Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day of the Errand...

Yes, it's Tuesday, which in my world is the Day of the Errands!!! Although, it really wasn't too bad.. of course, it's not over yet!!! So for several weeks the kids have told me that they knew what they wanted to be for Halloween and that they were going to use stuff we already had here in the house and all would be well... until this weekend. No all of a sudden younger son decided that he wants to be "something scary!" What's that supposed to mean??? Well, in nine-year-old land, I think it means gross. At the very least, disturbing. And that, means buying at least a mask to wear over that darling little face of his. Oh the agony!!! So tonight after homework we are heading out to shop for a mask or whatever... ugh!

Today I did get to go to my usual Tuesday morning women's Bible study class that I have been doing for several years. The past two weeks I've had to go to the partner class on Wednesday evenings that is truly lovely, but it's not MY class, you know what I mean? It was so nice to see all my "girls" again!!! And you know what? The best part was, they said they missed me too!!!! What an awesome group of ladies they are, truly. And all this time that I've been working extra and stressed out... they've been praying for me and for my friend. They are such a blessing to me and I am happy to get to know each of them better all the time.

Ok, enough sappyness. I love sappyness, but that's enough even for me. Helping ys with math homework while watching the clock until it's time to pick up os from basketball tryouts... we'll see how that goes and I'll let ya'll know when I know if he makes the team or not. Is it bad of me to almost hope he doesn't make it so I don't have to attend all those games??? Oh, I'm definitely the world's best mother today, aren't I??? Oh well, I love them anyway. They're just stuck with me!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Frogpond is pretty this time of year...

And so go my socks. Into the frogpond. For you non-knitters out there, that's when you need to "rip" out a section or in this case the whole thing for whatever reason. When you say "rip it" over and over, it's like a frog saying "ribbit"... you get the idea. My 9 to 5 socks were looking pretty, pretty small that is. I think I have a pic somewhere.... let's see....

Pretty pattern...

9 to 5 socks

Here's a closer up on my hand so you can see the detail which is lovely...

9 to 5 socks_00

A little fuzzy I guess, I'm not a great photographer.

So anyway.. I'm starting them over. Not sure exactly which needle size I'll use, but it won't be in the size 1's for sure!!! What the heck was I thinking???? Guess I wasn't thinking, and therein lies the problem.

It was a fun weekend for singing! I sang in the Celebration Singers this morning (we sing for the more traditional service, although not necessarily traditional music) and then the praise team was fantastic at the contemporary service... then choir was great! All in all, a musicians dream!

And on that note (get it, I made a joke) I'm going to watch some great Sunday night TV and eat a few cookies and veg out until I have to work again tomorrow morning. Such an exciting life I lead...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The weekend's here!!!

And I'm exhausted. It was a busy crazy week but I made it through. Never got a chance to meet the new baby yet, but I will. Today is a mixture of sleeping in (thanks family) and pizza and cookies (thanks hubby) and football (yea fall!). Of course, I should try to get some knitting done of one of the three projects that I've got on the needles instead of sitting here searching Rav trying to figure out what other projects I'd like to try!!! But alas, that's what I found myself doing just now. Crazy isn't it!!!

Ok, so I found out that the booties I made for that adorable little girl my friend just birthed are WAY to small. I'm thinking of giving them another try only much bigger, that way she can put the first pair on her dolly and match! Wouldn't that be cute? Now for the time... whenever that might be!

Seriously though, hubby decided to make cookies yesterday. Now, when I make cookies, I make one batch of cookies, which I don't do very often since hubby's are always better than mine. Seriously, he's like Mr. Field's for crying out loud!!! But when hubby makes cookies, he makes COOKIES!!! Last night he made several dozen chocolate chip, then today he's making more!!! Like I need this temptation around!!!! Not only are there more chocolate chip cookies than should be allowed by law in my kitchen right now, there are also peanut butter chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and I think he's making regular peanut butter cookies as well!!! HELP!!! I'm surrounded by yummy treats and I can't find my way out!!! Seriously, I'm going to need to hit the mall for some shopping therapy if this keeps up!!! But I don't feel like going anywhere, nor do I feel like even getting dressed. So cookies and I are going to be best friends today. Oh happy weekend....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just a note.

I was so happy for my other co-worker friend today.. she had another baby boy!!! Ryan Jon joined the world this morning and I have yet to meet him in person (maybe tomorrow) but I did see a quick pic and he's super duper cute! Just like his big brothers!!! Congrats to his family and when I get a chance I'll see if I can post a pic of me and little Ryan! I know a few other people who are having babies soon and I am happy for them all, and more happy for myself that it's not me having them!! Seriously, that ship has sailed for me, but I will always love babies and will love to hold and spoil any who come my way!!!

So I have been working a lot again this week. Last week was long and tiring and this week isn't going to be much better I'm afraid. My friend is still sick and she is having more testing to see if they can finally get to the bottom of it. I'm hopeful but not holding my breath. I really think she needs to go to another hospital, and she's working on that also. We'll see....

