Sunday, January 30, 2011

Awesome Weekend!!!

Yes, I had an awesome weekend!!! I went to college with some of the greatest people I know and joined a professional music fraternity called Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI). We are sisters through and through and have been there for each other through some awesome times and some sad ones too. One year ago, we lost one of our dear sisters to breast cancer. Her name was Laura and we all miss her dearly. One of the saddest things about her passing was that many of us didn't even realize she was sick until it was too late. We had lost touch, as many busy moms would understand. Laura understood. She too was a busy mom, wife, teacher, friend... life just runs away from you sometimes. Well, after her funeral those of us who had gathered to pay tribute to her decided that we could not let that happen. The losing touch thing. So many of us hadn't seen each other in over 10 or 15 years!!! That's too long for sisters and friends who care about each other. So we made a plan to get together more often. January and July at least. We can do this!!! July was a great family picnic where many of us brought our spouses and kids and even some other awesome WMU friends were there.. it was great!!!

So, fast forward to this past weekend. Since it's officially the anniversary of Laura's passing, we as sisters got together to just be sisters. It was great. We met at a lake house owned by a sister's parents (awesome!) and just sat around and visited, ate, drank wine, and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company!!! So wonderful to get hugs and talk and catch up! Then in the evening our lovely and talented hostess had planned for those of us who could to go out for an evening of Drag Queen Bingo!!! Yes, Bingo, hosted by a funny fabulous drag queen named September Murphy!!!! Hilarious!!! Now, if you know me, you know I very rarely win at anything. I'm just not lucky that way. So imagine my surprise when, at the end of like three rounds of bingo I actually won!!!! So fun!!! I received my prizes, a Glee calendar and a $25 gift card for the store that hosted the bingo (which of course is a 2 1/2 drive from my house). Since I wasn't likely to get back there any time soon, I went ahead and used my card right then on a cute glass pitcher/mug type thing that has great big hot pink polka dots on it!!! So me!!!! I'll have to see if I can post a pic. I haven't done this in a while!!!

Anyway, it was amazing to see my sisters, to spend a day without my kiddos and just being a girl! I can't wait to see them again, and plan to make plans to do that this summer (if not before)!!!! Now I need a fun twisty straw so I can drink something awesome out of my sweet new "mug"!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes....

Sorry, couldn't help myself.... but things are changing. Changing in my attitude. Changing in my body. Changing in my faith. And it's exciting, and exhilarating, and downright frightening!!!!

I have been talking a lot lately about changing my body through fitness and exercise, and that's not going to stop, but for tonight that is not my focus.

I sing and play on the worship team at my church. I truly feel that my voice and musical ability are gifts from God that should be given back to Him whenever and wherever possible. We have quite a vibrant group and I'm honored and priveledged to lead worship with these wonderful people!!! We, of course, have a leader. Our fearless leader Jon. Tonight he called a meeting for us basically to challenge us to live out our faith in more ways than just playing a guitar and singing on Sunday mornings. Here's a quick synopsis of the "plan".

1. We are going to challenge ourselves to pray for the entire world.
It's easy to pray for ourselves and our families and even our churches, but when was the last time I prayed for the orphans in Rwanda??? Honestly??? Probably never.
2. Read the entire Bible.
This is something I've tried to do in the past by myself, but my enthusiasm usually wanes around Deutoronomy!!! I've read the entire New Testament, but the Old??? Nope. Never. But I'm gonna give it a try, and we are going to try to keep each other accountable for it even if we're not on the same exact page. No time limit, just read it through! Planning to start on Feb 1... if anyone else wants to join in, go right ahead!!!
3. Sacrifice your money to another purpose.
I am really struggling with this one, and will for a while. My husband and I don't make a ton of money as it is, and while I know that sacrificial giving is Biblical and important, it's hard to know how to give up things that seem so important... but they really aren't... this one is going to be difficult for me for sure.
4. Spend time in another context.
This one is something I've been trying to figure out how to do for a while. My time is precious, working full time, raising my boys, but there's something else out there that I'm supposed to be doing. I've felt that way for a long time. For a while I thought I was supposed to be in a band. That didn't work. But I still think it might have something to do with my music. That's partly why I started taking guitar lessons last year. My teacher has inspired me to start writing music. I've written a couple of songs so far, and of course, they happen to be worship songs. I know that's what I'm supposed to write, it just feels right!!! I love secular music too and listen to lots of different genres, but I truly think God has something for me up His sleeve and somehow I'm supposed to keep doing music... when/where/how/whatever I'm not sure, but I'll wait for God's nudging on that one. I'm ready for whatever He has for me!!!
5. Commit to multiplying...
I don't think I got the words right, but the jist of it is discipleship. Making disciples and spreading the Gospel. I have a hard time thinking of myself as a disciple, but my pastors are really focusin on that right now, so I've been thinking a lot about it anyway and am just convicted that I'm already one.. now I just need to act like it!!!

Ok, sorry if you're not into all that "church" stuff... I'm really not a preachy type person either, but I'm very spiritual. I always have been. It's something I'm passionate about especially when it comes to music and worship leading. So now comes my attitude change. It's coming, and I have to work some of the kinks out yet, but I feel it. Watch out world... there's changes coming from this little mama!!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oh. My. Gosh.....

A crazy thing happened at work today. I just had to share!!!

So a week or two ago we were tipped off that there have been several optical offices that have been shoplifted by a group of people, mainly a man and a woman, in several cities across West Michigan. One of the tipster offices sent along an email with several surveillance photos attached so we would be aware of the individuals if in fact they came into our office. We all took a good look at the photos and went about our daily lives... until today!

