Well, I was lucky enough to spend the day as a chaperone for the middle school youth group on a trip to Michigan's Adventure! I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew a lot of the kids likely to go and I wanted to ride the rides and have fun in the sun, do I found someone to take my work shift and I went. What a most excellent day! I hung out mostly with six other girls, two other adults (I'm old enough to be their mother, but they were at least 18) and four crazy 7th and 8th graders. Awesome!!!! Here's a pic of the girls I took while waiting in line for the logger run. I got completely soaked and it was fun!!!!
This is Hannah, Reagan, Elizabeth, Allison, Chelsea, and RaeLynn! Together the 7 of us completely giggled, screamed and chatted our way through most of the park today and basically had the best day I've had in a very long time! I will be doing this again for sure!!!!!
11 years ago