Yup, so there's been a lot going on in my life and I haven't updated this since before I went to the most amazing concert ever!!!! That weekend was AWESOME! I spent some much needed girl time with my awesome friend, saw not one but TWO cool concerts (total of 6 bands) and drank too much beer. I relaxed, I screamed, I ate, I enjoyed. That's what the good things in life are all about, in my opinion. Life is good.
So, the summer wrapped up like usual, running around trying to get everything together at the last possible second and panicking that the weather decided that my plan to not buy jeans for a few more weeks was not acceptable so I sent my son to school in shorts when it was 45 degrees out in the morning. Yup, I'm supermom. NOT!!!! Anyway, we got him a pair tonight so he can wear them to the big football game tomorrow night.
Speaking of football, I love this time of year. I only have one kid playing this year so it's much easier to keep track of, but that doesn't slow us down. We'll still see many of the varsity games because, let's face it, there's not much else to do as a family in a small town, and we all love football!!!! Tomorrow evening is the big East/West game here in our town where the two high schools play each other. We root for West, and both teams are really good. We get to be the home team this time. This is good so we don't have to face the sunset. I love football.
In two weeks I will be running my first half marathon. This both excites me and freaks me out! I know I can finish, I just hope I make a good time. I have a goal, and I think I can do it, but it still freaks me out a little. My college roomie is coming to run with me. She's not a newbie like me. I miss her! We haven't seen each other in just over two years. The before and after pics will be coming!!!! We've both lost weight and shaped up in the past two years!!!
Speaking of weight loss, I'm still losing. I want to lose a little more, but people are telling me I don't need to lose more. I'm having a hard time comprehending how they know what my ideal weight should be just based on looking at me fully clothed. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I'm still not quite satisfied at my current weight and would like to lose another 5-10 but don't want to look like a skeleton either. I still have quite a belly (thanks genetics!) which I know doesn't really show when I'm dressed, but I still see it. I hope this isn't just a body image thing, and I don't seriously think it is, but I just think a few more pounds would be perfect. Of course, if my body rebelled and said this is where I should stay, I would be fine with that. I think. I'm just confused, but I'm hoping I'll know when I should stop once I get there. There's no science to my choosing a goal weight, I just can't find an answer on this anywhere, but I'm finally into my "healthy" BMI range (which isn't exactly rocket science) and I'd like to be well into that range, I guess. See, no science, just a feeling.
My knee hurts from my run today. Crazy how that just popped into my head. I'm so random. If you've kept up with this post, I commend you. I scored two pair of nice jeans for myself at the new Goodwill store in my town this week. Today I put on one pair and found a dollar in the pocket. God is good!!!!
11 years ago