I can't believe I keep forgetting to blog! Guess it's a good thing I don't get paid for it.... of course if I did I might remember to DO it!!! LOL!
Anyway, since my last post I did something I'm pretty freaking proud of... I ran a half marathon! And I finished in 2 hours 16 minutes, which is WAY faster than I thought I could run. Yup, I'm pretty proud of myself! So since then I've been cutting back on running and working on some cross training just to keep myself as fit as possible. I will pick back up the training for another race around the first of the year. I've got two races I want to do, another half marathon in April and a 25k in May. In case you don't get the conversion, a 25k is 15.5 miles and since the half marathon is 13.1, I know I can do it! Will it be hard? Absolutely, but that's what makes me want to do it. I need a challenge and this will work! I'm going to need to gear up for winter so I can run all season long, but that's just part of the training. I really can't run on a treadmill anymore, so getting in those winter/snowy/rainy/dark runs will just be part of the experience! I'm sure I'll have some stories for you soon!!!!
Last weekend I went down to WMU for Homecoming and it was so much fun! Met a few friends and some new people too and tailgated and played drinking games and enjoyed a Bronco win all while getting sunburned (yes, in October)(yes, I had sunscreen in the car) and totally loving every minute! Part of my new life is just being comfortable in my own skin and seeing people I hadn't seen in nearly 20 years was kind of surreal and made me feel just amazing. Seriously makes me wish my class reunion had been this year instead of last summer!! LOL!
Anyway, I'm 2 pounds away from what I'm calling my "goal" weight. I think I'm stopping here because I feel amazing, I'm technically a "healthy" weight, I'm wearing a size 4 and what else can an almost-40-year-old Mom ask for????? I really hope everyone I know and love can get to this place at somepoint in their life, because it feels terrific!!!! I might even be inspiring my Mom which would be amazing to me!!!! So get out there and start moving... you WON'T regret it!!!!!
Now I need a vacation...
11 years ago
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