It's been a pretty crazy week around la casa!!!! Saturday my youngest son did a really dumb thing and got himself grounded for life. Yup, that's what I said. For life. Well, at least until summer. Seriously, at least, a minimum, of five weeks. Wanna know what he did? Of course you do!!!!
Friday night he spent the night at a friend's house. No biggie, he spends the night there often. Told him to be home by noon on Saturday because the house needed some teamwork cleaning time. Well, I got up later than I planned to take my 9 mile run, but I left the house a little before noon and told hubby that kiddo should be home soon, but he may want to call and check to see he's on his way. Nearly 4 miles into my run I get a phone call from a number I didn't know but I answered it. It was the security officer at Walmart saying he had my son there with some friends and they were shoplifting. WHAT!!! He wasn't supposed to be out of the neighborhood??? I'm shocked, confused and horrified! And I'm running. I'm not even halfway done running. Crap!
So I ask the guy to call my husband and he would come because I really didn't know what to do. So I keep running. A little bit later I call my husband to make sure he got the call from the store. He did. He's ticked! He's on his way and will call me back. I keep running. I am off my route because I'm frazzled, but I keep running.
Hubby calls me again to ask how soon I'll be home because he's about to lose it. I tell him I already planned to cut it short, but I was still over two miles from the house. I'm shot, emotionally I'm a wreck, but I try to keep running. Then about one mile from home I totally lose it. I break down sobbing. I can't run anymore. My head is NOT in the game. Long runs are so much about the head over the legs. My head is home but my legs can't run anymore. I turn off the GPS which said I had done 7 miles somehow, and walk the mile home. Sobbing. I'm a mess.
So I get home and the only question I have is "what the HELL were you thinking???" He went, with three other little boys, on the BUS to the NEXT TOWN to the Walmart. Then they shopped a little bit. Then one (or more, I really don't get the whole story) decided to steal. He says he didn't steal. I don't know what to believe. He was supposed to be walking the couple blocks home. Instead he hops a freaking bus to the next town. Did I mention he's 12 years old? Yup, 12. Might not make 13 at this rate! What the heck??? I didn't even know he knew the bus routes? Shocked. Horrified. And now he's grounded.
So he gets to walk the few blocks from school to my office everyday after school and sit in my staff room doing his homework until I get out of work and take him home. It's the only way I know what he's really up to. I don't trust him right now. Don't think you can blame me for that. I've hated them being "latchkey" kids, but I thought that they got how important it was to be truthful and not do dumb things like this!
Anyway. Beyond that, I got spoiled last night. My SAI Big Sis was awesome to me last night and treated me to a pedicure and dinner in celebration of my losing 32 pounds! Yup, that was my total lost as of my last weigh in (I do weigh in again tomorrow... ) and I couldn't be happier! I still want to lose at least 10 more, but I'll see how my body handles it and see what happens. Sometimes I get to a point and can't lose any more, but because of all the exercise I am doing now I have no idea what will happen... and I like that!!!!
Hope you all have a great week and I hope for another loss on the scale in the morning!!!! What a week!!!!
11 years ago
Holy cow Nikki! I can't believe you have to go through that! Hugs to you!!!
Grrr. I'm sorry he's put you through this, but remember that 12-year-olds, especially knuckle-headed-12-year-old-BOYS, don't have fully developed brains yet, so they're bound to do stupid stuff at some point. At least he's learning his lesson early and didn't hurt himself or anyone else!
I think what you're doing with him is exactly appropriate. I'm sure you'll find lots of creative house/yard work for him to do for "fun." If you run out of stuff, I'm sure we could borrow him and put him to work around here!
Thanks. He's really taking his punishment pretty well, but not making a lot of progress on cleaning his room... big surprise!!! I may take you up on projects, since I'm not as creative as you!!!
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