Friday, June 12, 2009


So we've been on vacation this week. Sunday we travelled to Detroit to take in a Tiger's game.. which they WON!! Even got to see a grand slame!!! It was great, the weather was perfect and the Tiger's won.. perfect start to a summer vacation!

We ended up spending Sunday evening at a hotel in Dearborn, went and saw "Up" at the movie theater, and Monday morning headed off to the Henry Ford Museum! That was fun, Jim has pictures on his camera, but I haven't uploaded them yet. We spent the morning and part of the afternoon wandering around the museum (which was awesome) and then in the afternoon took the Ford Rouge Factory tour! That was so neat!! There were two movie shows about the history of Ford and of the factory (very much cooler than it sounds) and we actually got to see them putting together F-150's! I think we must look at them when we shop for cars next time.. very nice trucks!

Anyway, we came home and vegged out most of Tuesday and Wednesday which was awesome. I finished up a sweater I'd been knitting and Thursday was able to wear it to Knit Nite! Thursday I spent most of the day cleaning out my closet, which was WAY overdue! Who knew how much crap you could accumulate in ten years of living in the same house! I finished up today (Friday) and we had dinner out since hubs didn't feel like cooking and neither did I!! So we're home in time for the hockey game... the FINAL game of the year, and I'm on pins and needles!!! Wings HAVE to win tonight.. just HAVE TO!!!!

So I'm in my comfy clothes, going to sit in my comfy chair and try to knit while watching hockey in just a little bit!!! Sounds like vacation to me!!! And tomorrow afternoon I'll be at WWKIP day.. which is a bunch of knitter's hanging out in public (see ya tomorrow Spring Lake!) and knitting!!! FUN!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quick update...

So it's been a week of living my new life, eating better and moving more! I'm keeping it simple here folks!!! After only seven days... I'm down four pounds!! Now, I realize that this is probably not going to be the typical week for me, I was really only hoping for one or two pounds, but I'll take it!! It feels good, it's motivating me to continue, and that's the important thing. I already know that I'll blow it when we're at the baseball game on Sunday (go Tigers) but if I do it's ok, I just need to make consistantly good choices the rest of the week and make sure I excersize.

Next week we are taking vacation, so a trip to Detroit (again, go Tigers, and Wings) for a day or two is in order! Plus we have yard work to do and I've needed to clean out my closet for like two years and have putting it off. I WILL get that sucker cleaned and organized!!!! At least I'll count it as excersize, right!!! I'm also hoping that the weather warms up so we can take the boat out for a float... wouldn't that be nice!!!!

Ok, off to knit.. I'm working on some stuff to sell at the craft fair this fall... more details some other time...

Monday, June 1, 2009


Holy cow!!! Will allergy season ever end this year???? I swear I've been more miserable this spring than I have since I started getting shots almost seven years ago!!! Seriously, between the congestion and the itchy eyes which turned into an eye infection, and having strep a while back, I'm just miserable!!!!

Gotta love Michigan in the spring time!!!!

Speaking of which... where the heck is summer???? I'm SO ready for boat weather.... SO ready!!!!!

And to prepare, I've started yet another diet. This time, however, I'm not thinking of it as a diet, but as a way of life. I WILL get these pounds off and KEEP them off this time... SERIOUSLY!!!!! I mean, what do I have to lose, except feeling like a fatty and looking like one too. I'm ready to be a hot mama again!!!!! Look out, here I come!!!!