Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Another One Bites The Dust....

That's how I felt after I ran the Zeeland Zoom 5k last night! Since I hadn't really been training for speed (that 1/2 marathon is my main focus right now) and I only ran my last 5k three and a half weeks ago, my goal was just to finish around 30 minutes. So I ran a couple of easy miles (training plan called for 5 total for the day) and walked around for a good hour before the race. The weather was perfect. It's was in my town so I was familiar with the streets. It's a super flat course, so I knew I could finish strong. I was feeling good! I'd gotten a free entry from my chiropractor's office so I didn't even have to pay!!! Woohoo!

So I found a couple friends from church at the starting line and we talked about how fast we were hoping to finish. I figured we'd be all pretty close together, so I wasn't worried even though we were pretty close to the front. Closer than I usually am. Then the gun went off. My friend Lori was off like a shot (this didn't surprise me, she's a speedy one!) and I just focused on my music and my breathing. My pace was good, quick, but good. I felt really good on that first mile and knew I was heading to beat my last best time. Just before mile 2 I realized I had to use the bathroom. Not a little bit... I had to PEE!!!! Oh my goodness... what the heck to do????

Yup, I kept going. And going... and by the time I was finished with the race, I still had to pee soooo bad.... it was not pretty!!! I finished a little quicker than my last race, but I seriously think if I'd have been running on an empty bladder I could have run even faster. Who knows, I finished and that's all that really matters! So now off to finish the rest of my training. I'm thinking about another 5k in a few more weeks.. if I do this one it will be on hills, so I'm not exactly sure if I'll do it, but the challenge might be worth it!!!

But next time... bathroom just before the starting gun... no matter what!!!!

Oh, and I got myself a new handy-dandy heart rate monitor. It's a cool little watch/chest strap combo that monitors your heart rate and tells you exactly how your training is going and how many calories you're burning. I've been wanting one for a while, but finally splurged. I'm hoping it gets me training in the right zones so I don't overdo it but continue to increase my fitness levels as time goes on. The last thing I need is to become another statistic of someone who looks like they are fit and has a heart attack on the sidewalk! No kidding, that happens a lot. I'm hoping this will stop that from happening. Although, I must admit, I was pushing really hard last night!!! Felt good... still feel good, so I'm ok.

I have a little date night planned with my sister tomorrow... I'm hoping we have a blast seeing a band that a friend of mine from college has that's playing a bunch of old 80's alternative music! We used to listen to just that type of music back in high school, so this should be insteresting! Plus, I don't get out much... we should have fun!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Heaven Help Us....

My son got his learner's permit yesterday. That means he can drive. With a parent (or designated adult over 21) and closely supervised, but he is on the road. With other cars. In traffic sometimes. On the highways. Yup, I'm nervous. Who wouldn't be??? But you know what? He's pretty good. For a beginner. And he's still just that, a beginner. So say a prayer and watch out for my little white minivan... he's probably behind the wheel!!! Heaven help us!!!!

On another note, heaven got another angel this week. A dear lady I have known for many, many years passed away. She was the nicest lady in our little neighborhood and ALWAYS had a smile for all of us. Her three kids are dear friends and we grew up doing all sorts of crazy things together... I won't get into all that here, but suffice to say I still love these three so much! Two of them stood up in my wedding!!!! Anyway, their Mom is now an angel watching us from heaven instead of the front door.. or the window... or the kitchen counter. I can honestly say she is the kind of Mom I hope to be. She was one of a kind, and we will all truly miss her. The only shining light on losing her now, is that she was really sick. She had dimentia and ALS. The last 2 years were hard for the entire family, and she is now at rest. This is good, but it doesn't mean the loss is less difficult. So we will celebrate her life, grieve with her family and friends, and thank God for the time we had with Sandy. Take care of her, Father... and use this new angel wisely!!!!