Rehearsal for the Messiah went better for me this week, even though my personal practice time was minimal due to my schedule. I'm getting really excited about it and can't wait to perform in all our black-robed glory in December. If you're near Zeeland, come on by!!! I'm sure I'll blab more about this in the future. Suffice it to say that I'm so glad to be back in "choir geek" mode again, I've missed it!!! Didn't even realize how much until this week.

Wow, so I'm home tonight watching "Biggest Loser" and getting a little tired of the tears. Geesh people, haven't you seen the show before? They always make you face your fears and try things out of your comfort zone.. even I know that!!! Criminy!!!! The whining has GOT to stop!!! Ok, end of rant.. for now!

So hopefully I'll meet a new little baby this week.. I guess time will tell. In the meantime, I'm working, knitting (a litte at least) and trying not to go crazy. It's a stretch for me, I'm always a little nuts!!! Enjoy this crazy fall weather, it sure was nice to see some sunshine today!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nothing like diving in...

So, I know I said it was going to be a crazy week, and it has been so far! But I said a few days ago that I was thinking of changing directions and moving on, for now, from the rock star dream and going back to my roots as a choir geek (no lie, that's what hubby calls me). So, nothing like diving in without really thinking about it. I joined the Zeeland Civic Chorus!!! This group has been performing Handel's Messiah for forever, maybe 60+ years in a row and it's been at least 15 years since I've done it personally. We had the first rehearsal on Sunday and I'm STILL a little sore! Wow, am I out of shape vocally or what!!! I mean, I sing ALL the time, even on stage several times a month, but only easy radio stuff mainly and only 5-6 songs per time and that vocal marathon that is the Messiah is SO not the same thing AT ALL!!!! So I'm just praying that it will come back especially since I don't have a lot of time to practice between now and next rehearsal which is Sunday. I'm kind of freaking out!!! Seriously!

On top of that, I have the longest week of work going on, which is going fine but I'm getting really tired! Along with all the usual Mom stuff, homework, running errands, etc... my laundry needs to be done in the WORST way and I'm not in the mood (are you ever in the mood for laundry? I'm not!). Ok, I'll stop complaining!

On a fun note, I've found SO many people on Facebook lately! It's been kind of an obsession that I must check it as often as I can and I have been invited through it to see a great friend of mine (who happens to be an awesome musician as many of my friends are) play/sing at a dueling piano bar next month! I can't wait, just need to find a sitter so hubby can come too!!! Wouldn't want to leave kiddo's home to fend for themselves for THAT many hours (it's in Lansing, little more than an hour away). Plus, I may crash at another friends, depending on how the night goes!!! Other friends are coming from other parts of the state and I'm so excited to see them all!!!! Nothing like a good reunion with awesome people to get you revved up, and I'm ready to dive in again!!!!

Ok, gotta go, it's getting be bed time again, I'm whipped!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No more babies yet, but projects are done!

I'm anxiously awaiting a few more babies, from my friends that is, this woman is NOT having any more! Thank you very much!!!! But until I have cuteness galore to show off, I thought I'd share what I've been knitting.

Here's a pair of socks I finished this weekend....

Basic Socks_00

My sister actually GAVE me this awesome yarn called Blue Bunny Superwash Merino that was awesome to knit with and feels so warm and suggly on the feet... I must get more! Thanks, Sis, for feeding my evergrowing addiction!!!! I wasn't sure at first if I liked the way the colors were pooling, but I think it's kind of neat. I couldn't for the life of me figure a way to make them match, but I think that's the charm of handknits anyway.. don't you? I'm starting another pair now. I have four different sock yarns waiting for me to make them into socks and I would love to start another sweater soon... or by the first part of next year!! So I'm a knitting fool!!!!!

I also finished that purse for my friend. She's happy with it! I gave it to her just this morning. Ended up with a great magnetic clasp that I hid inside the lining for a neat clean look. I loved not having to make a buttohole in this fabric!!!! Hard to see the cables, isn't it?


Anyway... I learned a little something from this project. One, I actually like doing cables, although all-over cables can be a little grueling. And two, I'm NEVER knitting a black sweater. Ever. Never ever. A little black knitting goes a loooonnggg way lemme tell ya!!! But I am glad I made my friend happy. She's a great person and a wonderful friend to everyone. And she's going to look lovely at the wedding next month!!!!

Well, I'm working a lot this week, so if I don't blog again for a couple days, it's cuz I'm trying to pry my eyes open or my ass off the couch... whatever! One way or the other I will make it through and try to smile on the outside even if I want to cry on the inside!!! Seriously, it's going to be a looong week. See ya on the flip side!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Baby Fix Begins...

I have several friends who are having babies this fall. The first one had her's on Monday!!! She was a little early, but I'm thrilled as I had already knit her a hat and booties this August (I posted them a long time ago) and now I was able to give them to her.

This is Carly. I work with her Mom and have been friends with her for a long time.

Baby Carly

And here's us with her big brother Blake!

