Not much new going on in la-la land. Oh, I'm still running.. haven't missed a training run, but really that's about it! I had a week of vacation in which I accomplished squat-nothing... I went back to work and it was the same old stuff-different day... just nothing new in my life! I guess that's ok, but I'm totally bored right now! I'm ready for some adventure... but it will have to wait. Reality can really suck sometimes.
But... on the other hand... in the past year, I've lost 40 pounds. I've become a runner. I've transformed by body from a chubby size 14/16 to a size 6. I've learned how to take care of this temple and gift from God called the human body. I've inspired others to take better care of themselves. I've used every opportunity available to raise my voice in song. I've maintained friendships with some of the best people on this earth. I've cheered for my children, cried for them, and enjoyed them often. I've danced in the rain. I've read a lot of books. I've watched some really bad tv. I've watched the first three Twilight movies about a million times each. Not much, but it's my life.
All in all... it's just fine. Someday I hope to be able to say I live the life of adventure I long for... and today is nowhere near that day. I'm ok with that for the most part. But sometimes, it feels like life is just passing by. Somedays it feels like there's just not much to say. Today is one of those days... Today not much happened.
Maybe tomorrow.....
11 years ago