That's how I felt after I ran the Zeeland Zoom 5k last night! Since I hadn't really been training for speed (that 1/2 marathon is my main focus right now) and I only ran my last 5k three and a half weeks ago, my goal was just to finish around 30 minutes. So I ran a couple of easy miles (training plan called for 5 total for the day) and walked around for a good hour before the race. The weather was perfect. It's was in my town so I was familiar with the streets. It's a super flat course, so I knew I could finish strong. I was feeling good! I'd gotten a free entry from my chiropractor's office so I didn't even have to pay!!! Woohoo!
So I found a couple friends from church at the starting line and we talked about how fast we were hoping to finish. I figured we'd be all pretty close together, so I wasn't worried even though we were pretty close to the front. Closer than I usually am. Then the gun went off. My friend Lori was off like a shot (this didn't surprise me, she's a speedy one!) and I just focused on my music and my breathing. My pace was good, quick, but good. I felt really good on that first mile and knew I was heading to beat my last best time. Just before mile 2 I realized I had to use the bathroom. Not a little bit... I had to PEE!!!! Oh my goodness... what the heck to do????
Yup, I kept going. And going... and by the time I was finished with the race, I still had to pee soooo bad.... it was not pretty!!! I finished a little quicker than my last race, but I seriously think if I'd have been running on an empty bladder I could have run even faster. Who knows, I finished and that's all that really matters! So now off to finish the rest of my training. I'm thinking about another 5k in a few more weeks.. if I do this one it will be on hills, so I'm not exactly sure if I'll do it, but the challenge might be worth it!!!
But next time... bathroom just before the starting gun... no matter what!!!!
Oh, and I got myself a new handy-dandy heart rate monitor. It's a cool little watch/chest strap combo that monitors your heart rate and tells you exactly how your training is going and how many calories you're burning. I've been wanting one for a while, but finally splurged. I'm hoping it gets me training in the right zones so I don't overdo it but continue to increase my fitness levels as time goes on. The last thing I need is to become another statistic of someone who looks like they are fit and has a heart attack on the sidewalk! No kidding, that happens a lot. I'm hoping this will stop that from happening. Although, I must admit, I was pushing really hard last night!!! Felt good... still feel good, so I'm ok.
I have a little date night planned with my sister tomorrow... I'm hoping we have a blast seeing a band that a friend of mine from college has that's playing a bunch of old 80's alternative music! We used to listen to just that type of music back in high school, so this should be insteresting! Plus, I don't get out much... we should have fun!
11 years ago