Are you ready??? I am!!! Finally I'm feeling really relaxed. My shopping is done, only need to wrap up a couple things too. Also in the past two nights I finished two knitting projects that I was hoping to get done before the big day. I started another one that would be nice to get done in time, but it's not totally necessary. So I should have some good gift-giving vibes this year like usual. I totally love giving the perfect gift! I know this year I wasn't able to spend lots of cash, but I got something special for the people on my list, and that's what matters. Even if my silly neice only wanted a gift card. Seriously, she's such a shopper she just wanted gift cards. Or money. I chose the gift card. Maybe she'll let me tag along this year for the annual mall day after Christmas? Maybe?
So this new computer is divine, but I haven't loaded in the camera software, and I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to since the camera we have is also from 2001. I haven't tried that hard yet either, so we'll see. I'm truly hoping to share lots of pics next week after the big day so I can have all my handknits properly shown off on the proper peoples!!!!
So my friend at work became a Grandma on Sunday. How perfect!!! But they need some prayers tonight because baby Dakota is in the hospital and we're not entirely sure what's going on. He's lost a lot of weight. In fact a whole 12% of his weight. This is not good. And he's puking up bright yellow stuff. So let's just pray they figure it out and he can be a good eater and gain lots of pudgyness in the coming weeks, ok!!!! He's sure a cutie patootey!!!
One week. I love Christmas!!!!
11 years ago
Will pray for Dakota for sure.
Seriously, if you utter the words "Want" "go" "mall" to Em, she's game! LOL!
I know, it's just finding the time!!! I'm really going to try to go with you and her this year!!!
I heard this morning that Dakota is doing well. He ended up going home last night which is great and his Grandma is heading over to spend the day to let Mama get some rest while she can. Thanks for your prayers!!!
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