Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Tuesday!

If you know me, then you know Tuesday's are my day off work. This is a very important day for me. Usually I have mega errands to run, occasionally have doctor's appointments, and since it's fall I have my wonderful women's Bible study that I've been doing for several years (love those ladies!). Well, today was Tuesday. That in and of itself made it a wonderful day. I slept in until 8am (yippee) and went to Bible study which was wonderful even though it was raining and not all that warm. On the other hand, being a little cooler afforded me yet another excuse to wear my new sweater and those pink lemonade socks I made!!!

Now, that sounds like a pretty mundane day so far, right. Right. Well, after class I got an idea of how the set up will be for Saturday's craft fair at church. Yes, I'm doing a craft fair. Yikes. With my Mom and Sis and Son. Double yikes. I've been knitting dishcloths and scarves like a fool most of the summer on top of all the other knitting I've done and I just truly hope I sell something and don't feel like it's all been a waste. I have hope that it will at least be a fun day with my family. At least.

So then the sun started shining. It turned actually pretty outside as occasionally it rained while the sun was shining. God's just a little crazy like that! What a gift.

Then I had a meeting with another musician tonight. I wasn't going to get all hyped up about it, but he was really nice. He is a singer/songwriter looking to branch out and try new things and wants a girl to sing with. After meeting him I realize that I really want this to work so I'm trying REALLY hard not to get super excited as he told me he was still "interviewing" two other women. So, finger's crossed, I'm going to try to put this out of the front of my mind and just let happen whatever's going to happen.

So that was my Tuesday. Now I'm home to watch Biggest Loser which I adore and knit some more. It's a sickness I tell you. Sick. And I love every stitch of it!!!!

Happy Tuesday.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I did it!!!

I finished my first sweater!!! I was so excited to be able to get it done in time for our fall uniform colors to change at work (which is this week) and just to wear it in general now that the weather's turning cooler and I love wearing sweaters in the fall and winter. The pink is perfect and I wore it to church this morning to several compliments (thanks!) and I felt so pretty and fresh!!! What do you think????

First Sweater_05

This is the sweater by itself and here's me wearing it...

First Sweater_04

For some reason when my hubby takes my picture I look like a dufus, so please excuse the expression, focus should be on the pink sweater anyway, right!!!!

So now I'm ready to start another project, this one really turned out well. I did learn something though... buttonholes. Do them right or they look goofy. Mine are NOT perfect, but I'm going to live with them since it's the first sweater I've made. Next time I won't settle for mediocre buttonholes I tell you... never again!!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I had no idea...

I just looked at my friend Bam's blog and she had this thing about being Canada on it, so I took the quiz and looky.....

You Are China

You adhere to the ideas of loyalty, honesty, sincerity, and duty.

You respect authority and age. You believe in social harmony.

You are big and bold. People consider you to be someone with a lot of potential.

You are coming into your own right now, and you are figuring out your place in the world.

I had no idea!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If you're the praying kind...

I have a friend who needs prayers. She's a co-worker of mine as well but a friend for several years whom I adore. She's a young lady who's very sick right now and our prayers for her need to be many. If you're the praying kind, I'm asking for you to pray for Anne.

She's having what the doctor's right now are calling "complex migraines" which basically means they don't know what or why she's having symptoms. The symptoms she has, besides a massive headache like a vice squeezing the top of her head (sometimes it's in other locations) are numbness in her entire right side of the body and very confused state of mind as well as delayed and garbled speech. It's as if she's had a stroke. This has happened several times over the past couple of years, but they are getting more frequent, more severe and are not really clearing up. She's missed several days (weeks actually) of work which is hard on her family as well.

So my requests for prayers are obviously for her health, we need her to get better for herself and her husband and two pretty little girls who need their mama. We also need her back at work!!! Today she had an MRI (finally!) and although we don't know anything yet, we pray that this will help the doctor's come up with a diagnosis that they can treat quickly and completely. She's a young woman and should not have to live like this. No one should for that matter.

If you're the praying kind, I know that Anne and her family would really appreciate any prayers you can send up. I thank you as well. Not only do I need her at work, she's a dear friend and I miss her greatly. This whole situation is breaking my heart.

Hugs and prayers and love to you, Anne! We miss you!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another weekend...

It's been a nice weekend, very pretty outside and calm and quiet inside. Seriously, I haven't been super productive, except on my sweater!!! I'm getting so ready to wear it and it's coming along nicely.

Here's the body...

First Sweater_00

And I even got a whole sleeve done today. Helped that I'm going with a shorter than normal sleeve length, but this should work well for me!