While I was at lunch, the other girls in the office noticed the man from the photo, along with a girl who looked like the one in the photo, and they were asking about some random eyewear line that we didn't carry. While one girl helped them and kept them talking, the other called the police. First the Zeeland Police came, and he took the story and called the Grand Rapids Detective who is running the case, who came out and arrested them. The man had three warrants in the state, at least one for home invasion, but the girl didn't have any warrants. Oh, and their driver took off when the cops came!

It was about the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me in our little town!!! I didn't have to talk to the police, they took them outside pretty soon after I got back from lunch, but we are so proud to have been the ones who helped bring these thieves to justice! I don't want them stealing from anyone!!!! Just wrong. And sad.

I went to Bible study tonight and realized just how much I need to pray for these individuals. There's got to be a reason for the thefts. I don't know if they are desperate due to a job loss, have grown up as criminals, have a drug habit, whatever. I'm sure there's a story there, and while I may never know about it, I can still pray for them. I can pray that they see what they've done is wrong. I can pray that someday they will repent and change their ways and will come to lean on Jesus instead of crime and deception. It's not much, but it is.

Like I said... Oh. My. Gosh....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Mind...

Ok, I was playing on the state of the union address that is on tv like right now, and of course I'm not really paying attention. But I am writing my thoughts down in my usual rambling way just so I can keep track of my mind while I watch a couple of shows on Hulu.. that is the best new website I've found in a long time!!! Anyway, I digress... again. My kiddos are still doing their homework too, so it's not like I'm going to sleep any time soon.

Had a good day at work. Less stressful today which is amazing! We're coming to terms with the new computer system and working out the kinks, even if it means we have to change our way of thinking sometimes. We are nothing if not flexible, right??? As long as our patients are taken care of, we're happy. Or we're working on being happy... either way. It's all good, and less stress is a happy day any day! Plus, it was payday, which always makes for a great day!!!!

Worked out at the gym again tonight. I love that I'm getting stronger, and I really feel like what I'm doing now I can keep doing forever. It's really a change in my thinking, this complete lifestyle makeover I'm putting myself through. Completely necessary and worth every ounce of sweat! People are starting to notice, which is kinda nice, but feeling good like I am is the best reward!!! Like I said, it's a change of mind, a change of philosophy, and a change in life. I can't believe I am doing this, but I really want to be around someday for my future grandchildren!!! Yes, I have at least 20 years before that happens, but I'll wait. And I'll be there. That's what matters!! Plus, I want to be the kind of grandma that can take her kiddos to the beach, and for bike rides, and all that sort of stuff!!! Wow, won't that be neat!

So, it's a great day! Hope everyone out there in cyberland had a great day too!! And if you put your mind into it you can make anything happen... it's all in your State of Mind....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Life is Nuts...

My life is crazy. Seriously, I need to clone myself like three times to be able to keep up with all the stuff I'm supposed to do!! Of course, that won't happen, so some things are falling through the cracks. Like the bathrooms, and the kitchen floors, and my bedroom dustbunnies that are about to come alive and smother me while I sleep... but I'm mostly ok with that. Mostly, because I'm not a neat freak, I'm mostly a little sloppy anyway, but it's starting to get to me. Mostly, because my kids seem happy even if the kitchen's a mess and there's enough cobwebs on the walls to play 3on3 in the living room. Mostly. But it would be SO nice to have the time to clean. Instead, I work a full time office job and take care of my boys and myself the best I can. Did I mention that I wish I could quit my day job??? Oh yeah, big time. But I can't. So I'll deal with dirty floors and dust bunnies the size of my minivan.... ugh.

So I was at said office job today and I remembered that I thought I had a haircut appointment coming up, and when was that again??? So I checked the calendar in my phone and guess what... it's tonight! After work!!! And I didn't plan ahead and bring a change of clothes or my checkbook!!!! Ugh! I'm so overwhelmed half the time I can't remember what I have to do in two hours, for crying out loud. Anyway, I swung home, checked in on the boys, changed into my jeans, grabbed my checkbook and headed back out to the haircut appointment. Ah, the life of a woman never stops, huh? Good news, love the haircut!!! It's all about the end result after all!!!

Oh, and all the blue highlights we did in my son's hair yesterday??? We both forgot he had swimming for gym this week... they're pretty much washed out already!!! Oh well, it's not a big deal... we'll just do it again soon! Gotta love boys, well... I do!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What a Weekend!!!

Yes, it was quite a weekend. My husband was home for most of it which is always nice. We stayed in a kept warm on Friday night, so Saturday afternoon we took a little time for a "date". It was nice to be out with just my man! We hit Applebee's for lunch (yummy) and then a quick trip into Walmart (it's never that quick) and then we went to a movie. We saw the new Ashton Kutcher flick called "No Strings Attached" and it was really good! Ashton's such a hottie, and Natalie Portman is amazingly beautiful!!! So we laughed and held hands and it was really nice. The roads got pretty bad so we went home after that and watched tv and snuggled a little and basically had a relaxing afternoon at home!!! Thankfully he also snowblowed out the driveway after the snow stopped!!! It was pretty thick out there!

So this morning he left before the sun came up and it was just a nice Sunday with me and the kids. We went to church, lunch like always at BWW's, quick trip to the grocery store for a couple things and then football! I put my workout clothes on while I did laundry so I wouldn't have an excuse not to hit the gym later and that really helped me stay focused. Three loads of laundry are (almost) done and we're ready for another week! Worked out for almost two hours (that might hurt tomorrow!) and feel awesome! I lifted weights, pushed out 30 minutes on the Arc trainer and then ran a mile after that! Not to mention the 10 minutes of ab work I did... that might hurt a little tomorrow! I'm feeling good about it though, and I think I'll be ready to start training for my race in a few weeks!!! Still can't believe I'm doing this... I must be nuts!

