my 5k. I've been icing and resting and I think it's going to be fine, but I hate having to be sidelined like this! Really hope that this doesn't mess up my 10k training, but I think if I can get back on track later in the week I'll be ok. I sure hope so!!!!

Besides that, nothing is going on... oh yeah... except I have two birthday boys in my house this week!!!!

Happy 15th Birthday Tom (tomorrow)
and Happy 12th Birthday David (Thursday)!!!

Yes, they actually had the same due date... I'm nothing if not consistent!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Yup. I hurt my lower back. It really hurts. I'm not sure if I'll be able to run tomorrow. That really makes me mad. Damn exercise. Crappy weather. I'm not happy today at ALL!!!!

That's it.. I'm sorry there just isn't any more. Ouch.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Holy Alphabet

I did not write this, but stole it off of someone and thought it was beautiful. Whoever came up with this one must have had some Divine guidance!

Although things are not perfect

Because of trial or pain

Continue in thanksgiving

Do not begin to blame

Even when the times are hard

Fierce winds are bound to blow

God is forever able

Hold on to what you know

Imagine life without His love

Joy would cease to be

Keep thanking Him for all the things

Love imparts to thee

Move out of "Camp Complaining"

No weapon that is known

On earth can yield the power

Praise can do alone

Quit looking at the future

Redeem the time at hand

Start every day with worship

To "thank" is a command

Until we see Him coming

Victorious in the sky

We'll run the race with gratitude

Xalting God most high

Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...

Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

"I AM Too blessed to be stressed!" The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.

The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything. Love and peace be with you forever, Amen.

~Author Unknown~

Friday, March 18, 2011

Just a Quickie...

No, not that kind... get your mind out of the gutter!!!!

I'm home from work, we've already had dinner, dropping off the little man at a middle school dance and then hitting the gym tonight! Not bad for a Friday? The best part, hubby's home for the weekend so we all ate dinner at the table together which we rarely get to do, and we did it in our own house instead of a restaurant like we do too often!

Realized something yesterday... I weigh in on Thursday's, mostly because since I have the day off I tend to work out in the morning so I hit the gym and weigh in right away. Their scale works, mine is not accurate at all. Yesterday was a gorgeous spring day and I was going to run 5 miles, so instead of going to the gym I decided to head out and hit the sidewalks! Well, I still wanted to weigh in, so I jogged up to the gym, weighed in, and continued on my way! The hard part was, I weighed exactly the same as last week. Not even a .1 difference! Now, at certain times in my life this would have left me feeling defeated or like a complete and total failure, I'd have packed it up and drowned my sorrows in a bag of Hershey miniatures or something... seriously. But then I remembered that two weeks ago I did the same thing. Then last week I'd lost three pounds! So maybe my body is just like that... lose nothing one week, and a couple pounds the next? It's certainly possible.. and I'm going to do everything I need to do to make sure that's what happens! So instead of swallowing my sorrows... I finished the fastest 5 mile run I've done yet!!! I felt great! I ate within my calories for the day, even skipping the Shamrock Shake I desparately wanted and had lime flavored Greek yogurt with granola instead! I made good decisions, I made healthy decisions... and you know what? I'm doing it again today! I will not let this get me down, I will continue to eat right, watch every bite, workout and wait until next Thursday. Hopefully then I'll see at least one pound lost. If not... I'll do it again another week! Because I am not a number on the scale. I am a healthy and fun woman who is now fitter than she's ever been and loves it! I'm running my first seven miler this weekend. I'm confident that not only will I finish, I'll finish strong!

Then tomorrow night I'm playing laser tag with my family... I will kick some BUTT!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Inspiration or Insanity????

