Life is busy! Work is busy, which I'm thankful for every day. Kids are busy, also thankful but slightly overwhelmed. Family is healthy (except for that two week battle with strep last month, but I'm back up and running now). I have so much to be greatful for!!!
We finally hired someone at work!!! We've been working short staffed for quite awhile which has been a big reason why I've been working so much and have been overwhelmed much of the time, not to mention exhausted. So after months and months of searching, we made a decision and our new co-worker starts May 4!!!! I couldn't be happier, but as the last two hires did not work out so well (I won't get into it) we are cautiously optomistic that she will be around for the long haul. She's young and bright and hard-working, and that's what is most important at this point!!!
I have been knitting, but not much at all. Still working on Shalom which I started I think in Feb, had to frog back and reknit some and it's just boring at this point and since it's warming up I've just not gotten in the mood to knit a warm snuggly sweater, although I'd love to see it done by fall!!! Quickly knit up a sleeveless vest for work, but as I'm almost finished (I could be done in just an afternoon now) I realized it looks really bad on me. I mean, hideous!!! Not sure if it's the gauge, the pattern, the extra 40 pounds I'm carrying in my midsection right now... could be a combination... it's just wrong. So now I'm debating; finish and keep for later, finish and give away, or frog it. Feeling a little defeated here.
On the up side... my wonderful Mother-in-law whom I made some socks for for Christmas told me proudly that she LOVES her socks, wears them as much as possible and wouldn't mind one day if I had enough time another pair or ten???? She's so sweet, definitely thinking of a great Mother's Day prez, huh!!!!
Ok, I'm going to hit the sack, and since I have no new pics, and the Wings won last night, I'll leave you with this......

from a few years ago in Grand Rapids after the Wings won the cup. An awesome sight indeed....