First Sweater_02

So pretty good weekend all around. Now I'm sitting at the computer putting off a quick project that really needs to get done tonight, but it won't take long, I just have to make a quick cd of some songs for a meeting with a fellow musician I have scheduled for Tuesday!!! Of course, I have no idea if this is the right thing, but I'm keeping my options open. I feel like that's the only way to get my "career" started, even locally, you know! And I have another one tentatively scheduled for the week after.. so that's a good thing I suppose. Neither one of these contacts are blowing me away, but I'm hoping that meeting them in person will change that. Hard to tell what someone's all about just from a few emails, you know! Not like I've read their blogs or anything... maybe I should ask if they even have one... now THAT's an idea!!!!

Ok, so I'm off to enjoy the evening... what there is left of it.

Oh, by the way... my small family grew by one this week. I have a new cousin!!! She lives in California, and I hope that someday I'll meet her, but I know that's not likely since I haven't met her big brothers in person yet either... I miss them still. But she's a lucky girl, with awesome parents and two big brothers and grandparents that love the crap out of her!!! Oh, and all us extended family do that too....

And I'm converting from a die hard Lion's fan to a Giant's fan. Eli's cuter than John anyway....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ahoy matey's!!!

In honor of National Talk Like a Pirate Day... I found this out on Ravelry and just had to play along so I could get a picture of myself with a parrot!! Very cool! And very Jimmy Buffett like am I! I'm not so good in talking like a pirate, but I did find a quiz (thanks Coggie) and found out my Pirate name....

My pirate name is:
Dirty Bess Kidd
You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network

Arrrgh... that's probably enough swash-buckling for me... I have grass stains to get out tonight.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just a quickie...

... sort of. Since I spent the weekend knitting I thought I'd share my progress on the first sweater I've ever done!! Here's what I have so far. There are 11 repeats of the lace pattern done and from what I can tell I'll need roughly 20 before I do the bottom garter edge. Then it's off to the sleeves, which I'm a little nervous about because I may either have to learn a new technique or use a smaller needle, either way makes me a little shaky. Here's a quick pic, don't mind the yarn tails...

First Sweater

Other than that, I've been reading a great series of mysteries this past few weeks and I'm LOVING book 4!!! Today was the first day of my new season of Bible study that I do with the women at my church. I love it and although it is more work, it's so rewarding that I don't mind. I'm sure this one won't disappoint!!! There are even a few new ladies joining us this year which is always fun, more friends to get to know!!! Yippee!!!

Hopefully I'll be able to finish the sweater soon, the pic I took last weekend didn't show up on the camera since the batteries must have died mid-shot! That's ok, there's more to see now anyway. Off to knit some more and help kiddo's with homework!!! Oh, and maybe I should start some supper.. we'll see!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Raindrops keep fallin....

Yes, it's a very rainy weekend. Although rainy days can bum me out in the worst way, I decided that this one wasn't going to!!! Fortunately for me I have a wonderfully beautiful pink sweater that I'm knitting for myself (my first) and I love the color so much that I'm only putting it down to post a little since my hand is killing me!!! Seriously, I've already knitted on it for like six hours today or some crazy thing. I'm neglecting the house (like usual) my reading, my kids.. whatever. I'm just knitting. And you know what? I'm not that bummed that it's raining. Seriously!!!

I took a picture of my progress a bit ago, but then the batteries in the camera died - drat! So I'm not sure if that one is even good, but I'll worry about the camera later. I'm more worried about knitting. This is a fun sweater to knit so far, and the pattern seems well-written as of the rows I've already done. Also Ravelry has been very helpful with tips from knitters who've already knitted this pattern. God bless Rav!!!

So other than knitting, today I went to the library (in the rain) and the grocery store (in the rain) and then later I even made tacos... and I never cook!!! They turned out great, although it's one thing that I can make, as I've done it before, so whoopity doo!!! The kids were thinking the world stopped turning when I started browning the burger, and it was kinda fun messing with their heads!!!! I can be an evil mom sometimes, I swear!!!!

It's going to be raining again tomorrow according to all the news channels, which means after church (in the rain) I'll be ready to knit all afternoon!!! Laundry be damned... I have to knit this sweater!!!!!

Hopefully I'll have finished product pictures to post sometime before Christmas, and if I'm seriously serious for a while, maybe even by Halloween??? Could it be??? Yippee!!!!

Hey, one for the road... if you're not on Facebook, I highly recommend it. I've been finding so many of my old friends from college and high school on there lately that it's really fun to catch up with! So if you're there, look me up, and if you're not... what are you waiting for??? Catch the facebook craze!!!!

-- I spend way too much time talking to myself everyday... can you tell????

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Patriot Day.

So it's September 11. Seven years since that awful day when America was attacked seemingly out of nowhere. I remember every detail of that day in my life. I don't know anyone personally who died that day, but I remember crying for each and every one of them. I remember feeling so overwhelmed with sadness and anger and rage and questioning what the hell was happening. I remember it all.