You be the judge!!! So everyone knows I'm training for my first 10k, right? Well, it's going great, I'm following my training plan to a T and feeling really good. Love my new shoes and my new supportive garments and the girls and the feet are happy. So tonight I'm at the gym, I was on schedule to do an "easy" two miles which I rocked out on the treadmill and then lifted weights for a half hour since I'd been sick and hadn't lifted since last week. On my way out I notices a stack of fliers for several different races and one I hadn't noticed before was for a 5k for next week Tuesday here in my town. So I got home and looked it up online and said what the heck! Signed up for it!!! It's after work, and I'm scheduled to do another 2 miles that night anyway, so why not go for a 5k (which is 3.2 miles just in case you didn't know that)!!!! Hope it doesn't throw me off, I don't think it will, but I just needed to feel that rush of a bunch of runners racing together! It's labeled as a run/walk, so it's probably not all that competitive, which is fine with me. I just hope I run as fast or close to as fast as I ran the one last fall. We shall see!!!

Anyway, the weather's looking up! Supposed to be sunny and 60 on Thursday (my day off) and if at all possible I'm doing my 5 miles OUTSIDE!!!! I did my Sunday runs outside the past two weeks and it was great, so I'm really looking forward to that feeling of fresh air and wind in my face again!

So call me inspired, or call me crazy... I'm racing next Tuesday! It's all for a good cause anyway.. it's raising money for an organization called SoleAid which sends shoes to people in need, and that's a great thing!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Utterly Craptastic...

Yup, that's how I'm going to put the last three days. Last Tuesday my throat started feeling scratchy and my voice was a little raw, but like the trooper I am I powered through. Wednesday, more of the same if not a little worse... same for Thursday, a little worse. By Friday morning, I had no voice, felt like I'd been run over by a truck and just wanted to curl into a ball and sleep for three days. I went to work, because that's how I am, and ended up coming home after two hours. Just felt awful. Spent the day in bed, forced myself to get up in the evening and actually eat something even though nothing sounded good and drank as much water as I could.

So Saturday, more of the same. A teeny tiny voice and scratch throat and feeling pooey. Again, forced myself to eat and drink enough to not be completely zonked out and watched movies and slept all day. By the evening I was starting to turn the corner, though, and was hopeful for today.

So Sunday morning.. I actually feel pretty good! I can tell I spent the past two days in bed, I'm tired and stiff, but overall the voice is stronger and the scratchiness is gone. So I get up and head to church where the little man realizes he has a fever and we end up leaving early. Get him home on the couch with some meds and he's doing fine now, but what a craptastic weekend! Since I was feeling better today I did end up doing my workout. Wasn't sure I would make the whole run, since my training plan called for six miles today, but I did it! I was pretty wiped out when I got home, but I was really glad that I had made myself eat so I wasn't completely without fuel. Made a huge difference I think!

Looking forward to a week with no sickness.. from me or my kids! I truly hope that happens because I hate it when I'm sick and of course as a Mom I hate when my kids are sick too!!! My 10k training has me running a total of 14 miles this week... let's hope I can complete that! I'm feeling really good about finishing the race at this point (I've completed the distance or very close twice now) but I'd like to see a certain time and if I hit that I'm going to be incredibly happy and proud!!! Of course, just finishing is the true goal, but now that I know I can, I really want to be under a certain time!!! It's a runner thing... I still can't believe I'm a runner!

On the good note, Thursday when I weighed in before my workout I was down another 1.8 pounds! This keeping track of my calories in and out is really working! Anyone who needs help with their weight or just wants to get more fit should really check out myfitnesspal.com... highly recommend it!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Mark Of The Cross.

So today is Ash Wednesday. Growing up I didn't get to church a lot, even though we started out that way, but that's another story for another day, but needless to say, I never really "got" what Ash Wednesday was really about. The church I go to now is wonderful and very Scripture based, which is important, and even though I don't know where "Ash Wednesday" is in scripture (I don't think it's in there at all) I learned some important reasons we remember that day.

Of course, it marks the beginning of Lent, which is the 40 days leading up to the Crucifixion, but what exactly does Lent mean? I always thought it meant just that we should give up something to symbolize Jesus' 40 days in the desert, or that since He sacrificed Himself for us that we should sacrifice something for His sake. Well, not that those things are wrong, but my pastor tonight pointed something out that I hadn't ever thought of. When we give up chocolate (or dessert, or french fries) our focus is put on NOT having those things, therefore we focus on the thing, and not on Jesus. The point of this sacrifice is NOT supposed to take our focus off of Jesus, but it does! Clueless... we simple humans are just clueless, I tell ya!