I hit a new weight loss goal today, I'm not sharing my actual numbers here just yet, but know that I'm smaller than my wedding weight. Actually, I'm smaller than I've been in so long I can't remember the last time I was this weight! Kind of amazing, but also a little sad. I'm shooting to continue at this point and see where my body settles in. I think I have another 10 pounds to lose, but we'll see. When I'm done, I'll try to post a before and after. I don't have a good before, but there's one that I think might work... I'll need to do some cropping, but it might give you an idea of where I've come from!!!!

I'm on vacation for the next nine days, so if something comes to me that I want to share, I'll have more freedom to write. Hoping to pick up my guitar again this week.. and get a pedicure... and clean my house... and hit the pool or waterpark... yes, I have big goals! God bless you, and Sandy... say hi to my Dad if you see him up there!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lessons Learned????

This post is about something I'm not good at.... saying no. It's a lesson that I've tried to learn in the past couple of years and while I'm getting better at it, I still haven't mastered it. I think it's a girl thing. Or a mom thing. Maybe just a me thing. I like to be needed! I love to do things for other people. But sometimes I have to say no. I just can't do everything for everyone!!! Especially if I need to take care of myself and my family. They really should come first, after all!!!!

But this spring I got roped into something of which I'm pretty proud. I have a friend from my church who is an awesome single dad. He has two teenagers that he is raising alone. He's doing a great job! His kids are polite, smart, eager to help others, friendly, and involved in church. This fall, my friend (who is a youth group leader himself) was hurt, at youth group! His foot was toast. He's since been off work, had two surgeries and has now lost his job due to having to take so much time off. He's broke. His daughter graduated. There was no way he could do a graduation party. My Bible study group wanted to help. I was volunteered to lead the effort. I didn't say no. She really deserved a party!

So, I planned the party. I shopped for the party (thanks to the financial donations of the ladies of my Bible study group.) I rented the room for the party. I basically put on the party. Did I mention everyone was mysteriously out of town or busy with other engagements??? Yup. I had two ladies come and help decorate. One brought veggies. The rest was me. Well, the Dad did make food and his Mom did too (yum) but the rest was me. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm really not that great of a party planner, but rather to show that I'm a slow learner. I needed to say no. This was stress I didn't need!!! But I really like this family. They don't deserve all the things that are happening to them. It really wasn't hard to do. I didn't spend much of my own money, just some time. What's time and a little effort to help someone in need???? I'm glad I did it. So sometimes it's ok to say yes. Sometimes it's good to feel needed. Sometimes, you just need to do the right thing.

I don't know if I learned my lesson. Mainly because I don't know which lesson I was supposed to learn! Am I taking on too much? Sometimes. Is it good to help people in their time of need? Yes! Even if that means you don't get your laundry or grocery shopping done for the week? Sometimes, that's ok too.... I'll make up for the groceries tomorrow, and as for the laundry... good thing we all have extra clothes!!!!

So I'm looking forward to a weekend with nothing planned. Then I send one kid away for a youth group trip for a week and the other finishes driver's ed and starts a temporary part time job!!!! After that... I'm taking a week off. I need a break!!!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer's HERE!!!

Yup, it's finally summer in West Michigan! It's been a rainy and chilly spring, so this warm up is just what I needed to get in the mood to really get outside! For me, summer is about long walks, bike rides, ice cream and the water. We were hoping to get our boat out last weekend, but both of our cars broke down. Yup, both of them. At the same time. It was not fun at all. Got hubby's car fixed on Friday and mine will be picked up in the morning, but it's been a stressful couple of days. Oh well, it's only money.. right???

So today officially started the training for my first half marathon. The race will be September 24. I'm pumped about it, but nervous too. I really think I can do it and make a respectable time, but I have a ton of training to do. I have a plan, and I think I can stick to it, but it's more running than I've ever done, so let the adventure begin!!!! Tonight was a "2 miles easy" night, which meant my pace was around 12 minute miles. That's not as hard as it was a few months ago, so I'm happy about that, but with the heat and humidity I was literally dripping when I got home!!! Tomorrow is a "non-running" day, which I still hope to get in a workout at the gym with the weights. I found a great standing ab/core workout the other day in a magazine that I'm eager to use. I've done it twice, but with some regular sessions I am hoping to see some inches off my tummy and waist! Besides, a strong core really helps runners... and that's another great reason to do the workout!

