I can't believe I haven't updated this in a year and a half!! Almost forgot I even started a blog. I know when I originally started it I was planning on sharing my knitting and stuff, but that really isn't how I'm using it, and that's ok. I think I'm going to shift my focus to just everyday stuff. Struggles and successes, trials and triumphs.. that sort of thing. If that's for you, then go ahead and read away, if it's not.. sorry, move on!!! Mainly I'm thinking that I need to start like a journal of my thoughts and feelings more for me to read and keep track of myself than for any other reason. Sorry if I'm boring, but I'm bound to have some funny stuff happen.. I'm just creative like that sometimes. I may add some pics when I can, but my focus in life is changing right now, so bear with me while I figure this whole thing out.
So we are beginning a new year.. and a new decade. This is great, and stressful all at the same time. Yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of the first date I had with my husband. Yes, I was an infant when we met.. right? Wrong! I was in high school, mature for my fragile age of 16, but still.. it's been forever since we've been together, and I'm pretty proud of that. We're not perfect by any means, but longevity counts for something, and we're still in love, which counts for a lot.
Work is going well, I'm still with the office I've been at for eight years, but we're changing computer systems next week which is totally stressing us all out!!! I know it will be fine once we're used to it, but like in anything, change is hard. Necessary, but hard. So if I just need to vent here in the next couple of weeks, bear with me. This too shall pass...
I had my 20 year class reunion last summer, boy was that a trip!!! Not travel-wise, we live like 30 minutes from our home town, just in general.. seeing everyone and learning all over again who they all are! I went to a smallish school, graduated with 125 or so people, so having about half of them show up was amazing. Would have been great to have us all, but that never happens, right! Anyway, I was glad I went and am looking forward to the next one, whenever that might be.
For the new year, I'm making some resolutions, and that's one reason why I wanted to re-start this blog. Just to hold myself accountable. I'm going to make my resolutions "public" so that I can track that accountability and check on myself as this year goes on. I started last spring to work on my health and fitness and have lost a little weight and gotten in better shape (even ran 2 5k's this year!) but in December 2010 I joined Snap Fitness which just opened a mile or so up the road from my house. I've been pretty good about getting up there three days a week or so, but my commitment I want to make to myself is to workout three to four days a week, at least. I also want to lose the last 25 pounds I need to get to a really good goal weight for me. If I go less than that I'm not sure it's maintainable.. and I want to find a weight that's not only comfortable, but very healthy. My mother is having lots of health problems and most of that has to do with her weight.. and her smoking, which I don't do (thank God) so I want to live a longer and healthier life than she is. Starting already, I'd say I'm doing pretty well.. but I could still do better. That's my goal, to be healthy, look good, and live a long and active life. Not too much to ask, but it's a change in lifestyle for me, so I'm working on it and will continue to work on it until I get where I need to be. Keep checking.. it's gonna take a while!!!!
One other goal I have is to make time each day to keep in touch with God. I'm a Christian (if you know me, you know that) and I want it to show to people who don't know me. I want to be Jesus to people who need a loving touch, and just have His peace and love apparent in my actions, thoughts, and deeds. Ok, enough on that for today, this is going to be a tough process as well... personal growth isn't easy!!!
Ok, enough for today. I need to get up to the gym for my Sunday workout. The Lions just finished their season with their fourth straight win and for a lifelong fan.. I couldn't be happier!!! I'll be talking about sports whenever the moment hits, I'm a Detroit fan through and through!!!! Something about growing up in Michigan and living near my Grandpa for 23 years!!!! Anyway.. hope you're having a great start to 2011.. I'm excited about all the promise this new year holds... and may all our dreams come true!!!!
11 years ago
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