So tonight instead of giving up something (which of course I'm doing because I'm now tracking every bite of food that goes in my mouth anyway) my focus is going to be daily time with God. Reading, journaling (some of that might be here), songwriting (if the Spirit moves me), and prayer will be something I deliberately put on my schedule every day. Bringing me closer to God instead of focusing on what I might be denying myself. That never goes well for me, if it works for you that's great, but I'm not good at it!

So anyway, I just wanted to share my little revelation tonight. It felt really good to spend tonight with my church family and learn a little more about this day. What a great God we have!!!

On a completely different note... I had SO many people today tell me how skinny I'm getting... and that felt amazing! I think I've learned to take a compliment! It's ok to say "thanks" when someone tells you that you look good, instead of saying how much you still have to lose!!! It's hard, but I'm learning!!!! My pants were practically falling off me all day... more shopping is in my near future. I love that!!!!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wow, Crazy Weekend!!!

Well, my husband had a crazy end to his week with his brand new truck breaking down... twice! And got home much later than expected, then had to turn around and leave again today. Just crazy! At least we got to have a nice meal together before he had to leave... until next weekend!

So Saturday my sister and I went to Novi to the Twelve Oaks mall, which we love for many reasons, to shop for new clothes and of course some makeup! Ok, clothes first... we are both on a journey to new healthy lives and as we've both lost a significant amount of weight since last summer, nothing fits!! This is a good problem, but it gets expensive! So little by little we are replacing our wardrobes and had a great time spending lots of time in dressing rooms all over the mall on Saturday! The best part about shopping with my sister is that we are very similar in size, but slightly different in builds. So if she picked up something cute, but it didn't quite work on her, it might fit me.. and vice versa! How fun! We both scored some cute stuff... and spent too much I'm sure!

The second thing we love about this mall is the store called Lush. Now, I think I've talked about Lush before, but I have an obsession with their products that borderlines on the insane!!! My skin looks and feels amazing and I needed a few things that I was either out of or wanted to try.. and a few for good measure!!! Wish it wasn't so far away, but at least then I don't go as often as I would if it were closer!!!!

We also met up with a friend of mine from my days at WMU!!! It was so good to see her again.. we haven't spent any time together in 16+ years, and I just love her to death!! Next time we go I'll have to get even more people together, what a great time!!!!

Today was my running day, since I didn't run yesterday with all the mall walking we did. My plan was for an "easy" 6 miles.. and I ROCKED it out!! Even went a little faster than planned, but it felt amazing so I'm not worried!!! I'm a little stiff now a couple hours later, but nothing a good night's sleep won't cure! Now if I could just figure out how to go more than 4 miles without a potty break! I'm serious! It sucks!!!!

Anyway, before I get into TMI, I'll sign off. It was a crazy beautiful weekend with some crazy beautiful people... and I loved it!!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Awesome Amazing Outstanding Day!!!

Yup, that's exactly what this was!!!!

Ok, so here's the story.... First, I got to sleep in (after walking up the kid for school) which I ALWAYS love. Amazing to be able to sleep until my body says it's had enough and it's time to get up. Nothing quite like it!

Second, I went to the gym and actually lost three pounds since two weeks ago (last week I stayed the same) so that was awesome! Even did a little dance when I got off the scale, which is wierd in public, but I really didn't care!!!!

Third, I ran five miles! Today's training run (I'm using an app called Runner's World Smartcoach that gives detailed training guides for you based on your current level and what race you want to run and how long you have to train) was one warm up mile (piece of cake) then three miles at a quicker pace (was a little worried, but no problem) then a cool down mile. You know what??? I ROCKED it!!!! The only thing I haven't figured out is why after about 3-4 miles I have to use the bathroom!!! I hope I can figure that out before my race!!! I'd hate to have to drop out to use the potty or find a tree or something, very embarrassin!!!!!

