Yes, it's a very rainy weekend. Although rainy days can bum me out in the worst way, I decided that this one wasn't going to!!! Fortunately for me I have a wonderfully beautiful pink sweater that I'm knitting for myself (my first) and I love the color so much that I'm only putting it down to post a little since my hand is killing me!!! Seriously, I've already knitted on it for like six hours today or some crazy thing. I'm neglecting the house (like usual) my reading, my kids.. whatever. I'm just knitting. And you know what? I'm not that bummed that it's raining. Seriously!!!
I took a picture of my progress a bit ago, but then the batteries in the camera died - drat! So I'm not sure if that one is even good, but I'll worry about the camera later. I'm more worried about knitting. This is a fun sweater to knit so far, and the pattern seems well-written as of the rows I've already done. Also Ravelry has been very helpful with tips from knitters who've already knitted this pattern. God bless Rav!!!
So other than knitting, today I went to the library (in the rain) and the grocery store (in the rain) and then later I even made tacos... and I never cook!!! They turned out great, although it's one thing that I can make, as I've done it before, so whoopity doo!!! The kids were thinking the world stopped turning when I started browning the burger, and it was kinda fun messing with their heads!!!! I can be an evil mom sometimes, I swear!!!!
It's going to be raining again tomorrow according to all the news channels, which means after church (in the rain) I'll be ready to knit all afternoon!!! Laundry be damned... I have to knit this sweater!!!!!
Hopefully I'll have finished product pictures to post sometime before Christmas, and if I'm seriously serious for a while, maybe even by Halloween??? Could it be??? Yippee!!!!
Hey, one for the road... if you're not on Facebook, I highly recommend it. I've been finding so many of my old friends from college and high school on there lately that it's really fun to catch up with! So if you're there, look me up, and if you're not... what are you waiting for??? Catch the facebook craze!!!!
-- I spend way too much time talking to myself everyday... can you tell????
11 years ago
You gotta be kidding. A rainy day (and all the snowy days soon to be here) are total excuses to sit with a good movie or audiobook and knit knit knit!
In fact I finished an entire clue for a mystery KAL today and now I'm caught up! WOOOOOOOO
Thanks for the encouragement, I knew I wasn't the only one knitting all day yesterday!! I do feel a little bad this morning since one of my kids swears he has nothing to wear to church and I'm supposing a load of laundry needs to be done this afternoon. At least one....
I so agree, rainy days and good movie/book and I was knitting too :) today as well. I want to get Liesl done to wear to class on the 1st day.
I am sure you will whip out that FLS quicker than you think.
Um, yeah. Knit on a rainy day!?! Of course! I too finished an entire clue on a mystery KAL (MS4, Trish??) and then some.
I did get out long enough to take Em shopping for a bit- she apparently grew out of most of her sweatshirts this summer, and Sam grew out of his P.J.'s. So we hit a few stores on Alpine (in the rain.) LOL!
Our freaking washing machine broke down AGAIN, so I'll have to make a trek to the laundrymat before I hit the grocery store. Thank GOODNESS we were ONE DAY away from the (extended) warranty deadline. This will make 6 (or is it 7???) times Sears will have to fix the stupid thing. I'd just say "FORGET IT" and buy a new one, but free service calls are something of a lucky break. :sigh:
You guys make me feel better!! FLS is coming along, but won't be done for a while yet.. which is ok. I'd like it done by the end of the month which isn't seeming too out of the question now.
On the plus side, I did get one load of laundry done today... not bad!!!
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