My younger son (he's 11) has very very blonde hair which he likes to dye different colors sometimes. His friends were saying to him that he should dye it blue again.. and of course we have plenty of hair dye left... so we dyed it! Just little blue streaks like highlights this time. Usually we do his whole head, so this is different... and I like it! He's such a little rock star, very different fashion sense than most of the sixth graders I know and a big risk taker also. So now, he's a blond, with blue streaks! Very cool!!! (He won't let me take a pic! But if I get one, I'll try to post it soon.) Wish I could pull off some hot pink highlights.. not sure I'm there yet, but maybe I'll have to give it a try sometime!

Today is also kind of a strange day. One year ago today, I lost a friend to breast cancer. A whole year. Doesn't seem possible! She has missed a year in the life of her children, a year of sunrises and sunsets, a year of sunshine and thunderstorms and snowfalls... so much happens in a year. She was a college friend and sister in our music fraternity. At her funeral last year those of us who had gathered to celebrate her life promised in her honor to get together more often so that we would not just be meeting at funerals for the rest of our lives! We are holding to that promise. Next Saturday a bunch of us (whoever can make it) are meeting for the day at a friend's parent's cottage to play and eat and do silly things together.. just for a day.. a day to remember and celebrate that we are friends and sisters. A day Laura would have loved. Because we loved her. And we miss her. She never saw her 40th birthday. Part of my turning into a runner is to honor her. I want to live for her and run for her and let people know that there was this awesome friend and sister and Mom that died of this terrible disease.. but also that she lived. She lived life to the fullest and I know that running is my way of living. She would be proud of me. When I run I often think of her, and I smile. Because she would have smiled. She would have encouraged me to keep going, no matter what.. just keep going. So I'll run. I'll run for myself, and my kids, and my dear friend. She's singing with the angels now. Praises have never sounded sweeter. We miss you, sweet Laura.

I'm going to finish the laundry, finish watching the football game, and read a book. Right now I'm reading "The Friday Night Knitting Club" and am enjoying it! I'll tell you what I think when I'm finished... I should practice my guitar, but I probably won't... still slacking there, but it's the weekend after all, and I need to chill out before another long week begins!

Happy weekend!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Friday!!!

Yeah!! I made it through a pretty stressful week at work and still have most of my hair!!! Seriously, it's getting more normal, but the new computer system still stinks and I think it always will. Such is life! But I have a job, a job I enjoy, and I'm thankful. Hopefully as time goes on we'll forget about this whole fiasco and just go on with our new normal. Meanwhile I'll just be happy when the end of another week comes and I actually get to sleep in tomorrow! Yahoo!

Since it had been stressful at work I felt the need to work off some of the tension and decided to do that at the gym. I know, who is this new person in this chubby girl's body??? Well, I'm starting to realize how good it feels to exercise and if I'm going to run some races this year I really need to just keep moving! So I ran. I only ran about half an hour, and only a little under two miles, and I walked a bit too and stretched of course, but I ran. That is the new me! I'm liking this determined woman I'm becoming. She's pretty awesome and she's gonna kick some major butt this year!

Speaking of running, I think my first 10k will be at our local Tulip Time festival this May. The 7th of May to be exact. I have done lots of research online about training for this race and have come up with what I believe is a good training plan that will work really well for me and my schedule. Last night before I shut off my computer I picked up my calendar (I use the one in my phone since I always have it on me) and worked my way backwards entering the training runs I'll need to do. If I start just as it's planned out, my first official training run will be on March 15th, which is 1.5 miles. Until then I am going to continue with my workouts like I have been and add some running in until running 2 miles seems "easy". It's never easy, and I don't really enjoy it, but I'm so determined to do this now it's like a switch has been turned to "runner" and it's going full blast! I don't want to stop!!! And for the first time with one of my obsessions... this is actually a good thing! I can do this, and when I do it will be a good thing for my health, a good thing for my body and a good thing for my soul. After this, I'll decide for sure if I'm up for a 1/2 marathon. No decisions until the 10k is done!

I don't really see any changes in my body yet, but this week I've had several people notice that I'm trimmer... and I'm so happy!!! I know the scale hasn't shown it yet, and that's ok, I think it will come if I keep at it. Who knows, maybe by this summer I'll actually WANT to go bathing suit shopping... probably not, but I'll probably need to!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fantastic Thursday!!!

I have Thursday's off from work. This is a good thing. Usually I have a million things to do anyway, so it's not like I'm not busy working, I just don't have to go to the office and do that particular job! Today was different. I only had one appointment and that was for my guitar lesson which is something I do for myself and I love and enjoy (when I'm playing good, which I didn't today, but that's ok too.)

So this morning I hit the gym with my new gym partner who is a friend of mine from work. She's been going to the Snap Fitness near her for over a year, so when I joined the one that just opened nearby we decided that we should try to meet there and workout together. It's been a week and we've met there four times and we both agree that it is more fun and we push each other harder when we go together, so we're going to try and make it a habit! This morning's workout consisted of a 5 minute warm up jog on the treadmill, stretches and abs for about 15 minutes (ouch!), then running a 12 minute mile, all the weight machines I can manage (which is almost all of them , but who's counting!), then 30 minutes on the Arc trainer. That is a machine that is very similar to an elliptical but it's very intense and burns tons of calories. I've been doing a program on it for weight loss at level 5 which pushes the resistance and incline up on it and burns really bad, but also really good, if you know what I mean!!!