Fourth, lunch on my own at Panera. I heart Panera. Seriously, I crave the Greek salad like there's no tomorrow! It's an obsession, and one I give in to regularly. Love. The. Panera.

Ok, so then I went to Aldi for a few quick things which was fine, but then the FIFTH thing was maybe the best thing all day... TOM MADE THE HONOR ROLL!!!! My son, who is in the ninth grade, has always struggled in school. He's very smart, but has very little self-motivation and I think his self-esteem must be low too because he rarely speaks up for himself or whatever. Well, he started this year in a special alternative school and it was totally the right place for him. He's still been struggling, but I've seen some maturity coming to him that I'm just so impressed with. He's growing up and I'm super proud of him. The kid has never had good grades, EVER, so today when I saw that I got all teary!!! I'm hoping he keeps it going, and I already told him he gets whatever treat he wants this weekend!!! Yeah Tom!!!

The last thing was band practice. This is something I look forward to so much, not only because I LOVE to sing and play, but because the people are awesome! So I got to get my praise on tonight and it just sits so well in my soul! God is good. He's been super good to me today and I just thank him for everything that happened today!!!

I'm one blessed and happy mama...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ok, Can I Just Say....

I had a sort of mini-revelation today. I know, not a big build up, but that's what it feels like. I've been saying that my new health centered lifestyle is because I want to live long (and proper? LOL!) but my mini-revelation today was... I'm worth it! Yes, I'm doing this for my husband and kids and future grandkids... but I'm worth it, RIGHT NOW!!!! I'm doing this so I can be a spunky 80 year old who straps on the running shoes and hits the beach in the morning and evening and runs 5k's all over the freaking world.. and so I can play catch with my grandkids.. and so I can dance at my granddaughter's wedding!!!! Yes, that's all important and are good reasons in themselves, but you know what???? I'm WORTH it NOW!! I want to be healthy and fit and fun and full of energy and damn it.. I want to be HOT!!!! Why the heck not! I'm freaking WORTH it!!!!

Ok.. enough of that for the night. I just had to get it out there... thanks for playing!

Had a great "easy 2 miles" tonight on the treadmill. Amazing that I could do an easy anything a year ago! There's a harder run planned for Thursday and again for Saturday, but I'm ready! Bring it on! I love that I have more energy now, that I've been told I have a sparkle that I never had before. What a compliment that is!!! Who knew I could wake up in the morning and sparkle??? For someone who's not a morning person, that's amazing. Truly amazing!

Got to get another quick bite to eat before my day is done... TTFN!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wow... A Long Weekend...

This has been a great long weekend for me. I usually have Thursday's off, and this week I took Friday as a vacation day to use up some time I was afraid I would lose if I didn't take it before two of my co-workers have their babies! Hubs was home Friday and today (he leaves early tomorrow morning) and it was nice to spend some time with him.

I made a decision the other day, actually it's been a long time coming, but after almost 1 1/2 years, I quit my guitar lessons. No, this doesn't mean I'll stop playing, I love to play, but I am not going to worry and stress about getting all my Thursday activities done and whether or not I've practiced enough on the homework he gave me. Don't get me wrong, my teacher was amazing and I will always be grateful for everything I've learned, but it was starting to stress me out! I was doing it for myself and for relaxation, and since it's become stressful I just knew it was time to take a break. I'm hoping to find some people to jam with occasionally, or play at church and stuff, but for now it's going to be just me and my guitar! Who knows, maybe I'll be inspired to write another song!

Yesterday I was able to treat myself to a new pair of running shoes and a couple of new sport bras. This was long overdue, and very important if I'm going to become a serious runner and finish the training for my 10k as well as the 1/2 marathon I'm considering. I was able to go to a great store here called Gazelle Sports and Vicki fit me with a pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11... and they ROCK! I did 5 miles today (!!!!) and it felt really good! Also, the girls were really happy in the new Nike DriFit bra I snuggled them into!!! Overall.. a very nice run indeed!

