Sorry, couldn't help myself.... but things are changing. Changing in my attitude. Changing in my body. Changing in my faith. And it's exciting, and exhilarating, and downright frightening!!!!
I have been talking a lot lately about changing my body through fitness and exercise, and that's not going to stop, but for tonight that is not my focus.
I sing and play on the worship team at my church. I truly feel that my voice and musical ability are gifts from God that should be given back to Him whenever and wherever possible. We have quite a vibrant group and I'm honored and priveledged to lead worship with these wonderful people!!! We, of course, have a leader. Our fearless leader Jon. Tonight he called a meeting for us basically to challenge us to live out our faith in more ways than just playing a guitar and singing on Sunday mornings. Here's a quick synopsis of the "plan".
1. We are going to challenge ourselves to pray for the entire world.
It's easy to pray for ourselves and our families and even our churches, but when was the last time I prayed for the orphans in Rwanda??? Honestly??? Probably never.
2. Read the entire Bible.
This is something I've tried to do in the past by myself, but my enthusiasm usually wanes around Deutoronomy!!! I've read the entire New Testament, but the Old??? Nope. Never. But I'm gonna give it a try, and we are going to try to keep each other accountable for it even if we're not on the same exact page. No time limit, just read it through! Planning to start on Feb 1... if anyone else wants to join in, go right ahead!!!
3. Sacrifice your money to another purpose.
I am really struggling with this one, and will for a while. My husband and I don't make a ton of money as it is, and while I know that sacrificial giving is Biblical and important, it's hard to know how to give up things that seem so important... but they really aren't... this one is going to be difficult for me for sure.
4. Spend time in another context.
This one is something I've been trying to figure out how to do for a while. My time is precious, working full time, raising my boys, but there's something else out there that I'm supposed to be doing. I've felt that way for a long time. For a while I thought I was supposed to be in a band. That didn't work. But I still think it might have something to do with my music. That's partly why I started taking guitar lessons last year. My teacher has inspired me to start writing music. I've written a couple of songs so far, and of course, they happen to be worship songs. I know that's what I'm supposed to write, it just feels right!!! I love secular music too and listen to lots of different genres, but I truly think God has something for me up His sleeve and somehow I'm supposed to keep doing music... when/where/how/whatever I'm not sure, but I'll wait for God's nudging on that one. I'm ready for whatever He has for me!!!
5. Commit to multiplying...
I don't think I got the words right, but the jist of it is discipleship. Making disciples and spreading the Gospel. I have a hard time thinking of myself as a disciple, but my pastors are really focusin on that right now, so I've been thinking a lot about it anyway and am just convicted that I'm already one.. now I just need to act like it!!!
Ok, sorry if you're not into all that "church" stuff... I'm really not a preachy type person either, but I'm very spiritual. I always have been. It's something I'm passionate about especially when it comes to music and worship leading. So now comes my attitude change. It's coming, and I have to work some of the kinks out yet, but I feel it. Watch out world... there's changes coming from this little mama!!!!!
11 years ago
I read the Bible in it's entirety last year and while doing so kept a journal of prayer, thanksgiving and personal love letters to God. It was an amazing thing!! I miss it. So, Dave and I are doing a couples devotional once a week together.
I think I am going to take fruits of the spirit and apply one a month towards spiritual growth....stay tuned :)
I love praise & worship at FCZ and wish i could do it more has amazing people in it :)
You rock, Denise!!! I like your idea of a journal, although I'm usually bad about them, which is one reason I have this here blog! I like typing better than writing by FAR!!!
We should jam sometime, get some of us together around a fire or something and belt out a few praise songs! Now THAT would be fun!
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