Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Holy moly. There's nothing new going on here except the major amounts of snow we've already gotten. Even us hardy Michiganders are sick of winter already and it's only just begun!!! Egads!!!

So to keep myself warm and snuggly, I've been knitting. What's new???? Only a couple things.....

I finished a hat yesterday which I really need since I can't seem to find any good head coverings...

My Meret

And I'm still working on a sweater. I actually started this on New Year's Day, as part of a sweater knitalong/new years cast on project thingie for my friends on Rav. Basically I was just waiting until the holidays were over, but I've been wanting to knit this particular sweater for a few months already and had purchased the yarn back in November!!!!

Here's what I have done so far...

Mr. Bluejeans

It's not done, but it's pretty close!!! Just needed to take a break, my hands are starting to scream at me and then I'm getting hungry too. Thought I'd work a little on the computer first. I love my new camera... can you tell?????

1 comment:

BammerKT said...

Wow, you kicked butt on that sweater! The hat is adorable too. Great job!