So the back is better... not completely better, but it's better. It was better enough this morning to go for a run. It was extremely bitter cold this morning and had been damp so there was ice on some of the sidewalks and so because of that and a couple other reasons I went to the gym. I jumped on the treadmill and started jogging. It wasn't bad, so after a mile I went up to a quicker pace. My plan for today was six miles. I made it three. I consider that a small victory, considering how I felt the past three days! Still, I am disappointed that I am just not going to get the miles in this week that I was supposed to for my training. I don't know what this means in the end, I mean I know I'll finish the race, I was just hoping to make a decent time. I suppose if this means I don't hit my goal time I will survive, but I may just surprise myself!
My boys both have birthdays this week. One was yesterday, the other today. I love that they are so close together, I never have to worry if I forget what I did for the other.. very easy to keep things even! Tonight my hubby was even home from his run and didn't have to leave until tomorrow morning so we went to Applebee's for supper! Yum! Of course, that means my sodium is way over for the day and that's alright. The boys were adamant that we not tell the server that it was they're birthday. I really wanted them to be sung to, but they wouldn't have any part of it!! Even after I told them they could have the free ice cream! Crazy boys...
This afternoon I had a quick hour between some things and stopped quick at Old Navy and Gap Outlet... tried on some pants and actually found that a size 10 fits nicely on my new shape!!! That was a great big surprise and yet it shouldn't be... I'm still getting used to the new me!!! The other surprise was when I tried on some tops, I can now wear a medium!!! That's just amazing!!! I'm loving all this hard work.. it's truly paying off!
This was a hodgepodge post, but it's all good... now if I can get in my seven miles on Saturday I'll be super happy!!! Oh, and I also need to get a baby fix this weekend since my co-worker had her baby on Tuesday night!!! Welcome to the world little Mara!!!!
11 years ago
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