Hubby got some news at work as well.. he gets a new truck tomorrow! At the company he works for the drivers are each assigned there own truck so they can pretty much set it up how they want and live in it like a little rolling hotel room. This was his home for six months. But he had the oldest truck in the fleet and they've started slowly updating them. The new truck he will roll out in tomorrow is set up very much like the one he had, so that will be nice, but it's BRAND NEW and an automatic! If you know anything about semi-trucks, they are mostly 10 speeds, so this is completely new but apparently that is where the industry is heading. They had some work to do on it today, so we didn't get to move him in yet, but he'll get there early tomorrow and load in all his stuff. Pretty awesome!

Tomorrow I have to get up early and sing for church, which I love, but I really hope the roads don't get worse. It's snowing again and I hate driving on slick roads! Then I'll come home and get the boys ready to go back as a family for the second service. After that it's lunch and probably hair cuts for the boys.. and then workout and laundry! Oh, and it's Oscar night... yes, I lead an amazingly boring life!

Anyway.. I'm hoping to have some new lyrics written soon... just looking for inspiration! Have a great weekend!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ready For Spring!!!

We had a warm up in the weather last week which was AMAZING and got me all ready for spring. This weekend, winter reared it's ugly freezing head again. I CAN NOT get warm... seriously! The only time's I've been warm in the past three days have been under my electric blanket at night or while exercising!!! It stinks. I'm SO ready for spring!!!

Had a great time at the play Saturday night with my littlest man. The Creekside Players did a great job with Willy Wonka Junior (that's really what they called it) and I was glad to hear he really enjoyed it too! Sunday was a lunch date after church with my other little-ish man and then home before the weather really got bad. Seriously, the roads were already pretty bad when we headed home. I was supposed to sing at a church that evening, but of course all the churches in the area cancelled services since the roads were so bad. The storm is over now, but the snow is still here, and it's REALLY cold! Yes, I'm complaining.. and no it doesn't make a difference!!!

Geesh... I really need to get a life. Anyway... maybe after my feet warm up I will!!!! BRrrrrrr.....

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hey, Look What I Can Do!!!!

One year ago I was a sedentary, obese, crabby woman. Nine months ago I started running. Today, I ran FOUR miles without stopping!!!! Holy crap!!!! Look at that... hard work paid off!!! This training for a 10k is going great and next weekend I need to do five miles and you know what? I know I can!!! I wouldn't have thought that before this journey started, but now I know I can do anything I want with a lot of hard work and determination!!!!!

Speaking of which, I signed up for my 10k this week so I have no excuse and can't back out!!!! Kind of scary, but totally excited. After today I have no doubt I'll finish... hopefully with a respectable time, but my main goal is always to finish!!!

The sky's the limit... seriously!!!!

Taking my kid on a date to the theater tonight.. to see the middle school production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!!!! Awesome weekend!!! TTFN>.....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another Milestone...

So I don't want to brag... oh, heck yes I want to brag!!! I usually weigh in on Thursdays since I get to go to the gym in the morning and I haven't eaten a day's worth of food. So today I weighed in and lost another 2.5 pounds! That puts me under a certain weight that a girl my height should never be over! So that will be the last time I go over that number again!!!! I'm so determined that this will be the last time I lose these pounds. I hate this part! Can't wait to get to the hot mama part of life!!!

My run this morning went really well. Three miles used to seem like such a huge amount, now I just knock it out and hit the weight machines! I love how my brain is craving excersize. I used to sit around so much and be so tired all the time. Now when I excersize I just have so much energy all day and feel like I'm toned and tighter in my jeans!!! The girl that works at my gym noticed today that I have been losing and tightening up and I told her about my weight loss. She was happy for me (skinny thing that she is) and I told her "who knew eating well and excersizing actually worked!" We laughed for a minute. I know, I'm so funny, right? Well, not really, but I just felt really good about myself right then, and even now several hours later!

So I'm 5 miles into my 100 mile challenge. Going strong!!!! Later dudes....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2 down... 98 to go!!!