I remember wondering and worrying for hours until we realized my aunt, who was a flight attendant at the time, wasn't on one of those plans but was safely secure in a town in Illinois, or was it Indiana, it didn't matter. I remember telling her that if she wanted me to I would drive all day and night down there and bring her back to my house in Michigan so she'd have someplace safe to stay for a few days. She respectfully declined. I understood. Somehow it was just too much for all of us to take.

I remember being so thankful that my children were so young and wouldn't really understand what was happening. And being thankful that they were safely in the daycare center where the tv's weren't watching the news, but the radios were happily playing kid cd's so there weren't any public newsflashes for them to overhear. They wouldn't have understood anyway. Neither did I.

I remember being at work that evening and people were just quiet. Eerily quiet. The office was so quiet as we all did our jobs without excess talking, listening to talk on the radio instead of the Bee-Gee's and Barbra Striesand. Whispers even. Lots of whispers. Phone calls to companies we regularly did business with wouldn't go through, and then we'd realize it was a company near New York City, and we'd wonder what would happen. Would we get the product we ordered yesterday? Did it really matter? Who would really care? Why were we at work? We should be watching Peter Jennings explain this whole thing to us. Who did this? Why? How? What's going to happen next???

I remember the week after that in kind of a fog. I was alright, my kids were alright, and somehow we needed to keep moving. Soon it was the next day, and the next day, and the next week. Every day it was more normal. Sort of. But not really. It never would be a normal world again.

Now seven years have past. My kids are more grown up. They know what happened from the details they've read about or seen on tv, but they don't really get it. They didn't live it. Thank God. But we have all moved on. I still think about the families who lost people that day. I'm still sad for them. I know about loss, but somehow this is different.

But I love this country. I love our land of opportunity. I love raising my children to be free to speak their minds and disagree without fear of reprisal or persecution. I love the freedom to worship God in our own way. I love singing at the top of my lungs while driving down the road with the windows open. I love America. I love life, and I wish you all a Happy Patriot's day.

God Bless America.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Making lemonade...

I guess I'm turning lemons and making lemonade tonight. I didn't get the gig. Got the email tonight after I got home from knit night and I have to say I'm completely bummed. I really thought that the wait was over and I'd finally found my group. But it isn't. Ugh.

So to console myself I spent the last hour on Rav picking out a pattern for my pink yarn that's calling my name over there. "Hey you, will you finally get around to knitting me into something, please!!!" And after all this time of thinking I was knitting it into a pullover, I've changed my mind. I'm going to try the February Lady Sweater that I just printed off. Now, this may take all winter, we'll see. It will be my first real attempt at something besides hats and socks, I'm a little nervous, but it would be great for work and this color is awesome.

So here's the yarn....


and if you're on Rav you can find the pattern. I'll keep you posted!!!!

And as they say, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade... (and add lots of vodka!!!) Ok, maybe not everyone says that... but maybe they should.

Off to swatch!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Busy weekend!!!

So, first of all... no I haven't heard back from the gentleman from the band, but I'm trying to be patient. Trying. So to keep my mind off the wait, I kept busy with sports, knitting and family. Pretty good trio!!!

It started Friday night with the local high school football game. We have two high schools in our district and they share a stadium. Therefore, there are home games EVERY Friday night!!! It's pretty awesome. For the first one last week, here's the kiddo with the crazy hair....

Crazy hair

Don't worry, it washed out the same night, but I'm SO glad I snapped a pic before the game. He was so easy to find in the crowd, and SO many people commented. I'm sure he'll do it again soon....

So at the game this week I brought along some yarn and started a dishcloth which was more than half done at the end of a 41-7 smackdown!!! This was the team that didn't win more than one game in the past three years, now this season they are already 2-0!!!! Go Chix!!!! On the other hand, the other team which were state champs two years ago, and last year missed the big dance by one game, are so far 0-2. Big difference from last year!!! Hopefully they will both end up with great fun seasons.

The next morning (this would be Saturday) we got up and went to our nephew's soccer game. He's in Kindergarten. It was riveting. No, I'm serious!!! He even scored a goal!!! Yippee!!!! Again, with the dishcloth. Sure helped for all the time he was sitting out. Then I put it away while he was goalie. That kid rocks.

So Saturday afternoon I finished my socks. They are awesome!!!! Here are some pics....

Pink Lemonade socks_01

Pink Lemonade socks_02

Love them. Serious love. Can't wait to wear them all winter!!!

Also finished dishcloth (no pictures, it's just a dishcloth people! Hot pink, use your imagination...) and then started a hat. I'd bought this yarn a few months ago on major sale and there was a pattern on the ball band for a cabled hat. Never done much with cables, so I tried it! Started while watching Notre Dame play SDSU, great football game, and finished today during the Colts/Bears game (which isn't over yet as of the time of this post) (go Peyton!) and here's the hat.

