Yup, it's finally summer in West Michigan! It's been a rainy and chilly spring, so this warm up is just what I needed to get in the mood to really get outside! For me, summer is about long walks, bike rides, ice cream and the water. We were hoping to get our boat out last weekend, but both of our cars broke down. Yup, both of them. At the same time. It was not fun at all. Got hubby's car fixed on Friday and mine will be picked up in the morning, but it's been a stressful couple of days. Oh well, it's only money.. right???
So today officially started the training for my first half marathon. The race will be September 24. I'm pumped about it, but nervous too. I really think I can do it and make a respectable time, but I have a ton of training to do. I have a plan, and I think I can stick to it, but it's more running than I've ever done, so let the adventure begin!!!! Tonight was a "2 miles easy" night, which meant my pace was around 12 minute miles. That's not as hard as it was a few months ago, so I'm happy about that, but with the heat and humidity I was literally dripping when I got home!!! Tomorrow is a "non-running" day, which I still hope to get in a workout at the gym with the weights. I found a great standing ab/core workout the other day in a magazine that I'm eager to use. I've done it twice, but with some regular sessions I am hoping to see some inches off my tummy and waist! Besides, a strong core really helps runners... and that's another great reason to do the workout!
I'm sure I'll post more about my training runs as they get harder, and longer, and faster... so if it bores you, I apologize. Truly I just want to be the best me I can be... and running is making me stronger inside and out. What more can I ask for???? Besides... there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a hot mama, right?
Gotta go get the hubby soon since I have his car and mine's still at the shop. Hope you have a great night!!! TTFN.
11 years ago
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