Ok, witty title, probably not a witty post. So the boy taught me a lesson today that I had completely not understood until now, and to be honest I'm still not sure I'm all there... boys don't hold grudges. I'm a girl (obviously) so I really don't understand this. Yesterday there was a fight, today all is well. My son and the boy who started yesterday's fight are now "cool". They walked to the bus stop together, they are fine. Girls don't do this. Girls let things fester and bubble for a long time and never ever get over things. Ever. Did I mention that I just don't understand boys??? Ugh, but I'm glad all is well, and I'm hoping that he never again has to use his fists to solve a problem. And to be honest, if that's all it takes, I'm not unhappy that it happened at all. Sort of. I'm a mom, I'm overprotective!
So at my office I have to work one Saturday morning a month (we rotate, it's not so bad) and tomorrow it's my turn. I'm not looking forward to it since it's been a really rough week and I'm still not totally up to speed on the new computer system yet. But thankfully I won't be alone and I am sure we will do just fine... right? My point to telling you this is that I usually go to the gym on Saturday mornings, and I'm not about to get up at 5am to workout on a Saturday... seriously, that is just insane!!! So tonight, since my husband is still on the road, I met my friend from work at the gym and we worked out together! We don't get a chance to do this very often, but we both just have jam packed schedules tomorrow, so tonight was a great chance for both of us to get out and burn off some stress and calories that have been killing us this week.
Since I'm usually not talking to anyone or concerned what other people think about me at the gym, I usually just do the routine that the Snap employee set up for me and go on my way. This week I was reading in Women's Health about a series of core exercises that are good for runners because even runners need a strong core to be able to run faster and longer. Since I'm still thinking about training for some races this year, I figured I should probably add these in.. and ouch! I'm so weak in this area!!! So I did what I could and will keep adding them until I get the strong core I so desparately need! My friend is much thinner than I am, but she's working on getting stronger and more toned, and she's very encouraging. She was running like a madwoman on the treadmill while I was doing my weights and I was inspired!
Now, I was running three days a week up until about mid to late October when the weather got too cold for me, but as it's now January, it's been a while! Tonight, between my strength and cardio sets, I ran ONE MILE!!! It wasn't very fast, but I did it! Holy cow, I needed to do that to remind me how far I have to go if I'm going to be ready for a 10k in a few months!!! But I did it and still did 30 minutes on the Arc trainer.. better known as the "Ass kicker!!!!" It's like and elliptical but burns more calories and basically kicks your butt and all other sorts of muscles... zoinks!!
Anyway, long tough week almost over, and a great workout to top it all off! Now if my son can get better (spent the day home in bed with a low fever and sore throat) and my other son can help me clean the house (it's a pit in here) my week will be complete!!! Of course, hubby coming home on Sunday will be a great giant bonus too!!!
11 years ago
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