I just wanted to say today that although I feel super stressed, overworked, underloved and definately underpaid and underappreciated, I am so blessed. Explain? Ok, I will.
I have friends right now suffering from cancer, friends that might possibly have MS, friends whose spouses are suffering from dementia, friends that are dealing with deaths of loved ones (we've all been there) basically all sorts of bad and unfun things. I'm alright. That in itself is a major blessing. My family is healthy, I'm healthy (mostly) and although I'm exhausted, I'm not dying. Noone can promise how long you'll live, I know that better than most, but I can live with the hope of a long and productive life and right now I see that as a great thing.
I have a job. My husband has a job. Neither are the best paying most ultimately satisfying jobs ever made, but we are working and are (for the most part) able to afford our current lifestyle and the occasional fun item and we'll have presents under the tree again this Christmas. I think that in the state of the current economy especially in Michigan, this is a thing to be very thankful for, and I am thankful.
I have so much else to be thankful for. The gift of music, the gift of laughter (my kids are banging around together giggling in the next room and that makes me smile) the gift of friendship, and yes, even the gift of knitting. Knitting is an art and I believe that art is a gift, so I'm thankful for knitting. It makes me happy and that's a blessing.
On that note, I've been knitting a couple pairs of socks these past few weeks that I don't have pics of yet (camera batteries are dead and I keep forgetting to buy new ones) but since they're not done, I'll keep the suspense going. I'm heading to Lansing on the 15th with hubby to see some old friends and I'm going to hogtie him if I have to so I can stop at Threadbear and pick up a sweater's worth of something!!! I NEED to make myself another sweater. My first one was a huge success and I love to wear it so much I'm afraid it's the only thing I'm going to wear on my days off until I make another.. so I need to buy yarn NOW!!! Hopefully I'll find the right yarn next weekend to cast on, the sooner the better!!!!
Today I hope that you find the things that are blessings in your life. Even the littlest things count. List them, even a few, and I'll guarantee that when the snow starts to fly you'll feel better. At least on the inside, where it's warm, and there's fuzzy handknits to keep you even warmer.
11 years ago
Ooo! Pet the Malabrigo for me at ThreadBear. And yes, we are truly blessed, aren't we?
Very well put! We should all be thankful for the things we have in our life.
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