Yes, I'm talking about miles in my 100 mile challenge! Monday's and Wednesday's are non-running days for me right now due to work and other obligations. That's ok, because bodies need rest after good workouts and it just works out for me that those two days are too busy to get moving. So, I ran 2 miles yesterday as scheduled in my training program, and tomorrow I'm supposed to do 3 miles! Shouldn't be a problem... I'm pretty excited actually! I actually like this now that I'm started. Running, that is. I know I've said that before, but it still really amazes me!

Another part of the challenge is strength training at least two times a week. This hasn't been a problem for me as I've been doing it three times a week pretty consistently since joining Snap Fitness in early December. Tomorrow I'm planning on another session after my run, so that would be 2 done for the week already! I'm rocking this challenge!

My next hurdle is really more financial... I need new running shoes! Mine have just about come to the end of their life expectancy and since I just picked them off a shelf nearly a year ago and they've been pretty good I can't complain. The problem is, now that I'm more serious and really training hard, I need the best shoes possible. This means no more clearance racks or 2 for 1 sales... I need to get fitted by a professional. This means cash. I hate complaining about it, because now that my husband has a nice job we're not nearly as broke as we were a year ago... but I hate spending $100 on a pair of shoes! Strange, huh? I spend way more than that on stupid stuff all the time, and this is something I'll use all the time and will really help me run farther and faster and thus lose weight and.. ok, I'm being completely random here... but I need to get myself to a shoe fitter.. pronto! Hoping to do that either tomorrow or next week... we'll see what the schedule does!

After the new shoes, I truly believe that the sky is the limit for me. I think that this may be the first time I truly believe that. Amazing what just a little success will do for you. Hope you can still live with me when I complete all these races this year! I may start getting a bigger head to go with my smaller body!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Ok, so I don't get to spend the day with my Valentine since he's out trucking, but I did wear my pink sweater to work... so that's something! Another thing I didn't do today was eat chocolate or candy! For that, I'm super proud of myself! Usually I buy myself a whole bag of candy and eat it myself, but this time I decided I'm worth more than that and I haven't even looked at the candy in the store! Wow, what a change!

So I've been using this calorie counting website for a few weeks called myfitnesspal.com and it's such a great site! Not only easy to use, but a great supportive community with people just like me trying to get fit and lose weight and deal with life in general! Yesterday I started on a challenge that I stumbled across on the message boards. I'm really excited to get into this! The biggest challenge will be going 100 miles (walking/running) by Easter! I know this is possible, and I'm hoping to get close to 150, but the main thing this will do is help keep me focused and on track. There are other pieces to the challenge as well, like getting enough water, staying under our calorie goals, making healthy choices both with food and excersize and in life in general... that sort of thing. Sounds like the girls running it are putting a lot of thought into what things we should concentrate on each week and I'm excited to get into it! Of course, being my Monday's are horribly crazy, I won't start my mileage until tomorrow after work. But I did get plenty of water in today at work and have so far stayed under my calorie and sodium goals for the day!!! Wahoo!

I've become really obsessed with running lately. Spending lots of time online looking up races and figuring out how many I should do this year... I think it's going to be a great year! More and more I'm thinking that I'll be running a half marathon by September... I really WANT to, which is so super strange for me. One year ago I told people the only time I run is if someone is chasing me with a big knife!!!! Now I do it all the time! Still wouldn't say I particularly love it, but I know how good it is for me and I'm loving the challenge of it! Can't believe I'm now one of those crazy people who will line up for a race in the rain and smile the whole freaking time!!!! Oh My Goodness!!! Who knew this change was coming for me... I certainly wouldn't have believed it myself even a year ago!

Keeping myself accountable with my food intake and my excersizing is really paying off... maybe I'll be bathing suit shopping before long!!! And I really need a new pair of running shoes... that will be coming first I think!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunny Saturday!

Wow, the sun is shining so brightly today, it's just wonderful! Now if the temperatures would warm up accordingly... what can I say, it's Michigan winter! Freezing is part of living here. I just can't seem to get warm this week. As I'm typing this I'm bundled under my electric blanket set on high, and I'm STILL cold! I'm sure it will go away... at least I hope so.

