So the radio station I listen to has a pretty funny morning show, and on Wednesday mornings they have callers call in and tell them what's good for the day, thus... What's Good Wednesday's!!! I'll be honest.. there wasn't much good for me this Wednesday. But that's ok. I'm going to be optimistic and look on the bright side... oh, who am I kidding... there's no bright side for today. I'm smack dab in the middle of the week that just won't end.
On Monday, my office is changing computer systems. Yes, two weeks after the holidays, and we are going to completely overhaul our entire office. Now if you've done this before, you understand that in the weeks and months leading up to a change such as this requires hours of planning, training and setting up. Ok, realistically, this takes hundreds of hours... hundreds. Needless to say, that doing all this at the busiest time of the year both business-wise as well as home-wise is not my idea of a good time. That would be a man's decision. Yes, we all would like to torture him while he sleeps... but alas, I will be a trooper and a team player and continue marching onward like the good soldier I am. But I don't have to be happy about it. If you think I'm all smiley and cheery and full of good things to say today, you'd be wrong. But that's ok. This too shall pass. But just because of this, I have to work on my day off AND go in on Saturday to do inventory. Thrilled... I'm thrilled I tell ya! Forget the fact that I have no groceries in the house and won't be able to shop for them now... thrilled.
Ok, so this is going to be short, because I'm exhausted and have to get up again in the morning to get to work (ugh). I just wanted to vent a little in hopes that it will help me sleep. If it doesn't, I'll let the boss know. He owes me BIG!!!!! I may just send him to the store with my list and see what he says... especially if he jokes around with me tomorrow... I'm on a rampage people... watch out!!!!!
11 years ago
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