Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day!

Ok, is that even a real name for today? I don't know.. but I voted! Did you???? I hope so, even if you didn't vote for who I voted for, it's your vote so make it count!!!!

I got some new makeup today to go along with the new hair (which I still don't have a great pic of, sorry) and I'm so excited to try it out!!!! Somedays it's the little things, you know????

My lovely friend Coggie tagged me on her blog post that I'm supposed to play along this little game called: list 6 quirky yet boring/unspectacular things about myself. Or something like that. This will probably not be easy.. let's see... in absolutely no particular order...

1. I often randomly break into song. This happens without me even consciously being aware of it. Sometimes I am singing what I hear on the radio, occasionally in harmony. Sometimes it's what's in my head. Sometimes I harmonize with the song in my head. That's when I freak people out.

2. I hate mushrooms. Actually, they sort of freak me out. Why anyone would eat fungus that grows in the shady part of the undergrowth in the forest is beyond my comprehension. I don't like them on or around any of the food I eat, never have and never will. Even the thought of having to put a mushroom in my mouth literally makes me vomit a little. Gross.

3. I can go months without shaving my legs. I know, it's gross. But most of the winter I just don't really see the point. My legs are always covered and no one ever sees them and I really don't care so I just don't take the time or the energy which can be better spent on other things. I have no idea what I mean, but I just don't shave until spring usually. I know what you might think, but since my husband and I work such off hours, even he never sees my legs. It's truly sad.

4. I cut my grilled cheese sandwiches into triangles, diagonally across the middle. Not any of my other sandwiches, just grilled cheese. I'm not sure why, but part of my brain seems to think they taste better that way. When it's not cut like that I just don't enjoy it nearly as much.

5. I eat things in twos. Candy, cookies, pretzels, peanuts, etc. If you see me nibbling on something, most of the time, you'll see me grab two of whatever that is at a time. I can't help it, it's a sickness. There are just no reasons for most of these things, I swear.

6. I hate to call people on the phone. This didn't used to be a problem for me, but it is seriously a thing I avoid like the plague now. I think it's because of all the emailing I do. Maybe because I just hate feeling like I'm interrupting people and don't want to be a bother. I will call certain people (family mostly) and will make the necessary calls for my job, but when I'm thinking of someone and would like to know how they are doing, I just drop them an email really quickly and that's how I start most of my conversations these days. I used to be the girl on the phone for hours a night while I was a teenager, but I just can't seem to do that anymore. I love it when people call me, and will still talk forever, but I don't call people. What the heck is wrong with my brain???? I have no idea. If you have a cure for my sickness, please share!!!!

Ok, so if I'm going to tag five people who might actually read this and play along, (I have no idea if anyone reads this, so if you do, please let me know) let's try... Lori, Trish, Amy, Margo, Angie... and Coggie, this all your fault but I already read yours!!!


margokp said...

aargh... Coggie just tagged me... and now you too?? tat means I have to come up with another 6 things??

Coggie said...

We all read this :) you are very interesting. I can't wait to see the new hair cut.

Oh, and I think how it plays out is if you have been tagged already, you only have to do it once :)