Yup, that's exactly what this was!!!!
Ok, so here's the story.... First, I got to sleep in (after walking up the kid for school) which I ALWAYS love. Amazing to be able to sleep until my body says it's had enough and it's time to get up. Nothing quite like it!
Second, I went to the gym and actually lost three pounds since two weeks ago (last week I stayed the same) so that was awesome! Even did a little dance when I got off the scale, which is wierd in public, but I really didn't care!!!!
Third, I ran five miles! Today's training run (I'm using an app called Runner's World Smartcoach that gives detailed training guides for you based on your current level and what race you want to run and how long you have to train) was one warm up mile (piece of cake) then three miles at a quicker pace (was a little worried, but no problem) then a cool down mile. You know what??? I ROCKED it!!!! The only thing I haven't figured out is why after about 3-4 miles I have to use the bathroom!!! I hope I can figure that out before my race!!! I'd hate to have to drop out to use the potty or find a tree or something, very embarrassin!!!!!
Fourth, lunch on my own at Panera. I heart Panera. Seriously, I crave the Greek salad like there's no tomorrow! It's an obsession, and one I give in to regularly. Love. The. Panera.
Ok, so then I went to Aldi for a few quick things which was fine, but then the FIFTH thing was maybe the best thing all day... TOM MADE THE HONOR ROLL!!!! My son, who is in the ninth grade, has always struggled in school. He's very smart, but has very little self-motivation and I think his self-esteem must be low too because he rarely speaks up for himself or whatever. Well, he started this year in a special alternative school and it was totally the right place for him. He's still been struggling, but I've seen some maturity coming to him that I'm just so impressed with. He's growing up and I'm super proud of him. The kid has never had good grades, EVER, so today when I saw that I got all teary!!! I'm hoping he keeps it going, and I already told him he gets whatever treat he wants this weekend!!! Yeah Tom!!!
The last thing was band practice. This is something I look forward to so much, not only because I LOVE to sing and play, but because the people are awesome! So I got to get my praise on tonight and it just sits so well in my soul! God is good. He's been super good to me today and I just thank him for everything that happened today!!!
I'm one blessed and happy mama...
11 years ago
SO FREAKING PROUD of you TOM! And WTG Nikki on the run/weight-loss/exercise! :)
What a wonderful day. I hope you blessed with them more often!!
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