Cabled hat

It's a bit small, but I think I have someone I can gift it to that it will work for. We'll see. Otherwise it will go in the give away bins... it was still fun to knit!!!

So now I have to figure out what to knit for knit night tomorrow, assuming that I'll make it (which I should) and it will most likely be... socks. I have tons of sock yarn sitting there staring at me. But I should do more dishcloths, but I'm bored silly with them right now. So, I'm thinking socks.

With that, have to get ready for beddy bye now.. I'll be back!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Not yet....

I'm just home from my meeting/audition with two members of a newly formed band. It was really nice to meet them. They are professional, personable, and downright nice guys that I had fun with! I'm sure it will be a few days before I hear, although as far as I'm concerned sign me up!!! But as I said in my last post... in His time. If this is the right place for me, then I'll go for it, if not they will find someone else and no hard feelings. I actually said that to them and they nodded as if to say they understood. I truly hope they did and that I didn't make a fool of myself. At this point only God knows. So maybe I'll be coming to an event near you.. or maybe not!!!!

On that note, I'm tired. It's been a long rainy day and I'm tuckered out. Going to sit in my chair and veg out for a bit. Oh, and maybe knit a little!!!!

Good night....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All in His time...

As yesterday was the first day of school, and my day off, and the last HOT day West Michigan is truly going have for the year (we think) it was kinda nuts around here and silly me never got around to picking up the phone to call band guy.

Fortunately we have this amazing internet to connect us whenever we want. I emailed him late last night (well, after 10pm I'm sure) and apologized and asked him to please email back or call or I'd call or whatever but that I was still interested and please don't hate me and so on. Well, it must have been the right thing to say because today we've exchanged several emails throughout the day (even though I'm not really supposed to use the computer for myself at work but it was quick and who really knew?) and it's set. I'm meeting him tomorrow and we will jam for a while and see if I'm a fit for this group he's starting. Apparently I'm talking to the guitar player, and there's already a drummer, a bass guitar player and a lead guitar player as well, so it's a nice size group. They are all a little older than me with lots of experience so I'm trying not to be intimidated. I know the style of music they are going for, but not all the songs yet, which is fine because I like to learn new songs.

So if this is where God wants me, I know it will work out. And if it doesn't, then it isn't the right place yet. I hope I don't get nervous tomorrow because right now I'm excited, but my back still hurts quite a bit and I know that can affect my singing. Again, I have faith that if this is right for me that God will not let it bother me or at least not let the pain affect the music. Sounds like hooey to some people, maybe to you, but I believe it and that's what matters right now.

As I say, it's all in His time....

Monday, September 1, 2008

Could it be???

Do dreams really come true??? That's the question I've been asking myself for more than a year. I've been a singer and musician all my life, mostly for fun, but I earned a bachelor's degree in vocal music a while ago. I then spent several years starting a family which was the path I chose at the time. I've never regretted that. Seriously, I love being a wife and mother.

So beginning of 2007 I finally decided that it was time to see if I could make a career, even part time, of music. I started scouring the internet for musicians and bands that might be looking for a singer, something that felt like a good fit. I went on several "auditions" and meetings and all sorts of things. Nothing fit. Not a one felt right, although a couple came close. So I prayed about it. I realized that it wasn't me, it was the band idea. I am not a girl who hangs out in bars. Not that I mind going out occassionally, but I'm not a big partier. I got that out of the way early in my life. Now don't get me wrong, I like a drink now and then, but I don't see myself hanging out in a bar three weekends a month for the next 20 years. I just don't.

So I gave my search over to God. If He wants me to be in a band, then it will happen. If not, I'll content myself to play at church like I have been and take it from there. I love playing and singing in church, so it's wonderful. A few weeks ago I noticed someone looking for a singer/player for a possible Christian band. Turned out I must not have been what they were looking for, that fizzled. So last week I emailed another prospect. I figured it wasn't for me again, until today. Today I get an email that he says was the third one (I never got the first two) so I quickly emailed him back as I was on my way out of the house for a few hours. I told him I'd call him tomorrow since he left his number. So that's it. I'll call him tomorrow and I'm SO excited! Maybe this is God's way of telling me that I SHOULD do more with my music. I'll pray about it some more, but I'm definitely calling this guy tomorrow. Is that crazy??? Maybe, but I'm not sure it matters.

So tonight I can barely contain myself. Tomorrow is the kids' first day of school (yeah!) and I have a chiro appointment for my back (which is improving) and now I have this awesome phone call to make. Please let this be it!!!! I just want to play and sing and make awesome music and if that pleases God then it's what I should be doing and I'm so excited!!!!! I'll let you all know when I know something... ok!!!!

In the meantime, I finished the first pink lemonade sock, off to work on the mate so I can wear them!!!! The first one is cute and it fits... bonus!!!!!