After that and a good shower, I paid a bill I almost forgot about, and then went to lunch. I love going to Panera when I have time to linger over my Greek salad and iced tea and read a book. Then I went to my guitar lesson and hit the store to pick up some salad and a pair of workout pants (I told you I'm random!!!). Anyway, that's been my day, and it's been heavenly! Plus, my hubby will be home later and I'm actually going to COOK dinner! I know, don't go into shock, I so rarely cook!!! But it's going to happen, since I have nothing else going on and we're a little tight this week... cooking it is!

So I said last time that I finished the Harry Potter series and I have to admit, it was better than I thought it would be! Like, I really liked it! I know, that actually surprises me, which I suppose it shouldn't since it's been recommended to me like a bazillion times, but I was surprised to like it so much! There were a few spots that I thought were boring, especially during The Order of the Phoenix, but they were important to the storyline, so all in all, I was very glad I finally read it! So now I'm on to another book, and the next one I picked up was The Friday Night Knitting Club. Of course, you know I'm a knitter, so of course I'm interested in anything that has to do with knitting. But it's also about women and that's also a topic of interest to me. Anyway, I'm a reader. I love getting involved in a story and getting lost in someone else's pain or happiness. Just makes me happy. I'd love to be a writer, and maybe someday that would happen, but for now, I'm a reader. So that also makes it a fantastic Thursday!!!

I'm catching up on some tv tonight. I've got some stuff on DVR and also on Hulu and of course Grey's is on tonight... happy tv night for me!!! I think I'm going to get dinner started soon, so I'm going to sign off. Hope everyone else is having a fantastic Thursday!!! I sure am!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Random Tuesday...

It's Biggest Loser night!!! I love Tuesdays when this is on.. it's one of my all time favorite shows!! Tonight, I was able to meet my friend up at the gym again after work for a great workout. Working with a partner has definitely upped my game. I think I push harder because she's pushing harder and we both just grin and bear it! We both complained at work today that the ab workout we did on Sunday finally caught up with us today!!! But we did it again anyway.. and it's gonna hurt worse tomorrow, but that's what we need! Just a couple of old ladies who want to be hot mama's for the hubbies again, and we WILL be!!!!

Last time I mentioned my obsession with a certain show called Days of Our Lives... it's been a show that I've literally watched since I was in the 5th grade. I've pretty much grown up in Salem. A few years ago, one of the stars of Days became the host of Biggest Loser... and my obsession with both shows has been affirmed! Ali Sweeney is the cutest, and most lovable person on TV today! I love her on both shows and I even love her on Twitter... but not in an obsessive stalker kind of way, I don't live in LA, so I never see her or anything, only on tv and in cyberspace. But I would say she's one of my favorite stars out there. She recently wrote a book that I haven't gotten my hands on yet, but I think I might look for. It's called The Mommy Diet and it's written for everyone whether you're pregnant, recently had a baby or your baby is 35!!! She says there are things in there for everyone, so I may have to look at it soon. That may put my obsession over the edge, but I'm sure I'm not alone, she's just so darn likeable!!!

I'm eating better all the time, which I need to do if I want to lose the last 25 pounds I need to lose and keep them off forever! So, I've started eating yogurt again.. might I just say that Yoplait Light has the most wonderful flavors out there!!! Holy cow, who knew you could have yogurt that was good for you and tasted like cake and pie??? I love each of them that I have tried.. they are genius!!!! Makes eating right so much easier.. but I'm still not perfect! I eat at Subway pretty much every day for lunch (turkey, turkey/ham, chicken teryaki, love them all!!!) because I can make good decisions easily, a low-fat sub on whole wheat bread, apple slices and iced tea... delicious, filling and super nutritious!!! Now if I can just get over my sweet tooth... yeah right, that's not going to happen!!! On the upside.. I haven't had a Cadbury cream egg yet this year... yet.

So I haven't been knitting. At all. I'm a super slacker. I have a baby blanket that's almost complete (since June), a sweater that's about 1/3 done (since February), a sock that's less than 1/2 done (since??), another sock that was supposed to be a Christmas present about 1/4 done (sorry!), and have two co-workers that are pregnant and due this spring. Slacker. Total slacker! I am going to have to look for a quick and easy knit for each of them.. thinking blankets or hats and booties... or bibs... Typical, I have ideas, but no time to finish them! Maybe I'll just buy something... we'll see.

Wow... I didn't really realize how random my thoughts were until I put them down here, but it's ok. I ran 1.5 miles tonight... which is more than I've done in a couple months, so I think I'll be ready to start training for the 10k in a couple weeks. The training plans I've been reading online are usually 8 weeks, so that would have me start at the beginning of February.. as long as I can run 2 miles by then!!! What am I thinking.. this is going to be hard!!! But I'm motivated, both by my own goals and by watching this amazing Biggest Loser show.. I want to be an inspiration and I hope that I'm starting on that journey. I don't have 150 pounds to lose, but my journey is no less important or difficult. I'll get there.. or die trying!!!

I need a snack. And I need to put some stuff away in the kitche before it gets late. And I need to pick out a new book to read.. I finally finished Harry Potter!!! Maybe I'll talk about that next time! I'm so random.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Multi-Tasking Sunday!

