I've talked before about how blessed I feel at this stage in my life and that is even more true this Thanksgiving holiday. I know it's tomorrow, but my hope is that I'll have such a turkey coma going on that I won't even feel like touching the computer!!! I love holidays. Especially those that bring family together. My only wish this year would be getting my ENTIRE family together, but I know that's not likely as they are spread out all over. But our immediate family is nearby and that's enough. Really, it's awesome!!!
So I took younger son to a movie yesterday... Bolt in 3d!! IT WAS AWESOME!!! I laughed so hard that I was crying literal tears! I couldn't catch my breath. Hilarious!!! Ok, go see it, seriously!!! My vacation has been very relaxing yet slightly productive. Didn't even realize you could do both!!! Duh!!! Finished knitting one present, realized I have lots more to do and I'm a little frazzled, but trying not to let it get to me. Most of our shopping is done thanks to a "quick" trip to Kmart the other day!!! Holy cow, great deals!!! Suddenly I'm realizing that I'm almost ready for Christmas and ds is asking to put the ornaments on the tree today!! Yippee!!! At least I have one kid in the house that likes to help, the other one would rather sulk or play video games. But then, he's 12, what else can I say???
Ok, so I was just on facebook (big shocker) and took this quiz, let's see if it will post here....
Your Result: The Lively Center of Attention - Bad result? Click here to take the quiz again!
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not one to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
Can you believe it??? I like to be the center of attention. Never would have guessed it. Never. And I never use sarcasm either. Ever.
Happy Thanksgiving.
11 years ago