Yup. I hurt my lower back. It really hurts. I'm not sure if I'll be able to run tomorrow. That really makes me mad. Damn exercise. Crappy weather. I'm not happy today at ALL!!!!
That's it.. I'm sorry there just isn't any more. Ouch.
11 years ago
Awww...I am so sorry Nikki! I completely understand about lower back pain. That is one of the key reasons I am not allowed to run, because it is too hard on my vertibrae. I hope you feel better tomorrow!!! Just remember, no race is worth a lifetime of back pain! Put ice on it and take motrin. love ya, sis!
It's not horrible, but it's not gone yet. I'll assess how I feel after work, but with the storm coming I'm thinking I probably won't run it. I might just go to the gym and see what I can do there instead. We'll see. You're right, the race isn't worth it.. and this isn't even the one I've been training for!!!
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