Yes, it's Tuesday, which in my world is the Day of the Errands!!! Although, it really wasn't too bad.. of course, it's not over yet!!! So for several weeks the kids have told me that they knew what they wanted to be for Halloween and that they were going to use stuff we already had here in the house and all would be well... until this weekend. No all of a sudden younger son decided that he wants to be "something scary!" What's that supposed to mean??? Well, in nine-year-old land, I think it means gross. At the very least, disturbing. And that, means buying at least a mask to wear over that darling little face of his. Oh the agony!!! So tonight after homework we are heading out to shop for a mask or whatever... ugh!
Today I did get to go to my usual Tuesday morning women's Bible study class that I have been doing for several years. The past two weeks I've had to go to the partner class on Wednesday evenings that is truly lovely, but it's not MY class, you know what I mean? It was so nice to see all my "girls" again!!! And you know what? The best part was, they said they missed me too!!!! What an awesome group of ladies they are, truly. And all this time that I've been working extra and stressed out... they've been praying for me and for my friend. They are such a blessing to me and I am happy to get to know each of them better all the time.
Ok, enough sappyness. I love sappyness, but that's enough even for me. Helping ys with math homework while watching the clock until it's time to pick up os from basketball tryouts... we'll see how that goes and I'll let ya'll know when I know if he makes the team or not. Is it bad of me to almost hope he doesn't make it so I don't have to attend all those games??? Oh, I'm definitely the world's best mother today, aren't I??? Oh well, I love them anyway. They're just stuck with me!!!!
11 years ago