I'm sure I'll post more about my training runs as they get harder, and longer, and faster... so if it bores you, I apologize. Truly I just want to be the best me I can be... and running is making me stronger inside and out. What more can I ask for???? Besides... there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a hot mama, right?

Gotta go get the hubby soon since I have his car and mine's still at the shop. Hope you have a great night!!! TTFN.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Well, I Did It!!!!

I ran a 5k yesterday to benefit Wings of Mercy. It was a really nice, flat course and a beautiful summer morning!!! My goal was to beat my last 5k time, which was 36:37 back in October. I knew I could do it, but wasn't exactly sure if I could be under 30 minutes. Well, I pushed really hard and I did it!!! I came in at 29:35 and I was so proud of myself! Came in 12th of 23 in my age group and realized that if I can knock off another 5 minutes I may just be at the top of my group at my next race!!!! Not sure if that will happen this summer, but what an incentive!!!!

Because I'd only ran the 5k yesterday, instead of a long run like I usually do, I kind of felt like I needed to run today. Usually on Sunday's I go to the gym and lift weights for a while, so today I ran up there (1.5 miles) and lifted and ran home. It was great! Just enough running to feel like I did it but not so much that I was over tired or stressed, and plenty of time to lift as well!!! I'm turning into a fitness person, and I wouldn't have guessed that was ever possible.

Time for laundry and dinner! I love weekends... but they are NEVER long enough!!!!

Oh, side note, my baby starts driver's ed tomorrow. I think I may feel older than ever before. He's totally excited, and I'm just his old lady now!!!!! Life is moving too fast....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What The?????

How have I not blogged in so long? I don't know, it's been a little crazy. Anyway... so what's new? Tom finished up his freshman year at Summit and has decided to go to Zeeland West next year. He has my blessing on this, but it still scares me. I know being at Summit was good for him this year and as much as I think another year wouldn't have hurt, this is his decision and he has valid reasons for going back to be at the "normal" school. Such big changes, but his maturity is starting to show and I'm so proud of the young man he's becoming. He also started driver's ed next week, and while I'm nervous, he's so excited and proud of himself for earning it. He needed to pass his classes before I'd pay for it... he did, so now I pay!

We had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Jim was home for most of it and David played with the band in his first parade! He looked so cute out there. They got really hot during, but it was good. Our town's parade isn't super long, so that's good, and we were able to park near enough that the walk back to the car wasn't horrible. After the parade I took my first of what I hope are many walks on the Grand Haven pier. It was busy but it was still a great walk. The weather is finally looking and feeling more like summer and I am so thankful for that!!! Being cold is just not fun for me at all!!!

So today we had a bit of a problem. On Monday Jim's muffler fell off. Not completely, but it's hanging on by a thread and needs desparately to be fixed. We took it in when he got back in town today, only to have my heater core go out. So instead of getting his muffler done tomorrow, my car is in the shop! Hopefully that won't cost a fortune and we can still get the muffler fixed. I don't think God wants me to have money. That's ok, I'd just like to have enough in the bank that when this stuff happens I don't panic. Like now. I'm panicking!!!! Well, not really, but we really just can't afford this right now... I'm trusting God will provide, but it's not easy.

Doing another 5k on Saturday, and this one is with my awesome sister!!! It will be her first, and I am so excited to be able to be there at the finish line cheering her on!!! I think we'll probably start together, but I'm sure my pace will be faster, and that's ok. My hope is to have somebody take our pic together when we're done (I know she doesn't like this idea, but maybe she'll change her mind then?) so I can brag her up!!!! Just finishing is such an accomplishment, and I know she will do great. I'm hoping to shave off a little time from my last one (back in October which was 36:37) so we'll see what kind of pace I can keep up! I don't know if I can yet, but I'm hoping to break 30!!!! We'll see, and I won't be upset if I don't.... at least not that upset!

Oh, and on another note... the new Chaco sandals I got with my birthday money are AMAZING!!!!!!! Highly recommend!!!!