Hello again!
My husband is a truck driver, who is out of town six to seven days at a stretch. It's only been a year since he started this profession after he lost a manufacturing job that he'd had for twelve years. Needless to say, this has been a transition. Before the change, he worked third shift and we had dinners together and all that family stuff. It wasn't pefect, but most nights he cooked (he's good at it, me.. notsomuch) and we basically had a routine.
Enter the change in careers. Suddenly I'm home with two teenage boys, a full time job and all the responsiblity of the entire house. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, fixing, mowing, shoveling.. everything fell on my shoulders. I am not saying this to feel sorry for myself, instead to celebrate the fact that I'm stronger than I ever thought possible!!! Plus, I have the coolest kids who help out and are so super understanding when Mom just can't handle something.
Ok, so this week (obviously) hasn't been a great week. No time to workout, no home-cooked meals, basically just a frantic mom trying to be everywhere at once and failing miserably!!! Yesterday we had a pretty decent snowfall (typical here along the shores of Lake Michigan) and after school I had to take the younger son to the dentist for a filling. When we got home, the older son had ALREADY shoveled the entire driveway and sidewalk!!! It's not that big, but still, I was soooo happy!!! Then, before bed, because it hadn't stopped snowing yet.. the younger one offered to shovel AGAIN!!! Man, do I have amazing kids or WHAT!!!!
So tonight, hubby got home for the weekend early and decided to stay in tonight and make TACOS!!! I love tacos. I could eat tacos every single day and not tire of them, my most favorite meal ever!!! So after a long, busy, hard day at work, not only had he shoveled (or snowblowed, who cares) the driveway (again) but he made TACOS!!!! Life is certainly looking up for me! So beer and tacos makes my Friday night of playing on the computer while trying to catch up on two weeks of Days of Our Lives on my DVR (I'm still a week behind, but who cares!!) a complete and total success in my eyes. Yes, I am that pathetic! Sweatpants, beer, tacos and a laptop are all I need sometimes. Don't judge!!!
Tomorrow I have to do the first of many inventories on my new computer system at work. This should be interesting. I hope it's not a complete waste of time!!!! I'll have help, so hopefully we can get it done in a couple of hours, and I am planning on working out beforehand since I literally haven't been to the gym since last Sunday! Maybe a good sweat will help the overwhelming feeling of dread that I've had going most of the week!!!
Anyway, that's my life today. It's quiet around the house now as one son is at a sleepover and the other is sledding with friends. Hubby's about to get on the Xbox with his gamer friends, so I think I'll hit the sack early and pick up my book. I'm finishing the Harry Potter series at the moment. Never planned to read it, but it's pretty good! I'll let you know what I think when I'm finished. Ta ta!!
11 years ago
Remember how Dad would sweat when he ate tacos? Makes me smile to think about. :)
Yes, I remember that very well. Every time I eat tacos or something spicy I think of him just sweating profusely!!! He's was a unique one, our Dad!!! Miss him...
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