Baby Carly_01

He's such a lucky big brother! He just turned four on Tuesday, which makes their birthday's one day apart.. just like my kids!!! Such a lovely family.

Here's Carly in her new hat that I made, it's a little big...

Baby Carly_02

I'm so happy for them. She is an answer to many, many prayers and will be cherised by Mom and Dad forever.

Other than that, I've been working on a clutch purse for a friend and took a pic of my progress. I don't think you can see the cables real well, but here's what I have....


So now I need to shop for a closure, I'm thinking of a neat snap thing. Then I need about one more cable repeat, block and add gussets to the sides and seam them up. I'd say I'm about 75% done and the wedding she needs it for isn't until November... so I'm good!!!

Thinking seriously about joining the Zeeland Civic Chorus this winter for the 68th (I think) performance of Handel's Messiah. I've done it before but it's been years and I'm missing that sort of thing right now. Rehearsals start tomorrow, so I really need to make up my mind. I'll let you know what I decide!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's Thursday.

Nothing special about Thursday. Except that today the sun came out again. Yesterday it was rainy and grey and sad all day, and today the sun came out. Sunshine makes me happy. I know that's a really goofy thing to say, but it's so true. I've always been very affected by the weather, seasonal affect disorder or somethingorother it's called... who knows. I'm just happier when the sun shines. It was a lovely Thursday.

So tomorrow, provided the weather cooperates, we will once again take the kids to the high school football game. We've gone the past five weeks and I think we'll try to make as many as we can before the weather really gets bad. Last week it was VERY chilly, but that was alright. I'm hoping for a warmer evening tomorrow, and no rain, if it rains I'm not going.

I guess I'm totally avoiding the whole mess in Washington and on Wall Street. I mean, it's killing me to think that all that greed and mishandling of everything could really ruin my future and that of my kids and my parents and stuff. But I try to avoid thinking about it as much as I can. I think if I think about it too much I'll get all depressed and I just can't let that happen. It may start other things that I really don't want to happen like drinking binges, eating binges, and just generally unhealthy behavior from this thirty something wife and mother. That is just not a pretty sight!!! In the meantime I'm going to pretend that everything is fine and we are going to have new wonderful leadership very soon and the whole thing will just go away and everyone can just come and join me in the loony bin.. there's room for more at this crazy party!!!!

In the meantime I'm spending lots of time on Facebook and Ravelry talking to people who get the kinds of things that I get... yarn is good. You can never have too many handknits to wear, and friends come in ALL shapes/sizes/ages/colors/degrees of fuzzyness... you get the idea. Oh, and I'm dying to make another sweater... just as soon as I can afford the yarn again....

I almost forgot... my horoscope (I never read these things anymore, but it totally caught my eye.) said that I should change the plan that's not working, or something like that. I was just thinking about the fact that the music thing isn't coming out like I thought (I haven't heard more, but I'm not getting a good feeling) and I've been getting the itch to audition for a play at the Civic theatre. Is that totally crazy? I mean it would mean more time for myself, less for the family, but I really want to try! Does that make me selfish? Or just creative? I'm so confused.... But I agree, if it's not working, shouldn't the plans get changed instead of just trying to make the broken plan go the way you think it should go? Ok, I'm babbling again....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It's been a week! Where the heck did the time go????

So, yes it was a busy week. Mainly I was getting ready to do my very first craft show! My sister, Mom and I got a table at my church's annual craft show for our handknits and jewelry (Mom's the jewelry maker and she's awesome!). My son also got in the action and made up several bracelets that were really cute. Sis made Christmas ornaments that were adorable, and I made several (dozen) washcloth/dishcloths along with scarves and a few other odds and ends.

Here's a few pics of our table...

Craft Show

the ornaments are on the tree....

Craft Show_00

This was so cute!! I think everyone should have one this year, don't you???

And here's my stash...

Craft Show_01

Ok, the two things at the front were NOT mine... just sayin'.

So, we had lots of people come and look and not very many sales. Unfortunately. I really would like to do it again, but next time I'll have to knit up different things because there were several other sellers with the cloths and lots of other jewelers (although Mom did ok). Sis sold a couple ornaments, but nothing close to what we were hoping. So we'll think about it. That's all I can say for our first experience. But it was fun.

Now I'm just thinking of a few gift ideas, so I won't say them here, and my friend just asked me to make her a clutch for a wedding she has next month. I've started that today, but I'm not sure if the yarn is right, although I think it's going to be fine. We'll see!

Oh, and I had another friend (these are both co-workers whom I adore!!) who had a baby yesterday!!! Remember the baby hat and booties I made awhile ago? Yes, their new owner was born yesterday. I will go meet Carly Ann (not sure how she spelled it..)this weekend, let Mama get back on her feet as I'm working all week and stuff anyway!!!! Hopefully I'll get a pic of her wearing them and be able to post it next week. Won't that be awesome!!!!

Off to make sure that my kids are getting in the shower, it's that day of the week!!!! (yes, we have to schedule things like this...)