So, I said before that I've started running and working out this year, and I've made great strides in my fitness which I'm happy with. Not near where I want to be yet, but I'm moving in the right direction.. moving being the key word here!!! Well, I have a friend who was a roommate in college who ran her first 1/2 marathon last year. I was so proud of her! She's truly inspiring me to consider it since she's planning on doing 2 of them this year! Never thought I'd run, not even a 5 or 10k, but a 1/2 marathon? Me??? Little, non-athletic, chubby, couch potato me??? Never. Never thought it could happen in a million years. Funny thing about that word.. never.. whenever I say I'll never, I usually end up doing it eventually.
Seriously! Told my sister I'd never knit... I knit.
Told people I'd never read Harry Potter.. almost done and enjoying it.
Said I'd never run a mile without dying... ran 2 5k's last year and still kicking!
Never dreamed in a million years I'd live past the age of 30.. well.. I did!! (I'll tell you about that some other time..)
So, in a nutshell, I've learned never to say never. Not about anything. When someone else I know tries something, either I tell them how awesome I think they are, or I don't say anything. Because deep down I know.. crap, next I'll have to do whatever fantastic feat of bravery they just did!!! A friend at work is going to teach me how to downhill ski this winter.. never thought that would happen. I'm using a shampoo and some other products that are all organic and vegan and again.. never woulda thunk it! I know, nothing earth shattering about any of that, but to me, just a lesson that you're never too old or set in your ways or whatever. Never say never!!!
The long story (somewhat) short... I'm thinking about doing a 1/2 marathon. Still considering it. Wondering what kind of training is involved and if I'm at a fitness level that is ready to start or should I work up to it? Looking online, most of the resources I've found say if you can run three miles (which I can) then you are ready to start an 8-12 week training course depending on which program you want to follow. Here's my deal: the race I'm considering is in September, so I wouldn't start a program until late spring/early summer which is perfect weather for outdoor running. Between now and then, I want to continue the strength training I've been doing at the gym (loving Snap fitness so much) and work on adding in at least one running session, even if it's on the treadmill, every week. But I feel like maybe that's not enough??? I'm a little lost, and I think I need to talk tot he Snap trainers about it. There was a girl there when I started that gave me a workout plan and she was awesome. I hope I can catch her there in the next week or two and talk to her about my new goals. I hope also that she doesn't laugh at me, but something tells me she won't!!! I doubt I'll set a time goal for finishing, just make it a goal to finish and not walk unless absolutely necessary!!!
So, am I insane??? Think this goal is attainable for a late 30's chubby mom??? I hope so! Also, I'm hoping it will help me stick to my weight loss plan and give me the extra push I need to lose those 25 pounds I want to lose this year. Just think, if I were 25 pounds lighter, my feet would thank me and I'd look much cuter in those running clothes!!! LOL!!
11 years ago
DO IT! (But you knew I'd say that....)
I also have downhill skiis/boots/goggles/etc you can use. They're old, but they work fine! Don't spend the $ to rent/buy.
Hey, I might take you up on that, and if you want to join us, let me know! Not sure which day we're going yet, but most likely a Sunday night because they have great rates ($20 for rentals and lift tickets after 5pm) but we may try another time.. Tara's psyching me up to skiing!!!
Oh, and as for the running, I'm seriously considering it.. you should join me!!!!
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