Yup, today's been all about multi-tasking for me. If you know me, you know I'm a musician by trade, even though not professionally. I sing and play a few instruments at church and take guitar lessons and such.. and need more piano lessons, but that's a whole 'nother post! This week I was asked to sing a duet with my worship leader at our early service of a Casting Crowns song that has become a favorite of mine, and I was honored so of course I had to do it! Then, he said since I was going to be there anyway, why don't I just play keyboards at the contemporary service too! Why not.. I'm a multi-tasker!!!! It was awesome, and even though I had to get up early it was completely worth it!!

So after the second service (we had a guest preacher today which was also awesome and the boys and I talked about it all the way home!) we had our usual lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings.. yes, I'm lazy that way. Now I'm home watching football, catching up on Days' (I'm obsessed with that show) and playing on the computer. I was also reading a few chapters of that last Harry Potter book.. really want to get that finished. In about an hour and a half I'm meeting my friend up at the gym again. It's fun to work out with a friend who can push you a little harder than you normally would. I'm going to try a couple more ab exercises and some running added to my normal workout, which of course means I'll be there longer, but today I don't mind. The kids don't have any homework to do and the laundry is done, so why not!!!

Oh, and my husband finally got home today for his day off! Not that I'll get to spend much time with him, but that's ok. He knows I love him and that working out is important too.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend. I'm looking forward to having a better week at work now that the new computer is up and running. Still not loving this program, I don't think any of us do, but we'll manage. That's the important thing. Just making sure our work is getting done and our patients are being cared for to the best of our abilities. If we can't do that then we are in trouble, but I don't think this will hinder that for now. And that's a great thing!

Off to upload some software to my computer... like I said, it's all about multi-tasking!!!! TTFN!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Well, That Was Fun.. Can We Not Repeat, Please???

Ok, witty title, probably not a witty post. So the boy taught me a lesson today that I had completely not understood until now, and to be honest I'm still not sure I'm all there... boys don't hold grudges. I'm a girl (obviously) so I really don't understand this. Yesterday there was a fight, today all is well. My son and the boy who started yesterday's fight are now "cool". They walked to the bus stop together, they are fine. Girls don't do this. Girls let things fester and bubble for a long time and never ever get over things. Ever. Did I mention that I just don't understand boys??? Ugh, but I'm glad all is well, and I'm hoping that he never again has to use his fists to solve a problem. And to be honest, if that's all it takes, I'm not unhappy that it happened at all. Sort of. I'm a mom, I'm overprotective!

So at my office I have to work one Saturday morning a month (we rotate, it's not so bad) and tomorrow it's my turn. I'm not looking forward to it since it's been a really rough week and I'm still not totally up to speed on the new computer system yet. But thankfully I won't be alone and I am sure we will do just fine... right? My point to telling you this is that I usually go to the gym on Saturday mornings, and I'm not about to get up at 5am to workout on a Saturday... seriously, that is just insane!!! So tonight, since my husband is still on the road, I met my friend from work at the gym and we worked out together! We don't get a chance to do this very often, but we both just have jam packed schedules tomorrow, so tonight was a great chance for both of us to get out and burn off some stress and calories that have been killing us this week.

Since I'm usually not talking to anyone or concerned what other people think about me at the gym, I usually just do the routine that the Snap employee set up for me and go on my way. This week I was reading in Women's Health about a series of core exercises that are good for runners because even runners need a strong core to be able to run faster and longer. Since I'm still thinking about training for some races this year, I figured I should probably add these in.. and ouch! I'm so weak in this area!!! So I did what I could and will keep adding them until I get the strong core I so desparately need! My friend is much thinner than I am, but she's working on getting stronger and more toned, and she's very encouraging. She was running like a madwoman on the treadmill while I was doing my weights and I was inspired!

Now, I was running three days a week up until about mid to late October when the weather got too cold for me, but as it's now January, it's been a while! Tonight, between my strength and cardio sets, I ran ONE MILE!!! It wasn't very fast, but I did it! Holy cow, I needed to do that to remind me how far I have to go if I'm going to be ready for a 10k in a few months!!! But I did it and still did 30 minutes on the Arc trainer.. better known as the "Ass kicker!!!!" It's like and elliptical but burns more calories and basically kicks your butt and all other sorts of muscles... zoinks!!

Anyway, long tough week almost over, and a great workout to top it all off! Now if my son can get better (spent the day home in bed with a low fever and sore throat) and my other son can help me clean the house (it's a pit in here) my week will be complete!!! Of course, hubby coming home on Sunday will be a great giant bonus too!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life Lessons can be Really Tough...

I learned a tough lesson today... you can't protect your kids from everything. And it sucks! We live in a very condensed neighborhood, in which there are hundreds of homes in a sqare mile.. I call it the trailerhood... but if you know about putting tons of teens in a close radius, you can understand what happens on rare occasions.

There's a family a few doors down that have a couple of boys similar in ages to mine. Those boys aren't the nicest or the most common-sense-using kids around. I won't tell you why I say that, but suffice to say that they've been in trouble and aren't all that well liked among my boys' friends. Anyway, one of them has taken it upon himself to start talking trash to my sons about my younger son. This has been going on for a week or more.. of course I didn't know until last night, but you know how teenage boys are, I never know anything! So on the bus today something was said by this particular boy and of course my son stands up for his little brother (way to go kiddo!). The kids all get off the bus and the bus drives away. That was the moment that the other boy chose to apparently try to beat up my kid. Now, I didn't witness this, all I have to go on is hearsay, and I don't know whether to be appalled or proud.

My son is not big, but he's pretty tough. He plays football and can take a hit like the bigger boys. This other boy isn't any bigger than my kid. The other kid decided to punch my son in the face and grab hold and punch him repeatedly in the back. My son fought back and punched him. In the face. More than once. The other kid gave up. Like I said... appalled or proud... maybe a little bit of both.

