I'm really not good at the whole practical joke thing... I am super gullable and not at all good at planning stuff on other people. Super sad situation, but it's who I am! So if you got pranked, I'm sorry, but it wasn't me! If you pranked someone else... good for you!
I had a pretty good, but crazy busy, week. I really just feel like I could sleep the whole weekend away, but I know that won't happen. Tomorrow is just a four mile run for me, this is what the call a "taper" week in my training plan. Three smaller runs. Next week kicks it in big time again and gets me all the way to my race five weeks! I know I'll be ready, I'm feeling really good.
On that note, I hit another milestone again yesterday at my weigh in. I made it to within 10 pounds of my first real goal. This was a goal I set for myself two years ago. It's the weight I was when I got married, and haven't managed to get back to since. Looking at all the resources and charts and tables that show what someone my height and build "should" weigh, I really should be five pounds less than what I was going for. I was going to wait and see once I got closer if it was possible for me to lose those extra five pounds, but after how I've been feeling and how my training is going, I figured... why not! So yesterday I changed my goal to that lower weight. I don't know if I'll really get there, or manage to stay there, but if it's possible I really want to try! The last time I was even close, I was 19. In two weeks, I'll be 39!!!! Wouldn't it be something to look better than I did 20 years ago???? Crazy.. but I wasn't the athlete back then than I am now, so I really say anything is possible!
For all of you out there struggling with your weight and fitness goals, I can honestly tell you that there is no magic pill or formula for looking and feeling great. It's all about hard work, tough decisions, and goal setting! Believing in yourself is something you have to learn and once you do you'll know that there is NOTHING you can't do! I'm starting to love myself more than I ever have before, and that's a side effect of my journey that I hadn't expected. Not to sound stuck up or anything.. but I freaking ROCK!!! I'm fun, I'm active, I'm outgoing and friendly, I'm competitive but not obnoxious, and I'm starting to actually think I'm cute!!! I've never really looked at myself that way before, but you know what? I like myself! Are there still things about myself I'd like to change, sure! The roadmap of silver highways on my stomach and upper thighs are not a thing of beauty, but I have a great smile and I'm starting to have one chin instead of two!!!! My upper arms are starting to giggle less and my legs are smokin! All this is to tell you that you are beautiful too!!! You are beautiful because you were created by a loving God who made you for a reason.. and loves you! Goodness, I wish I had known how this feels as a kid. Things could have been so much better back then. But then, those experiences made me who I am, so I'll take it all in stride and move on from here knowing that I'm awesome. God loves me. I love me. And I love SO many people!!! I love you for reading this, because it's got to be just about the most boring thing ever to read, but I love you for sticking with me.
On a lighter note, it's my birthday in two weeks. I'm hopeful I can have a couple friends to go out with for a girls night. Or at least a couple drinks with friends! Whatever, I need a night out!!!! If you're really my friend, and you're ready to celebrate with me, meet me on the 16th for a fun night out! Maybe even Karaoke if we can find it somewhere... who knows? I'd love to rock some socks off!!!!!
God bless!!!!
11 years ago
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