Friday, May 8, 2009

Catching up...

So I uploaded some new pics from my camera today, mainly because I haven't done that in over a month and thought it was time to save them on the hard drive!!! So here's a little catch up....

The boys' birthday celebration at our house....

Party time

And with a present....

Tom's birthday

David's birthday

And just because my kid is crazy and loves to be different, here he is with his blue mohawk and his guitar... he's a rock star!!!!

My rock star

And yes, he always walks around shirtless... it's just his style I guess. I've got more pics from the parades from the last couple days, but I want to condense those or we'd be looking at them forever trying to see who looks familiar... but the bands were awesome, the kids did a great job!!!!

Enjoy this weekend, we're hitting yet another parade tomorrow!!!!

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