But seriously, I hate violence. I hate that my son had to defend himself with his fists. I hate that my boys have been bullied for days or possibly weeks by a kid who doesn't have the sense to know that it's not nice or wise to be bullying other kids. Kids like mine who are well-liked and have champions in others and in each other. This world is crazy and I can't protect them forever. This is a hard lesson for any mom to learn. This mom really learned it today, and I hate it.

But I love my kid. He's my champion. He stuck up for his little brother. He defended himself against a bully. And he shoveled the driveway. What more could a mom ask for????

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Yup... today, I feel like a slacker. Yes, I went to work and worked very hard all day trying to learn and navigate through a brand spanking new computer system, which isn't easy. But then when I got out (even got out early) and came home, I took the younger DS to church with his friend so they could attend youth group, and instead of staying to hear a missionary speak (we had decided to cancel Bible study in lieu of the speaker) I took the other son to dinner and came home to veg for an hour. No working out, no cleaning, no laundry... just chilled. And it felt great.

I have tomorrow off, which is to say I'm not at my office job tomorrow, but I have a bazillion things to do like always. First off, I'm going to workout at the gym in the morning, then to the chiro for a massage and adjustment (mama likey!) and then the rest of my errands including my first guitar lesson in a month! And no, I haven't been practicing.. again... slacker. I suck. I just can't get everything done lately and it's killing me. Not exactly sure how I'm supposed to do more, but still makes me feel like a slacker. Which is fine. I can live with it, I have for a long time and even though sometimes it bugs me, I'll get through.

So hopefully I can get some important stuff done tomorrow, but even if I don't get all the groceries and all the errands and all the cleaning done that I should, it will be just fine. My kids will have a warm bed to sleep in, and food in their tummies and a roof over their heads.. and they'll be happy. After all, what more could a Mom need???? Did I mention that massage I'm getting... oh yeah.. mama likey!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Holy Long Day.. Batman!!!

Yes, I make up stupid sayings all the time, and most of them will end up as the titles of these little postings at one time or another.. tee hee hee! So, happy 1/11/11!!! Very cool date, and also the date of my cousin's son's birthday.. he's 5 today and the coolest little dude around! No, I've actually never met him, we don't live in the same time zone, but he's cool.. trust me! Anyway, it's a cool date.. but for me, it was a long and very tough day. The dreaded "go live" date of the new computer system at work.

In one word... it was "awful"!!!! Nothing seemed to go right. There were "glitches" and "hardware problems" and "network problems"... and we were all stressed to the freaking max most of the day!!! Until late this afternoon when we realized that some of the limitations are just the software.. and there's nothing we can do about them. Yes, there are still some bugs to work out with the network and the glitches and such, but some of what we were hoping for just doesn't happen with this software. That's just all there is. We are going backwards is how it feels to us, but we will manage. We will get by. And we will continue to do our best to give our patients the very best service we can. We will survive!!!!

So, I'm hopeful that this week is going to get better. And I'm going to do all I can to make that happen! Tonight was a crazy night. I didn't have a lot of time to workout at the gym, but I did make it up and get my strength training done. Came back to make sure the kiddo's got the homework done and stuff. I'm going to bed very soon here because I'm flat out exhausted!!! Best part about this week... on Thursday, my day off which I'm actually NOT working, I'm getting a MASSAGE!!!! I'll be in heaven mode for at least a 1/2 hour, which isn't much, but it makes me feel so good for days afterward. After the month I've had... it's going to be amazing.... And I'm worth it!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Am I Crazy????

Well, when I set my mind on something, I seem to obsess more than necessary.. at least at first!!! There's this 1/2 marathon idea rolling around in my head, and it thrills me and scares the living crap out of me at the same time!!! The thing is, there's no reason I can't! I'm fairly healthy, I'm more and more active all the time, I've got the motivation and have researched some great training plans.. so why not? Here's my own crazy brain thinking of excuses... I don't have a training partner. I know, right? Crazy??? It doesn't matter, and I have plenty of online accountabilities with friends and strangers alike encouraging and helping me along... I don't need a partner, right? Right. I'd love to have one, seriously, but the thing is, with my crazy schedule, the chances I'd actually get to RUN with someone are slim at best. There will be times I'm running at 9pm and times at 6am, just depending on the day. So there it is... my excuses don't hold water.. again.

Now, the next step (according to said research) is to choose and sign up for a race. I want one close to home (for financial as well as sanity reasons) that is either in late summer/early fall. My friend I talked about before is from the Western Upper Peninsula, so her races are up near her, and while I'd LOVE to run one with her, I am not sure I can manage to travel an entire weekend just to race and come home. My husband isn't home much and being that her first race is in May, the kids will still be in school and I can't leave. Plus we'll have two people on maternity leave at work, so taking extra days off then would just be difficult at best!!! My first thought is the Park2Park Half Marathon in Holland. It's in September and the route takes you right by the shores of Lake Macatawa and Lake Michigan!!! Talk about the perfect setting for a race!!! I'm wondering if I should do a shorter race beforehand.. some experts say to do this as part of your training, others say to focus on one goal... either way, maybe a 10k a few weeks ahead would be a good idea? I'll keep checking, most races aren't even published yet, at least not on the sites I've been checking. Plus, my chiropractor's office puts together running teams for different races and you get one of their cool wicking shirts and deals on massages and stuff during and after race day... I think. Never paid that much attention last year, but I'll be looking for the flyers this year for sure!

