I thought that I would show off a few of my knitted items. I will tell you that most of the things I knit come from patterns that I've found for free via the internet. I have purchased a few, but mostly I save my money for yarn and get the patterns for free (and it's legal folks) when I can. That's another thing about my knitting. I'm an equal opportunity yarn shopper. What I mean is, I love LYS shopping, seriously!! But sometimes what I need/want for a pattern is found right at Michael's or JoAnn's or something. I'm not opposed to shopping at those places whatsoever, so basically I'm not what my sister calls a "yarn snob" but I'd love to be. I love all the high quality fibers that feel like melted sunshine in your hands and next to your face, but I also know that there are times and certain projects that a less-expensive yarn will totally do the trick!!!
That being said, the first pair of socks I made for myself look like this....

The pattern is from an actual book (slouch sock pattern by Sandi Rosner, in the book Not Just More Socks) and the yarn is from LYS, namely from Friends of Wool in Holland, Michigan. I fell in love with the purples and pinks, they are my favorites!! Well, so are blues and greens and .. you get the idea. I shopped at FOW because I was told they had a great selection of self striping sock yarn and they do! I had no idea what they would look like when they were done because it was the first time I'd used that yarn and that pattern but I love them. They are not exactly the same, the stripes are slightly different because of how I started the second sock, and I don't care!!! A lot of knitters care about very matchy matchy socks, but I don't. I think it gives them character!!!!! Anyway, just a brag about my first pair. When I can find more to take pictures of I'll post them, but right now I have two pair that are MIA somewhere in my house.
Ok, so on to another topic. I have two sons, as mentioned in the first post. Elder son is such a joy most of the time, but very shy and quiet (most of the time). My younger son is such a free spirit. His idea last weekend was to dye his hair green. Yes, green. Our school colors are green and gold, so he thought about having green hair for the first football game and beginning of school (which starts next Tuesday). So here's younger son with green goo all in his hair....

And here's him after we rinsed....

I think he was disappointed that it wasn't glowing, but alas, he only left it in for 20 minutes. I think next time (yes, we're doing it again) we will leave it in for a couple hours!!!! More on that later....
So that's all for right now. I'm off to make some lunch and shop for buttons before knit night! Later.
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