How have I not blogged in so long? I don't know, it's been a little crazy. Anyway... so what's new? Tom finished up his freshman year at Summit and has decided to go to Zeeland West next year. He has my blessing on this, but it still scares me. I know being at Summit was good for him this year and as much as I think another year wouldn't have hurt, this is his decision and he has valid reasons for going back to be at the "normal" school. Such big changes, but his maturity is starting to show and I'm so proud of the young man he's becoming. He also started driver's ed next week, and while I'm nervous, he's so excited and proud of himself for earning it. He needed to pass his classes before I'd pay for it... he did, so now I pay!
We had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Jim was home for most of it and David played with the band in his first parade! He looked so cute out there. They got really hot during, but it was good. Our town's parade isn't super long, so that's good, and we were able to park near enough that the walk back to the car wasn't horrible. After the parade I took my first of what I hope are many walks on the Grand Haven pier. It was busy but it was still a great walk. The weather is finally looking and feeling more like summer and I am so thankful for that!!! Being cold is just not fun for me at all!!!
So today we had a bit of a problem. On Monday Jim's muffler fell off. Not completely, but it's hanging on by a thread and needs desparately to be fixed. We took it in when he got back in town today, only to have my heater core go out. So instead of getting his muffler done tomorrow, my car is in the shop! Hopefully that won't cost a fortune and we can still get the muffler fixed. I don't think God wants me to have money. That's ok, I'd just like to have enough in the bank that when this stuff happens I don't panic. Like now. I'm panicking!!!! Well, not really, but we really just can't afford this right now... I'm trusting God will provide, but it's not easy.
Doing another 5k on Saturday, and this one is with my awesome sister!!! It will be her first, and I am so excited to be able to be there at the finish line cheering her on!!! I think we'll probably start together, but I'm sure my pace will be faster, and that's ok. My hope is to have somebody take our pic together when we're done (I know she doesn't like this idea, but maybe she'll change her mind then?) so I can brag her up!!!! Just finishing is such an accomplishment, and I know she will do great. I'm hoping to shave off a little time from my last one (back in October which was 36:37) so we'll see what kind of pace I can keep up! I don't know if I can yet, but I'm hoping to break 30!!!! We'll see, and I won't be upset if I don't.... at least not that upset!
Oh, and on another note... the new Chaco sandals I got with my birthday money are AMAZING!!!!!!! Highly recommend!!!!
11 years ago
No fair! By the time I stagger across the finish line (I'm shooting to keep it under 50 minutes!) you'll be rested and beautiful and I'll look like I'm about to die.
Well, I wouldn't go that far... I'll be plenty hot and sweaty!!! But I'm so excited!!!!
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