So I guess my point today is.. I'm going to start training... soon. I'm still going to talk to the staff at the gym about it and talk to my friend who's training... I'm sure I'll talk about this a lot, but it's a big crazy decision for me!!! Crazy... but it's feeling pretty right just about now...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

To run or not to run... what was the question again???

So, I said before that I've started running and working out this year, and I've made great strides in my fitness which I'm happy with. Not near where I want to be yet, but I'm moving in the right direction.. moving being the key word here!!! Well, I have a friend who was a roommate in college who ran her first 1/2 marathon last year. I was so proud of her! She's truly inspiring me to consider it since she's planning on doing 2 of them this year! Never thought I'd run, not even a 5 or 10k, but a 1/2 marathon? Me??? Little, non-athletic, chubby, couch potato me??? Never. Never thought it could happen in a million years. Funny thing about that word.. never.. whenever I say I'll never, I usually end up doing it eventually.

Seriously! Told my sister I'd never knit... I knit.
Told people I'd never read Harry Potter.. almost done and enjoying it.
Said I'd never run a mile without dying... ran 2 5k's last year and still kicking!
Never dreamed in a million years I'd live past the age of 30.. well.. I did!! (I'll tell you about that some other time..)

So, in a nutshell, I've learned never to say never. Not about anything. When someone else I know tries something, either I tell them how awesome I think they are, or I don't say anything. Because deep down I know.. crap, next I'll have to do whatever fantastic feat of bravery they just did!!! A friend at work is going to teach me how to downhill ski this winter.. never thought that would happen. I'm using a shampoo and some other products that are all organic and vegan and again.. never woulda thunk it! I know, nothing earth shattering about any of that, but to me, just a lesson that you're never too old or set in your ways or whatever. Never say never!!!

The long story (somewhat) short... I'm thinking about doing a 1/2 marathon. Still considering it. Wondering what kind of training is involved and if I'm at a fitness level that is ready to start or should I work up to it? Looking online, most of the resources I've found say if you can run three miles (which I can) then you are ready to start an 8-12 week training course depending on which program you want to follow. Here's my deal: the race I'm considering is in September, so I wouldn't start a program until late spring/early summer which is perfect weather for outdoor running. Between now and then, I want to continue the strength training I've been doing at the gym (loving Snap fitness so much) and work on adding in at least one running session, even if it's on the treadmill, every week. But I feel like maybe that's not enough??? I'm a little lost, and I think I need to talk tot he Snap trainers about it. There was a girl there when I started that gave me a workout plan and she was awesome. I hope I can catch her there in the next week or two and talk to her about my new goals. I hope also that she doesn't laugh at me, but something tells me she won't!!! I doubt I'll set a time goal for finishing, just make it a goal to finish and not walk unless absolutely necessary!!!

So, am I insane??? Think this goal is attainable for a late 30's chubby mom??? I hope so! Also, I'm hoping it will help me stick to my weight loss plan and give me the extra push I need to lose those 25 pounds I want to lose this year. Just think, if I were 25 pounds lighter, my feet would thank me and I'd look much cuter in those running clothes!!! LOL!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Holy Moly.. it's Taco Friday!

Hello again!

My husband is a truck driver, who is out of town six to seven days at a stretch. It's only been a year since he started this profession after he lost a manufacturing job that he'd had for twelve years. Needless to say, this has been a transition. Before the change, he worked third shift and we had dinners together and all that family stuff. It wasn't pefect, but most nights he cooked (he's good at it, me.. notsomuch) and we basically had a routine.

Enter the change in careers. Suddenly I'm home with two teenage boys, a full time job and all the responsiblity of the entire house. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, fixing, mowing, shoveling.. everything fell on my shoulders. I am not saying this to feel sorry for myself, instead to celebrate the fact that I'm stronger than I ever thought possible!!! Plus, I have the coolest kids who help out and are so super understanding when Mom just can't handle something.

Ok, so this week (obviously) hasn't been a great week. No time to workout, no home-cooked meals, basically just a frantic mom trying to be everywhere at once and failing miserably!!! Yesterday we had a pretty decent snowfall (typical here along the shores of Lake Michigan) and after school I had to take the younger son to the dentist for a filling. When we got home, the older son had ALREADY shoveled the entire driveway and sidewalk!!! It's not that big, but still, I was soooo happy!!! Then, before bed, because it hadn't stopped snowing yet.. the younger one offered to shovel AGAIN!!! Man, do I have amazing kids or WHAT!!!!

So tonight, hubby got home for the weekend early and decided to stay in tonight and make TACOS!!! I love tacos. I could eat tacos every single day and not tire of them, my most favorite meal ever!!! So after a long, busy, hard day at work, not only had he shoveled (or snowblowed, who cares) the driveway (again) but he made TACOS!!!! Life is certainly looking up for me! So beer and tacos makes my Friday night of playing on the computer while trying to catch up on two weeks of Days of Our Lives on my DVR (I'm still a week behind, but who cares!!) a complete and total success in my eyes. Yes, I am that pathetic! Sweatpants, beer, tacos and a laptop are all I need sometimes. Don't judge!!!

Tomorrow I have to do the first of many inventories on my new computer system at work. This should be interesting. I hope it's not a complete waste of time!!!! I'll have help, so hopefully we can get it done in a couple of hours, and I am planning on working out beforehand since I literally haven't been to the gym since last Sunday! Maybe a good sweat will help the overwhelming feeling of dread that I've had going most of the week!!!