Last night I had the most amazing time with my co-worker friends. I work in an office with about 20 women and 4 men. Right now we have 2 girls who are pregnant, one with number three and the other with her first. With all first babies, we MUST have a shower. It's a requirement. Seriously!!! So last night we had a baby shower for the new baby girl our friend is going to have within the next five weeks! She's already named the baby, which was really fun because we were able to play a game using the letters of her name (which I won because I'm good with that game) and she even got some stuff with her name embroidered on it! Super cute stuff and we all had a great time eating and laughing and telling funny stories about each other and our bosses... just a lot of fun with women I care about! We range in age from 19 to 81 in my office (I'm not exaggerating) but MAN can we have a good time together!!!! Can't wait to meet the newest little ones... I love holding babies... and giving them back to their mamas!!!!

Today I had to work, which I never like having to do on Saturday's, but we are only there until a little after noon, so no biggie. Best part was coming home and having my husband already here! He's home today and tomorrow until the evening when he has to be back out on the road once again. The life of a trucker can be hard, but he's doing so well and I'm so proud of him! So nice to know he's doing something he enjoys and is making the kind of money he deserves and is able to provide for us and make a nice life for our family. Certainly never thought my life would look like this, but I always knew we'd be together, and that's all that really matters to me.

So last week I got asked to sing at a different church. I accepted (for Feb 20) and now I'm racking my brain trying to think of which hymns to sing! They like traditional ones which I'm not entirely used to but I love, but since I'm not as familiar with some of them I'm just having trouble choosing two! I think I picked one, but the second is driving me nuts! I'm sure it will come to me, but I really need to pick it so I can call the lady so she can tell the person who will be playing piano for me! I'm kind of excited though, I've been wanting to get my name out there for weddings and such in the area but really didn't know how to get started.. maybe this will be the push I needed???? We shall see.

Ok, I think that might be about it for today, I might take a short nap and then hit the gym this afternoon. I didn't do any cardio yesterday, although I did do my 30 minute ab workout again after the party last night. Didn't have time to do the arc trainer since I had to get up early today! Still tracking my calories on myfitnesspal.com and you know what? I've lost 2 pounds since last week!!! Very happy, sunny Saturday!!!!! TTFN!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Busy Busy... or notsomuch...

What a nice weekend I had! I was able to sleep and relax and hang with my guys.. even had a dinner date with my husband which hardly ever happens!!! We had a gift certificate... even better! Gotta love saving money.. I always do!

Back to a typical week for me, extremely busy and hectic and yuck. Today, though, we were pretty slow at work (one of our Dr.'s is on a mission trip to Honduras) so I snuck out early and hit the gym!! I had a meeting for my son's school tonight so hitting the gym early was so helpful to me! That way I was done with that and showered before the meeting and then could come home and have supper and not worry about getting in my run! Wish I could leave early every day.. .sure would make my life easier! Well, so would winning the lottery so I could stay home, but that's not likely to happen, now is it???? You never know...

My training for the 10k is going well. So far I've done one week, which has consisted of three 2 mile "easy" runs. These are a much slower pace than I would normally run, especially on race day. They are designed to increase endurance and strength (I'm hoping they will burn some fat too!!). I'm following the program as close as I can, so tonight I did my run and since I won't have time to hit the gym tomorrow I also did my weight lifting. Tomorrow will be a rest day, and I'll hit it again on Thursday! By the weekend I'll have my first 3 mile "easy" run, and by the following weekend.... 4 miles! I haven't yet run a full 4 miles without stopping. I'm a little nervous about this, but I'm hopeful and going to just put something on tv so I don't pay attention to it at all... yeah right, I'll be watching the odometer the whole time, who am I kidding!!! But like I said... following the program!!!

Watching Biggest Loser tonight while the kids finish homework and talk to their friends on video chat! Lots of laughing going on in the other room. Hope that homework's really getting done!!! Better go crack the whip.... Later!