A crazy thing happened at work today. I just had to share!!!
So a week or two ago we were tipped off that there have been several optical offices that have been shoplifted by a group of people, mainly a man and a woman, in several cities across West Michigan. One of the tipster offices sent along an email with several surveillance photos attached so we would be aware of the individuals if in fact they came into our office. We all took a good look at the photos and went about our daily lives... until today!
While I was at lunch, the other girls in the office noticed the man from the photo, along with a girl who looked like the one in the photo, and they were asking about some random eyewear line that we didn't carry. While one girl helped them and kept them talking, the other called the police. First the Zeeland Police came, and he took the story and called the Grand Rapids Detective who is running the case, who came out and arrested them. The man had three warrants in the state, at least one for home invasion, but the girl didn't have any warrants. Oh, and their driver took off when the cops came!
It was about the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me in our little town!!! I didn't have to talk to the police, they took them outside pretty soon after I got back from lunch, but we are so proud to have been the ones who helped bring these thieves to justice! I don't want them stealing from anyone!!!! Just wrong. And sad.
I went to Bible study tonight and realized just how much I need to pray for these individuals. There's got to be a reason for the thefts. I don't know if they are desperate due to a job loss, have grown up as criminals, have a drug habit, whatever. I'm sure there's a story there, and while I may never know about it, I can still pray for them. I can pray that they see what they've done is wrong. I can pray that someday they will repent and change their ways and will come to lean on Jesus instead of crime and deception. It's not much, but it is.
Like I said... Oh. My. Gosh....
11 years ago
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