Anyway, that's my life today. It's quiet around the house now as one son is at a sleepover and the other is sledding with friends. Hubby's about to get on the Xbox with his gamer friends, so I think I'll hit the sack early and pick up my book. I'm finishing the Harry Potter series at the moment. Never planned to read it, but it's pretty good! I'll let you know what I think when I'm finished. Ta ta!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What's Good Wednesday???

So the radio station I listen to has a pretty funny morning show, and on Wednesday mornings they have callers call in and tell them what's good for the day, thus... What's Good Wednesday's!!! I'll be honest.. there wasn't much good for me this Wednesday. But that's ok. I'm going to be optimistic and look on the bright side... oh, who am I kidding... there's no bright side for today. I'm smack dab in the middle of the week that just won't end.

On Monday, my office is changing computer systems. Yes, two weeks after the holidays, and we are going to completely overhaul our entire office. Now if you've done this before, you understand that in the weeks and months leading up to a change such as this requires hours of planning, training and setting up. Ok, realistically, this takes hundreds of hours... hundreds. Needless to say, that doing all this at the busiest time of the year both business-wise as well as home-wise is not my idea of a good time. That would be a man's decision. Yes, we all would like to torture him while he sleeps... but alas, I will be a trooper and a team player and continue marching onward like the good soldier I am. But I don't have to be happy about it. If you think I'm all smiley and cheery and full of good things to say today, you'd be wrong. But that's ok. This too shall pass. But just because of this, I have to work on my day off AND go in on Saturday to do inventory. Thrilled... I'm thrilled I tell ya! Forget the fact that I have no groceries in the house and won't be able to shop for them now... thrilled.

Ok, so this is going to be short, because I'm exhausted and have to get up again in the morning to get to work (ugh). I just wanted to vent a little in hopes that it will help me sleep. If it doesn't, I'll let the boss know. He owes me BIG!!!!! I may just send him to the store with my list and see what he says... especially if he jokes around with me tomorrow... I'm on a rampage people... watch out!!!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wow... welcome back!!!

I can't believe I haven't updated this in a year and a half!! Almost forgot I even started a blog. I know when I originally started it I was planning on sharing my knitting and stuff, but that really isn't how I'm using it, and that's ok. I think I'm going to shift my focus to just everyday stuff. Struggles and successes, trials and triumphs.. that sort of thing. If that's for you, then go ahead and read away, if it's not.. sorry, move on!!! Mainly I'm thinking that I need to start like a journal of my thoughts and feelings more for me to read and keep track of myself than for any other reason. Sorry if I'm boring, but I'm bound to have some funny stuff happen.. I'm just creative like that sometimes. I may add some pics when I can, but my focus in life is changing right now, so bear with me while I figure this whole thing out.

So we are beginning a new year.. and a new decade. This is great, and stressful all at the same time. Yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of the first date I had with my husband. Yes, I was an infant when we met.. right? Wrong! I was in high school, mature for my fragile age of 16, but still.. it's been forever since we've been together, and I'm pretty proud of that. We're not perfect by any means, but longevity counts for something, and we're still in love, which counts for a lot.

Work is going well, I'm still with the office I've been at for eight years, but we're changing computer systems next week which is totally stressing us all out!!! I know it will be fine once we're used to it, but like in anything, change is hard. Necessary, but hard. So if I just need to vent here in the next couple of weeks, bear with me. This too shall pass...

I had my 20 year class reunion last summer, boy was that a trip!!! Not travel-wise, we live like 30 minutes from our home town, just in general.. seeing everyone and learning all over again who they all are! I went to a smallish school, graduated with 125 or so people, so having about half of them show up was amazing. Would have been great to have us all, but that never happens, right! Anyway, I was glad I went and am looking forward to the next one, whenever that might be.

For the new year, I'm making some resolutions, and that's one reason why I wanted to re-start this blog. Just to hold myself accountable. I'm going to make my resolutions "public" so that I can track that accountability and check on myself as this year goes on. I started last spring to work on my health and fitness and have lost a little weight and gotten in better shape (even ran 2 5k's this year!) but in December 2010 I joined Snap Fitness which just opened a mile or so up the road from my house. I've been pretty good about getting up there three days a week or so, but my commitment I want to make to myself is to workout three to four days a week, at least. I also want to lose the last 25 pounds I need to get to a really good goal weight for me. If I go less than that I'm not sure it's maintainable.. and I want to find a weight that's not only comfortable, but very healthy. My mother is having lots of health problems and most of that has to do with her weight.. and her smoking, which I don't do (thank God) so I want to live a longer and healthier life than she is. Starting already, I'd say I'm doing pretty well.. but I could still do better. That's my goal, to be healthy, look good, and live a long and active life. Not too much to ask, but it's a change in lifestyle for me, so I'm working on it and will continue to work on it until I get where I need to be. Keep checking.. it's gonna take a while!!!!

One other goal I have is to make time each day to keep in touch with God. I'm a Christian (if you know me, you know that) and I want it to show to people who don't know me. I want to be Jesus to people who need a loving touch, and just have His peace and love apparent in my actions, thoughts, and deeds. Ok, enough on that for today, this is going to be a tough process as well... personal growth isn't easy!!!

Ok, enough for today. I need to get up to the gym for my Sunday workout. The Lions just finished their season with their fourth straight win and for a lifelong fan.. I couldn't be happier!!! I'll be talking about sports whenever the moment hits, I'm a Detroit fan through and through!!!! Something about growing up in Michigan and living near my Grandpa for 23 years!!!! Anyway.. hope you're having a great start to 2011.. I'm excited about all the promise this new year holds... and may all our dreams come true!!!!