This has been a great long weekend for me. I usually have Thursday's off, and this week I took Friday as a vacation day to use up some time I was afraid I would lose if I didn't take it before two of my co-workers have their babies! Hubs was home Friday and today (he leaves early tomorrow morning) and it was nice to spend some time with him.
I made a decision the other day, actually it's been a long time coming, but after almost 1 1/2 years, I quit my guitar lessons. No, this doesn't mean I'll stop playing, I love to play, but I am not going to worry and stress about getting all my Thursday activities done and whether or not I've practiced enough on the homework he gave me. Don't get me wrong, my teacher was amazing and I will always be grateful for everything I've learned, but it was starting to stress me out! I was doing it for myself and for relaxation, and since it's become stressful I just knew it was time to take a break. I'm hoping to find some people to jam with occasionally, or play at church and stuff, but for now it's going to be just me and my guitar! Who knows, maybe I'll be inspired to write another song!
Yesterday I was able to treat myself to a new pair of running shoes and a couple of new sport bras. This was long overdue, and very important if I'm going to become a serious runner and finish the training for my 10k as well as the 1/2 marathon I'm considering. I was able to go to a great store here called Gazelle Sports and Vicki fit me with a pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11... and they ROCK! I did 5 miles today (!!!!) and it felt really good! Also, the girls were really happy in the new Nike DriFit bra I snuggled them into!!! Overall.. a very nice run indeed!
Hubby got some news at work as well.. he gets a new truck tomorrow! At the company he works for the drivers are each assigned there own truck so they can pretty much set it up how they want and live in it like a little rolling hotel room. This was his home for six months. But he had the oldest truck in the fleet and they've started slowly updating them. The new truck he will roll out in tomorrow is set up very much like the one he had, so that will be nice, but it's BRAND NEW and an automatic! If you know anything about semi-trucks, they are mostly 10 speeds, so this is completely new but apparently that is where the industry is heading. They had some work to do on it today, so we didn't get to move him in yet, but he'll get there early tomorrow and load in all his stuff. Pretty awesome!
Tomorrow I have to get up early and sing for church, which I love, but I really hope the roads don't get worse. It's snowing again and I hate driving on slick roads! Then I'll come home and get the boys ready to go back as a family for the second service. After that it's lunch and probably hair cuts for the boys.. and then workout and laundry! Oh, and it's Oscar night... yes, I lead an amazingly boring life!
Anyway.. I'm hoping to have some new lyrics written soon... just looking for inspiration! Have a great weekend!!!!
11 years ago