He is risen!!!! Alleluia!!!!! I already got my praise on during the two services this morning at church. I love singing and was able to take part in the choir this year again which is amazing! We even did a couple of hand clapping fun songs along with a couple of more "serious" choral pieces... just awesome!
Anyway, I wanted to say Happy Easter as well as brag a little bit... Yesterday I ran NINE miles!!! Yes, that's right, I said NINE!!!!! It wasn't easy, not all of it was even enjoyable (especially the first 2.5 into the wind and the last 2..) but I did it and I could not be prouder of myself. I am not a bragger most of the time, but I will brag about this because I FREAKING DID IT!!!! Yahoo!!!! My race is in two weeks and I'm so ready to rock that thing it's not even funny... I'm going to kill it!
So today I'm a little sore (not surprised there) but still need to get some exercise in, probably a little walk or bike ride and some weight lifting.. mainly because I want to eat some of this chocolate Easter bunny that's staring at me!!!! But also because I'm on a roll that I don't want to break.
On Valentine's Day I joined a fitness/weight loss challenge on My Fitness Pal with a group of ladies that are motivating and inspiring and just overall fun! Our challenges varied, but mainly they were walking/running 100 miles in 70 days which ends today. I am very proud to say that I not only went 100 miles, I ended up with 124.5!!!! I didn't count anything but running, so I could have been many more if I'd have counted all the elliptical and walking miles I did in the past 10 weeks. One of the challenges was to take a "before" and "after" pic. We didn't have to share, and I had no intention of sharing, but then I took the "after" one today... and I'm pretty shocked!!! I only lost 13 pounds (which is awesome) but on my short little self, it really shows!!! Let's see if this works...
Before (Feb 15, 2011)
and After (April 24, 2011)
Please excuse the mess in the back.. took these in my closet by my vanity which nobody ever sees... but whatever, the light was good and I had a mirror!!!! Anyway, I think you can tell I'm a little proud of myself, which isn't a bad thing when I've worked so hard!!! I'm not nearly done with this journey, I will be counting calories until I can't count anymore and exercising until they put me in home or something... it's just who I will need to be if I want to stay healthy and happy, and I'm ok with that!!! I have about 15 more pounds I'd like to lose, and I will get there, but by no means am I in a big hurry. This is life we're talking about, not a race! But I will race, because it's fun, and the training is so good for my body and my soul.
So goodbye chubby mama... look out world,.... Nikki's here to stay!!!!!
11 years ago
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