That's about the only way to describe it! Crazy. Busy. And now, it's done. Work was crazy, we had a new piece of equipment arrive, so there was installation and training. We had two sales reps come in (at the same time as the training) so we had to give them some attention. We had plenty of patients to keep us busy and other work that we do everyday. Crazy.
But what was crazier for me personally was the evening! I sing in the choir that we have for Easter (and Thanksgiving, but of course that's in November!) and generally we practice the three weeks before the big day and then the service. Usually those practices are on Thursday which works out so great for me with that being my day off. Tuesday's I usually don't get out until 5:30, then I generally come home and check in with the kids and have supper, then hit the gym and get home in time for Biggest Loser! This routine has been working and I was in no mind to change it, but this week the choir practice got moved to Tuesday. Mix it up! So, after work I ran. I had 4 miles planned and managed the whole thing!!! I live in a great city that is very friendly to runners. I was able to run in town since I had to be up at church and didn't have time to go home. I finished my four miles, stopped in to the gas station for a protein bar and bottle of water (forgot mine!) and walked the few blocks back to church.
Yes, I stunk up the place, but it was all good! The music we're doing is fun and meaningful and I'm sure will be a hit! Nothing quite caps off a busy day like an hour of singing for me. Oh, and I'm singing this week in band, and next week for special music, and the week after that at a different church. Not to mention last weekend when I sang and played guitar for my friend's church.. I guess I'm in demand!! LOL! Seriously, I'm so happy to be able to do this, it makes my heart happy!!!! Plus I feel like I'm finally using my talents and that's awesome!!!
Tomorrow is our final evening of Bible study for the year. Always bittersweet for me. I love those ladies, love studying with them and learning from them, but it's a lot of work and I like the break as well. At least I still have all my music stuff going on!!!!!
11 years ago