Well, my husband had a crazy end to his week with his brand new truck breaking down... twice! And got home much later than expected, then had to turn around and leave again today. Just crazy! At least we got to have a nice meal together before he had to leave... until next weekend!
So Saturday my sister and I went to Novi to the Twelve Oaks mall, which we love for many reasons, to shop for new clothes and of course some makeup! Ok, clothes first... we are both on a journey to new healthy lives and as we've both lost a significant amount of weight since last summer, nothing fits!! This is a good problem, but it gets expensive! So little by little we are replacing our wardrobes and had a great time spending lots of time in dressing rooms all over the mall on Saturday! The best part about shopping with my sister is that we are very similar in size, but slightly different in builds. So if she picked up something cute, but it didn't quite work on her, it might fit me.. and vice versa! How fun! We both scored some cute stuff... and spent too much I'm sure!
The second thing we love about this mall is the store called Lush. Now, I think I've talked about Lush before, but I have an obsession with their products that borderlines on the insane!!! My skin looks and feels amazing and I needed a few things that I was either out of or wanted to try.. and a few for good measure!!! Wish it wasn't so far away, but at least then I don't go as often as I would if it were closer!!!!
We also met up with a friend of mine from my days at WMU!!! It was so good to see her again.. we haven't spent any time together in 16+ years, and I just love her to death!! Next time we go I'll have to get even more people together, what a great time!!!!
Today was my running day, since I didn't run yesterday with all the mall walking we did. My plan was for an "easy" 6 miles.. and I ROCKED it out!! Even went a little faster than planned, but it felt amazing so I'm not worried!!! I'm a little stiff now a couple hours later, but nothing a good night's sleep won't cure! Now if I could just figure out how to go more than 4 miles without a potty break! I'm serious! It sucks!!!!
Anyway, before I get into TMI, I'll sign off. It was a crazy beautiful weekend with some crazy beautiful people... and I loved it!!
11 years ago
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