So today is Ash Wednesday. Growing up I didn't get to church a lot, even though we started out that way, but that's another story for another day, but needless to say, I never really "got" what Ash Wednesday was really about. The church I go to now is wonderful and very Scripture based, which is important, and even though I don't know where "Ash Wednesday" is in scripture (I don't think it's in there at all) I learned some important reasons we remember that day.
Of course, it marks the beginning of Lent, which is the 40 days leading up to the Crucifixion, but what exactly does Lent mean? I always thought it meant just that we should give up something to symbolize Jesus' 40 days in the desert, or that since He sacrificed Himself for us that we should sacrifice something for His sake. Well, not that those things are wrong, but my pastor tonight pointed something out that I hadn't ever thought of. When we give up chocolate (or dessert, or french fries) our focus is put on NOT having those things, therefore we focus on the thing, and not on Jesus. The point of this sacrifice is NOT supposed to take our focus off of Jesus, but it does! Clueless... we simple humans are just clueless, I tell ya!
So tonight instead of giving up something (which of course I'm doing because I'm now tracking every bite of food that goes in my mouth anyway) my focus is going to be daily time with God. Reading, journaling (some of that might be here), songwriting (if the Spirit moves me), and prayer will be something I deliberately put on my schedule every day. Bringing me closer to God instead of focusing on what I might be denying myself. That never goes well for me, if it works for you that's great, but I'm not good at it!
So anyway, I just wanted to share my little revelation tonight. It felt really good to spend tonight with my church family and learn a little more about this day. What a great God we have!!!
On a completely different note... I had SO many people today tell me how skinny I'm getting... and that felt amazing! I think I've learned to take a compliment! It's ok to say "thanks" when someone tells you that you look good, instead of saying how much you still have to lose!!! It's hard, but I'm learning!!!! My pants were practically falling off me all day... more shopping is in my near future. I love that!!!!
11 years ago
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