Wow, the sun is shining so brightly today, it's just wonderful! Now if the temperatures would warm up accordingly... what can I say, it's Michigan winter! Freezing is part of living here. I just can't seem to get warm this week. As I'm typing this I'm bundled under my electric blanket set on high, and I'm STILL cold! I'm sure it will go away... at least I hope so.
Last night I had the most amazing time with my co-worker friends. I work in an office with about 20 women and 4 men. Right now we have 2 girls who are pregnant, one with number three and the other with her first. With all first babies, we MUST have a shower. It's a requirement. Seriously!!! So last night we had a baby shower for the new baby girl our friend is going to have within the next five weeks! She's already named the baby, which was really fun because we were able to play a game using the letters of her name (which I won because I'm good with that game) and she even got some stuff with her name embroidered on it! Super cute stuff and we all had a great time eating and laughing and telling funny stories about each other and our bosses... just a lot of fun with women I care about! We range in age from 19 to 81 in my office (I'm not exaggerating) but MAN can we have a good time together!!!! Can't wait to meet the newest little ones... I love holding babies... and giving them back to their mamas!!!!
Today I had to work, which I never like having to do on Saturday's, but we are only there until a little after noon, so no biggie. Best part was coming home and having my husband already here! He's home today and tomorrow until the evening when he has to be back out on the road once again. The life of a trucker can be hard, but he's doing so well and I'm so proud of him! So nice to know he's doing something he enjoys and is making the kind of money he deserves and is able to provide for us and make a nice life for our family. Certainly never thought my life would look like this, but I always knew we'd be together, and that's all that really matters to me.
So last week I got asked to sing at a different church. I accepted (for Feb 20) and now I'm racking my brain trying to think of which hymns to sing! They like traditional ones which I'm not entirely used to but I love, but since I'm not as familiar with some of them I'm just having trouble choosing two! I think I picked one, but the second is driving me nuts! I'm sure it will come to me, but I really need to pick it so I can call the lady so she can tell the person who will be playing piano for me! I'm kind of excited though, I've been wanting to get my name out there for weddings and such in the area but really didn't know how to get started.. maybe this will be the push I needed???? We shall see.
Ok, I think that might be about it for today, I might take a short nap and then hit the gym this afternoon. I didn't do any cardio yesterday, although I did do my 30 minute ab workout again after the party last night. Didn't have time to do the arc trainer since I had to get up early today! Still tracking my calories on and you know what? I've lost 2 pounds since last week!!! Very happy, sunny Saturday!!!!! TTFN!
11 years ago
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