If you know me, then you know Tuesday's are my day off work. This is a very important day for me. Usually I have mega errands to run, occasionally have doctor's appointments, and since it's fall I have my wonderful women's Bible study that I've been doing for several years (love those ladies!). Well, today was Tuesday. That in and of itself made it a wonderful day. I slept in until 8am (yippee) and went to Bible study which was wonderful even though it was raining and not all that warm. On the other hand, being a little cooler afforded me yet another excuse to wear my new sweater and those pink lemonade socks I made!!!
Now, that sounds like a pretty mundane day so far, right. Right. Well, after class I got an idea of how the set up will be for Saturday's craft fair at church. Yes, I'm doing a craft fair. Yikes. With my Mom and Sis and Son. Double yikes. I've been knitting dishcloths and scarves like a fool most of the summer on top of all the other knitting I've done and I just truly hope I sell something and don't feel like it's all been a waste. I have hope that it will at least be a fun day with my family. At least.
So then the sun started shining. It turned actually pretty outside as occasionally it rained while the sun was shining. God's just a little crazy like that! What a gift.
Then I had a meeting with another musician tonight. I wasn't going to get all hyped up about it, but he was really nice. He is a singer/songwriter looking to branch out and try new things and wants a girl to sing with. After meeting him I realize that I really want this to work so I'm trying REALLY hard not to get super excited as he told me he was still "interviewing" two other women. So, finger's crossed, I'm going to try to put this out of the front of my mind and just let happen whatever's going to happen.
So that was my Tuesday. Now I'm home to watch Biggest Loser which I adore and knit some more. It's a sickness I tell you. Sick. And I love every stitch of it!!!!
Happy Tuesday.
11 years ago